I read this on the Airport City Facebook page: Dear #Android players! We're glad to announce we've resolved technical issues that falsely labelled some of the accounts as being engaged in suspicious activity. To make it up for you we've unbanned everyone who was banned before, so if you were one of those who cheated that's your chance to start life in #AirportCity anew - update game to the latest version now! I see its for Android players, I'm wondering if iOS players will be treated the same? I know some of you were banned or lost functions in the game in the past few months...maybe there is hope? On another note, tonight I'm getting about 90% "your neighbor hasn't been here in too long" messages when visiting neighbors, I know many of you have been in the game recently assuming so because you've posted here...hope this gets fixed! Pdxsk2 Lvl 40 ipad / Pdxsk3 Lvl 40 iPhone - spare wire or fuel hose please