Just wanted to let my neighbours know that I have not given up and hope to be back to normal soon. I did not have a backup of Airport City (I'm bad) so I have to wait for GI to get back to me and hopefully give me a code to get my game back. In the meantime I have been playing a new game and if they can't help, I will just continue along with the new one and ask for neighbours again. Just for fun, I requested my old game be my neighbour so I could take a look at the game I am missing. Happy to see it is still there.
FYI: As for my iPad2 problem. I took it into the Apple store figuring I could have it sent in for a new battery. My iPad was 2.5 years old and the Genius said I had a battery issue where it apparently expanded as my case was not fitting quite like it should be and I had previously noticed a blemish on the screen. I didn't have Apple Care and would you believe they gave me a new one, no charge. I asked the Genius if he was serious, he said yes, I signed for the new one and left. I have not read anything on a recall so why they did this I have no idea. Cheers for Apple!!