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Airport City Trading Centre

Strange things are happening.


Think the aliens may have abducted all my info!

please send nav module or fuel hose to Troglodyte69 (iPad) & spare wire or fuel hose to Troglodyte96 (Blocked-iPhone) thanks
Strange things are happening.

View attachment 49139

Think the aliens may have abducted all my info!

please send nav module or fuel hose to Troglodyte69 (iPad) & spare wire or fuel hose to Troglodyte96 (Blocked-iPhone) thanks
It will be back after you completely close the game and then open it again. Oh! Sorry, it should be deleting the game and then reinstalling it to start over from scratch, is it not?(GI solution).
So far as spaceship launches are concerned it's not a good idea to start one unless you either have enough points to finish alone, 1600 for pad one, or if you can arrange for others to join and help out. There don't seem to be many pad one launches running at the moment as everyone is launching on pad two. I'm happy to start a pad one launch which you can join if you want, just let me know.

Thanks, I may take you up on the offer to start a launch when I have just a bit more stock. I have all the collections to unlock the launch pad 1 but am still flying to get more launch ready boxes.
Thanks, I may take you up on the offer to start a launch when I have just a bit more stock. I have all the collections to unlock the launch pad 1 but am still flying to get more launch ready boxes.
Just let me know when you're ready, I'm happy to launch any time soon.

please send nav module or fuel hose to Troglodyte69 (iPad) & spare wire or fuel hose to Troglodyte96 (Blocked-iPhone) thanks
Thanks, I may take you up on the offer to start a launch when I have just a bit more stock. I have all the collections to unlock the launch pad 1 but am still flying to get more launch ready boxes.

You can get stuff by visiting your neighbor's lab (the white buildings with a telescope)

as for the points, there are items with high points, and the can be used a lot during the launch (powerful explosive bolt, 360 points; box which name I have forgotten, 120 points, and the large fuel tank 40 points) if you sum up 1600 pts with those you are on the safe side.
For the others, even if you have them and the points, you wont necessarily make it. e.g, the thing that brings 24 points need 4 h to refresh so you can use an other one, so the max you can do within24 h (given you dont sleep) is 24(h)/4(h)*24(pt)=144 pt. Add the 2 items @12 pt, with refreshment 2 h, total : 3*144=432, then there is the guy with 6 pt and 1/2 refreshment 6*24*2=288 ( if you really are on the game every 1/2 h during 24h!) 288+432=720... not yet to the requested 1600

Anyway, the best for a 1st launch, it not to try to be first, just wait until some people from the forum are ready, and launch with them.
Thanks, I may take you up on the offer to start a launch when I have just a bit more stock. I have all the collections to unlock the launch pad 1 but am still flying to get more launch ready boxes.
Ready to launch anytime you like. Have about 1000 pts and 10 launch readies waiting in the warehouse.
Is anyone else having problems when visiting neighbours today. After each visit to one neighbour, my screen locks and I have to close the app and reopen it to get it to respond again...am I unique?

I'm having the same problem. Pdxsk2 is on ipad with ios6. I visit one neighbor, return to my airport, but I am locked up. I can touch a few items, but not move the map. Pdxsk3 is on iPhone with ios7, same problem. The workaround I am doing is to visit a neighbor, then use the button to visit another neighbor, instead of first going back to my airport, cause it will lock up. I'm not bothering sending in a ticket to GI...

Pdxsk2 Lvl 40 ipad / Pdxsk3 Lvl 40 iPhone - spare wire or fuel hose please
I'm having the same problem. Pdxsk2 is on ipad with ios6. I visit one neighbor, return to my airport, but I am locked up. I can touch a few items, but not move the map. Pdxsk3 is on iPhone with ios7, same problem. The workaround I am doing is to visit a neighbor, then use the button to visit another neighbor, instead of first going back to my airport, cause it will lock up. I'm not bothering sending in a ticket to GI... Pdxsk2 Lvl 40 ipad / Pdxsk3 Lvl 40 iPhone - spare wire or fuel hose please
Fred said that he had this problem too.
I've had a response from GI. They did their usual checks which came to zilch.
They then asked me to take a screenshot of the problem. I replied that this was futile as the screen was locking and a snapshot would not prove anything. They didn't seem to comprehend my reply but the next email from them told me to delete the game and to start another with a new username. I think that they are suggesting that they can then re-load my old game and all will be well.
I'm very reluctant to do this of course especially as it is due to a relatively minor inconvenience but they are getting quite insistent and they won't leave me alone.
The moral to this saga is to think twice before reporting snags to GI.
The current situation is that I've asked GI for clarifications of their intentions and I've asked for a guarantee that they can get my game back with all it's progress etc...if I do delete it.

Does anyone have any wise advice?
Fred said that he had this problem too. I've had a response from GI. They did their usual checks which came to zilch. They then asked me to take a screenshot of the problem. I replied that this was futile as the screen was locking and a snapshot would not prove anything. They didn't seem to comprehend my reply but the next email from them told me to delete the game and to start another with a new username. I think that they are suggesting that they can then re-load my old game and all will be well. I'm very reluctant to do this of course especially as it is due to a relatively minor inconvenience but they are getting quite insistent and they won't leave me alone. The moral to this saga is to think twice before reporting snags to GI. The current situation is that I've asked GI for clarifications of their intentions and I've asked for a guarantee that they can get my game back with all it's progress etc...if I do delete it. Does anyone have any wise advice? Nutty
My advice is, DON'T DO IT!
In my long running battle with GI, they gave me the impression that if I were to spend all my airport cash, they would fix my game. Like a fool I spent it and did they fix the game? No way!
I tried getting them to give me a clear answer, but to no avail, even tried asking for a refund of money spent. They just ignore the the question and come back with "reinstall the game". It's a good ploy on their part because in the end you give up and go away. In my option they really don't care, there's always another mug around the corner who will get hooked on the game and spend their money.
If they keep pestering, play them at their own game and either ignore them or send them back a totally irrelevant reply.

please send nav module or fuel hose to Troglodyte69 (iPad) & spare wire or fuel hose to Troglodyte96 (Blocked-iPhone) thanks
My advice is, DON'T DO IT! In my long running battle with GI, they gave me the impression that if I were to spend all my airport cash, they would fix my game. Like a fool I spent it and did they fix the game? No way! I tried getting them to give me a clear answer, but to no avail, even tried asking for a refund of money spent. They just ignore the the question and come back with "reinstall the game". It's a good ploy on their part because in the end you give up and go away. In my option they really don't care, there's always another mug around the corner who will get hooked on the game and spend their money. If they keep pestering, play them at their own game and either ignore them or send them back a totally irrelevant reply. please send nav module or fuel hose to Troglodyte69 (iPad) & spare wire or fuel hose to Troglodyte96 (Blocked-iPhone) thanks
Thanks for the advice. Common sense tells me that I should just do as you suggest, but my mischievous nature tells me to continue and have some sport with GI and perhaps keep asking more outlandish questions. The trouble is, that their customer support team have no sense of humour. This makes my fun rather futile. It's a shame that their native language is different to mine so I have to avoid being too rude (they've no comprehension of English irony).

Ten days ago, I sent a detailed email to the GI CEO (and founder), explaining some of my own (bad) experiences and telling her politely what I thought of her customer support team.

Guess what?

No reply whatsoever. Maybe more players should send direct messages to the GI hierarchy it might have some positive effect longer term.


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