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Airport City Trading Centre

How important is the travel agency? I never got around to building it and now I can't find it in my buildings or parts for flying. I don't remember being asked to build one but I probably was, just missed doing so and now the request is gone. How badly did I mess up?

What is really strange, with all the flying I have done, I do not have any of the parts in my warehouse.

Think its only for ANDROID USERS.
Back on the forums after a lengthy time away and I have a few questions.

1. I placed on top 100 and have still not got my coins/medals. How do I claim them?
2. I "finished" the mail quest but only built a mail kiosk and broadcast tower. Is that it?

Mail kiosk and broadcast twr. Thats it. Mail kiosk for completing the second collection 4 times and brdcst twr for completing the quest.
Got my scooter, which was practicing to balance itself from the flights. Will continue normal flights now and just require a parcel to complete it. Lets see in tonights visiting session.
Quest not completed. Its a NOT. The parcel did not drop. Think i am going to have quite a problem, as is the case for all the last drop items.
Back on the forums after a lengthy time away and I have a few questions.

1. I placed on top 100 and have still not got my coins/medals. How do I claim them?
2. I "finished" the mail quest but only built a mail kiosk and broadcast tower. Is that it?

Hi Marsm! Welcome back! I don't know the answer to your first question but the kiosk and tower were all I got from the quest. You could build post offices during quest too.
Referring to the world map monthly challenge... After some very intense flying, I got a first place for Saint Petersburg and a second place for North Observatory. About 11 hours ago (at around 1000hrs BST), I had a message pop up saying "congratulations - for your 2nd place," and it said that my reward was something like a black barrel of oil, two gold tokens and about eight silver tokens. There was something else that looked like a tube of toothpaste, and also one item towards a spaceship quest. I got no further message about the first place that I achieved so I've had zero reward for all my efforts on this destination.

Separately, I'm finding that the game is crashing frequently (on the iPad2) and this may be related to visiting the world map and/or the IOS7 update. It's like going back in time because when the game does crash and I reopen it, it re-sets to the previous game state. Very frustrating.

Finally, back to the monthly world map challenge, I had a look at the leader boards for the green jet flight this morning. After just 11 hours, one player had flown the green jets to six different destinations and had accumulated a total number of flights amounting to 409. As green jets average maybe 3.5 to 4 hour duration, it must take a massive commitment in effort, oil, passengers, greenies, etc to achieve what this player has done. Bearing in mind that I won the monthly challenge last time with a grand total of 91 flights, I am now wondering whether it's worth while even trying to compete against such dedicated and determined players who will win at all costs... (Especially when you don't get a prize for achieving first place, and the second place gives a relatively poor reward). I'd guess that getting a place below 3rd, may not give any reward at all,

I'll probably keep flying at normal rates until there's a new quest, but I'm not expecting to ever again achieve a top three place for any one destination.

Regards to all, Nutty

Thanks for the info Nutty!
Referring to the world map monthly challenge... After some very intense flying, I got a first place for Saint Petersburg and a second place for North Observatory. About 11 hours ago (at around 1000hrs BST), I had a message pop up saying "congratulations - for your 2nd place," and it said that my reward was something like a black barrel of oil, two gold tokens and about eight silver tokens. There was something else that looked like a tube of toothpaste, and also one item towards a spaceship quest. I got no further message about the first place that I achieved so I've had zero reward for all my efforts on this destination.

Separately, I'm finding that the game is crashing frequently (on the iPad2) and this may be related to visiting the world map and/or the IOS7 update. It's like going back in time because when the game does crash and I reopen it, it re-sets to the previous game state. Very frustrating.

Finally, back to the monthly world map challenge, I had a look at the leader boards for the green jet flight this morning. After just 11 hours, one player had flown the green jets to six different destinations and had accumulated a total number of flights amounting to 409. As green jets average maybe 3.5 to 4 hour duration, it must take a massive commitment in effort, oil, passengers, greenies, etc to achieve what this player has done. Bearing in mind that I won the monthly challenge last time with a grand total of 91 flights, I am now wondering whether it's worth while even trying to compete against such dedicated and determined players who will win at all costs... (Especially when you don't get a prize for achieving first place, and the second place gives a relatively poor reward). I'd guess that getting a place below 3rd, may not give any reward at all,

I'll probably keep flying at normal rates until there's a new quest, but I'm not expecting to ever again achieve a top three place for any one destination.

Regards to all, Nutty

Game crashes under ios 6 so don,t think its ios related both gi games seem to crash

For AC send me what you need For tribez code is f517jes. need coral please
We've been neighbours for awhile. I return your gift or send one almost every day. I assume you aren't receiving them - no one else seems to be. Oh well, maybe one day will decide to unblock our games but until then . . . Wish I could help you.
indeed we have that's a shame I do not get them but that's life I guess this game is getting more frustrating all the time I'm getting a bit bored of never getting a complete task unless you spend she'd loads of game cash it's all a con I think
Adam D shows up as username for me, with a beach/sunset photo. markd shows up as markd for me.

LtCol Rehab (may show as "username") - need Long Distance (LD) flight items like spare props, osc beacons, fuel hoses, deicers. LtColRehab2 - need LD flight items, thanks all!
hi I did get a gift from you today so maybe it's fixed lol
So I take it you don't get silvers for finishing in the top 100 on the world map...
I've been in the top 100 a few times last week and got nothing they make it sound like if your in it you get a prize what I cannot understand is how someone can do between Sunday and this morning can possibly do 149 flights that take 8 hours each without time travelling or cheating this game frankly is getting silly if your a Evelyn 40 you get no more game cash there is nowhere to go the chance of getting the golden postage stamp is almost impossible I've been dong the tasks daily and nothing so far after many attempts I have at least 4 of all the items except the telegram whic I'm sure does not exist lol
Wow! Something new. Wiped out? Just see if it comes back or not and then lets see.

Yep, it came back after closing the game. It has happened again a few times since then. I find myself holding my breath every time I open the game ever since my first airport got wiped out.

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