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Airport City Trading Centre

Hi, I tried to add you too Wabbitgirl and also janie2, but don't seem to be able to link to you. I did thankfully link with troglodyte96, but not with anyone else who is currently on this forum. I've gone from about 70 friends to 30 which is tough for quests. I'm playing on ipad - if you have any active friends that you can share, please let me know.

I also need aerosols, like everyone else, as well as landing lamps, fuel supply and beacons! I gift daily.

Thanks jul1aM2

We are still linked

For AC send me what you need ,tribez code =f517jes,facebook=fred gutty,big business=fred123thy
Please don't tell me you have enough aerosols to finish the quest already! I'm really struggling with them.

please send beacons or spare props to both Troglodyte69 (iPad) & Troglodyte96 (Blocked-iPhone) thanks

So far I've collected 33 aerosols but i think there's plenty of time left to collect.
Hi there.

did anybody figure out a strategy to get some aerosoles ? So far I only got 23 of them, I start to see why the quest is dropping so much oil barrel and a spyglass...
No such strategy. Just fly.

To help others I have heaps of cemeteries and a couple of pumpkin patches, placed them so there easy to find
and lots of Halloween shops to the Right of the airport,
I cant visit you!

Ababa, you have bright lanterns as your first wish list item. Just confirming you need more before sending.
No, you can skip those. Thanks.
Hi, I tried to add you too Wabbitgirl and also janie2, but don't seem to be able to link to you. I did thankfully link with troglodyte96, but not with anyone else who is currently on this forum. I've gone from about 70 friends to 30 which is tough for quests. I'm playing on ipad - if you have any active friends that you can share, please let me know.

I also need aerosols, like everyone else, as well as landing lamps, fuel supply and beacons! I gift daily.

Thanks jul1aM2

I added you as a neighbor. Just need you to accept.

Can you gift aerosol? Your code name looks like you may be an Android user that is why I ask. I am friends with a few and get aerosol from them.
I added you as a neighbor. Just need you to accept. Can you gift aerosol? Your code name looks like you may be an Android user that is why I ask. I am friends with a few and get aerosol from them.

Can you share the names, so we can add them too? I didnt get a single aerosole from neighbours!

I will revert all my planes to the green jets as Machu Picchu seems the best destination to fly to...

Please send the white fuel supply, I am soon runnig out of stock!
So far I've collected 33 aerosols but i think there's plenty of time left to collect.

Yep, As I need more time as well, Not having much luck with the aerosol cans
Oh, by the way, Congratulations on the muffin quest on BB, I saw your name up in lights....
I have not had a visitor for the last week, :eek: I have visited you all and left some fuel behind, hope you can visit me now
Can you share the names, so we can add them too? I didnt get a single aerosole from neighbours!

I will revert all my planes to the green jets as Machu Picchu seems the best destination to fly to...

Please send the white fuel supply, I am soon runnig out of stock!
Since posting other URLs is against the forum rules and I cant send all of you PM, (max at 1 time is 5), I am going to post the friend codes of some Android neighbours here. Hope Captain Flop was here.

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