My advice is, DON'T DO IT! In my long running battle with GI, they gave me the impression that if I were to spend all my airport cash, they would fix my game. Like a fool I spent it and did they fix the game? No way! I tried getting them to give me a clear answer, but to no avail, even tried asking for a refund of money spent. They just ignore the the question and come back with "reinstall the game". It's a good ploy on their part because in the end you give up and go away. In my option they really don't care, there's always another mug around the corner who will get hooked on the game and spend their money. If they keep pestering, play them at their own game and either ignore them or send them back a totally irrelevant reply. please send nav module or fuel hose to Troglodyte69 (iPad) & spare wire or fuel hose to Troglodyte96 (Blocked-iPhone) thanks