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Airport City Trading Centre

Hip hip hurray, 200 stars, it's taken awhile... a year I think. .....:)

Congrats on your stars! Very impressive. Now go for 100 more?

I still can't visit you, like so many others can't, but thank you for all your visits though :)

Thanks to everyone for letting me know that you can't visit me,
How disappointing, I set up my airport ready for the Halloween visitors
I sent a ticket to GI but we all know what the outcome will be :confused:
Congratulations on your stars! The number is impressive for me - I've been playing for more than a year and reached only 151 stars yet.
Is there any tangible benefit in achieving more stars, or is it just the achievement in itself? I've never really thought about this before.
Anyone else having problems with AC crashing? It's been crashing constantly on my iPhone today and the last crash just cost me two precious aerosols, not happy!
I added you as a neighbor. Just need you to accept. Can you gift aerosol? Your code name looks like you may be an Android user that is why I ask. I am friends with a few and get aerosol from them.

Hi, I added you. I'm afraid I can't gift aerosols, sorry. I'm on ipad. Let me know what you need though. I think I sent you a beacon tonight.
Hi, I added you. I'm afraid I can't gift aerosols, sorry. I'm on ipad. Let me know what you need though. I think I sent you a beacon tonight.

I now have enough aerosol and everything else to finish the challenge so can rest easy. I will do a bit more flying before I complete the challenge to earn a few more stars.

Oscillating beacons would be great and I can return them or if you need something else, let me know.
I now have 5 halloween shops and 2 cemeteries.....and no life!!! LOL Hopefully they help someone get what they need for the great seal.
Is there any tangible benefit in achieving more stars, or is it just the achievement in itself? I've never really thought about this before.
At lower levels, more stars unlocks flights, at higher levels, they are useless pieces of yellow, shiny toys.

Anyone else having problems with AC crashing? It's been crashing constantly on my iPhone today and the last crash just cost me two precious aerosols, not happy!
No problem with me.

I can't add you as a friend. Are you in as red dog?

Yep. Its Red dog, but I suppose capitals don't matter.

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