iPF Noob
Thanks for the advice. Common sense tells me that I should just do as you suggest, but my mischievous nature tells me to continue and have some sport with GI and perhaps keep asking more outlandish questions. The trouble is, that their customer support team have no sense of humour. This makes my fun rather futile. It's a shame that their native language is different to mine so I have to avoid being too rude (they've no comprehension of English irony).
Ten days ago, I sent a detailed email to the GI CEO (and founder), explaining some of my own (bad) experiences and telling her politely what I thought of her customer support team.
Guess what?
No reply whatsoever. Maybe more players should send direct messages to the GI hierarchy it might have some positive effect longer term.
I'll stick with what I have and deal with visiting neighbor "lock ups" by just choosing another neighbor to visit before I return to my airport. Thanks for the discussion. I feel your pain. Maybe a future update will fix it...lol
Pdxsk2 Lvl 40 ipad / Pdxsk3 Lvl 40 iPhone - spare wire or fuel hose please