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Airport City Trading Centre

I just upgraded my game and I'm another one who's 'engaged in time travel and other suspicious activities'. My game becomes more and more restricted with every next upgrade... Why? I just exploit the game developers' glitch.
What a coincidence: the Transport Tycoon has been released on iOS last days! When I started to play AC more than a year ago I thought 'It's like the Transport Tycoon, but restricted to the planes only' - in TT one can use trains, ships, planes and trucks/buses in parallel. I spent months playing TT on PC, expanding and tuning the railway/ airway/ waterway network; now it's available on the iOS! If you like AC you'll love that 'evergreen' game instantly. I know it's payable, but maybe it's better to pay once than play so-called-free Airport City.
I regret the time spent on AC, the 'lost time strategy' is strong and forces me to play AC longer, but maybe it's time to dump this castrated game and switch to another one?

I'll post here my final decision :)
Love you all my friends,

Oh no, Rob! I know how you feel. I think I'm going to hang on a bit longer to see if GI restores our games like they did for Android players. It was so much fun to play when everything was working properly and we could help each other out. GI sure knows how to suck all the fun out of playing their games. We need to find an alternative that we can all move to. Will check out TT.
Oh no, Rob! I know how you feel. I think I'm going to hang on a bit longer to see if GI restores our games like they did for Android players. It was so much fun to play when everything was working properly and we could help each other out. GI sure knows how to suck all the fun out of playing their games. We need to find an alternative that we can all move to. Will check out TT.

I agree; it would be great to move on to another game that we can all play together. I looked at TT and it seems interesting but I don't think you can play with neighbours :(
I installed Tribez but never started playing. Maybe because it's another GI game.

I'm pretty sure we have lost some forum members lately, they probably stopped playing. Among others Craig-Za and Zimterror. They show as being away.
I can't believe I just forked over 40 greens to complete a skating rink. The pyramids provided the things for it and when I tried to open it it still needed items to complete it that are not available anymore. Since I'm not allowed to spend money at Dukes' anymore I spent it on the skating rink. Call me crazy :D
Transport tycoon looks interesting might be worth a try, it's cheap but best of all no in app purchases. [...]

Oh no, Rob! I know how you feel. I think I'm going to hang on a bit longer to see if GI restores our games like they did for Android players. It was so much fun to play when everything was working properly and we could help each other out. GI sure knows how to suck all the fun out of playing their games. We need to find an alternative that we can all move to. Will check out TT.

I was too quick to mention TT here, I should try it before agitating you to buy it.
I read some reviews of TT which say that the game has terrible usability and the legend has been ruined. Please don't buy it or consider this purchase thoroughly :(

I agree; it would be great to move on to another game that we can all play together. I looked at TT and it seems interesting but I don't think you can play with neighbours :( [...]

I don't think so either.

I can't believe I just forked over 40 greens to complete a skating rink. The pyramids provided the things for it and when I tried to open it it still needed items to complete it that are not available anymore. Since I'm not allowed to spend money at Dukes' anymore I spent it on the skating rink. Call me crazy
You're crazy! :D
I can't believe I just forked over 40 greens to complete a skating rink. The pyramids provided the things for it and when I tried to open it it still needed items to complete it that are not available anymore. Since I'm not allowed to spend money at Dukes' anymore I spent it on the skating rink. Call me crazy :D
Definitely crazy, but then you are playing AC. :)

please send nav module or fuel hose to Troglodyte69 (iPad) & spare props or fuel hose to Troglodyte96 (Blocked-iPhone) thanks
I was too quick to mention TT here, I should try it before agitating you to buy it. I read some reviews of TT which say that the game has terrible usability and the legend has been ruined. Please don't buy it or consider this purchase thoroughly :(

That's a shame, we need game in which we can all interact with each other and that has no connection with GI. BTW Ants was a dead loss, the graphics are way too pink and cutesy!

please send nav module or fuel hose to Troglodyte69 (iPad) & spare props or fuel hose to Troglodyte96 (Blocked-iPhone) thanks
Grinding machines to Abs and archive boxes to Wabbitgirl!

LtCol Rehab (may show as "username") - need Long Distance (LD) flight items like spare props, osc beacons, fuel hoses, deicers. LtColRehab2 - need LD flight items, thanks all!
Thx. Need no more.

Anybody else notice that two of the items you can gift changed with the last update?

I can now gift video walls and robot testers from both iOS devices. Used to be laser levels (red thing) and something else.

LtCol Rehab (may show as "username") - need Long Distance (LD) flight items like spare props, osc beacons, fuel hoses, deicers. LtColRehab2 - need LD flight items, thanks all!
ROBOT TESTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's what I was looking for while building my cosmic fuel stn. but then they were too rare. I had finally completed it, but they are not giftable by anyone on this forum. Yes, lists have changed, me being able to send assembly robots and arch metal detectors.
I agree; it would be great to move on to another game that we can all play together. I looked at TT and it seems interesting but I don't think you can play with neighbours :(
I installed Tribez but never started playing. Maybe because it's another GI game.

I'm pretty sure we have lost some forum members lately, they probably stopped playing. Among others Craig-Za and Zimterror. They show as being away.
CraigZa plays Tribez now. He told us on the Tribez forum that GI had lost his progress, so he started Tribez. And then he was surprised to find that Tribez was also like that.
I can't believe I just forked over 40 greens to complete a skating rink. The pyramids provided the things for it and when I tried to open it it still needed items to complete it that are not available anymore. Since I'm not allowed to spend money at Dukes' anymore I spent it on the skating rink. Call me crazy :D
I don't think that was crazy. Everyone knows GI is not going to unblock our games and that it is going to remain like that. If you could not spend the greens there, you might as well spend it somewhere you could. :)
I found and downloaded one last night called Megapolis HD, which looks like AC but with trains, seaports and other means of transport in the cities. Says it supports "teamwork with your neighbors." Haven't tried it yet.


LtCol Rehab (may show as "username") - need Long Distance (LD) flight items like spare props, osc beacons, fuel hoses, deicers. LtColRehab2 - need LD flight items, thanks all!
We need to find an alternative that we can all move to. Will check out TT.

I agree; it would be great to move on to another game that we can all play together. I looked at TT and it seems interesting but I don't think you can play with neighbours :(

That's a shame, we need game in which we can all interact with each other and that has no connection with GI. BTW Ants was a dead loss, the graphics are way too pink and cutesy!

please send nav module or fuel hose to Troglodyte69 (iPad) & spare props or fuel hose to Troglodyte96 (Blocked-iPhone) thanks
Well, I had mentioned it before, but am doing so again. Check out Clash of Clans. Theres no neighbour thing there, but there is live global chat and best of all, there is this CLAN CHAT in which only the members of the clan can talk about anything that they want. But getting into that clan chat requires a bit of time because you need to restore a damaged clan castle first which is a bit expensive(not real money). The thing is that you have to attack someone, which the system automatically selects, with same trophy level as you. You get trophies if you win, loose them if you loose. You can say its just Airport City and Tribez and whatever building game you talk about, without any problems and glitches but less variety buildings and expensive upgrades(not real money). But then the main thing that keeps me playing is the LIVE CLAN CHAT. Not neighbours, but groups.
I found and downloaded one last night called Megapolis HD, which looks like AC but with trains, seaports and other means of transport in the cities. Says it supports "teamwork with your neighbors." Haven't tried it yet.


LtCol Rehab (may show as "username") - need Long Distance (LD) flight items like spare props, osc beacons, fuel hoses, deicers. LtColRehab2 - need LD flight items, thanks all!
I had downloaded that, but then deleted it. The game took a huge time to load the first time I opened. I really got bored. But then will give it another shot.
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I agree; it would be great to move on to another game that we can all play together. I looked at TT and it seems interesting but I don't think you can play with neighbours :( I installed Tribez but never started playing. Maybe because it's another GI game. I'm pretty sure we have lost some forum members lately, they probably stopped playing. Among others Craig-Za and Zimterror. They show as being away.

I'm really want to start a new game with neighbours too, I miss the forum! But too many error in AC to continue playing, especially when I'm blocked! I saw GI have another game 2020 my country, but that's still a GI game! Are there any other games worth starting instead? Or do we give another GI game a shot?

What does everything think?

Level:40 Pingways, I need: new items for building upgrades, and catering / long distance flight items / duty free items - especially cookies and perfume

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