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Airport City Trading Centre

They required further info from me. I sent it and am waiting to hear back. This must me more involved than we think!!!

I know. It's hard to believe that nobody has brought this up before. Good for you, you're making them work!
Have put a bit in as am off to bed now. Will put more in tomorrow.

Sian and David (level 40) need nav module, fuel hose or heart shaped candies. Thanks

Yes, I see that, have a good night, I will keep adding over the next 5 hours or so.

hi, I could use all types of long distance items, thanks.
New update- international Rock Festival. Major tech improvements. We will see. Waiting for my lander back before I update.

Bernardngo level 40, 144 stars. Need fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.
Captain, so I am unable to add you. Can you send me a request: Yanpi city
Here's a new arising for me and possibly for everyone else...(you are allowed to have a laugh at my expense);

I initiated a launch with the new rocket and put in everything that I had immediately available taking the points to 1016.
I advised within the forum that I would appreciate some help from my lovely friends.
I looked in on the game soon after and nobody had added anything so I waited a while longer, confident that I had first place and could afford to wait till Tuesday to launch if nobody else joined.
After about an hour, I checked again and the launch was ready.
Upon closer inspection, one "friend" had completed the points and we were indeed ready for flight.
I then realised that my "friend" had pinched the number one spot and I was relegated to second place. My friend had put in a total of 1056 points even though I had already contributed over 50% of the necessary 2000 points with my 1016.
I conclude that his last input must have taken him from below 984 to 1056 and hence this took priority over my total of 1016 (are you all still awake and with me?).
Anyhow, it is another lesson learnt and of course there's no animosity from my part. I have my space monument already so my flights are now just for the fun of it (he says through gritted teeth).

It's a good job that we all believe the GI moto that "It's only a game".

Keep smiling,
Here's a new arising for me and possibly for everyone else...(you are allowed to have a laugh at my expense);

I initiated a launch with the new rocket and put in everything that I had immediately available taking the points to 1016.
I advised within the forum that I would appreciate some help from my lovely friends.
I looked in on the game soon after and nobody had added anything so I waited a while longer, confident that I had first place and could afford to wait till Tuesday to launch if nobody else joined.
After about an hour, I checked again and the launch was ready.
Upon closer inspection, one "friend" had completed the points and we were indeed ready for flight.
I then realised that my "friend" had pinched the number one spot and I was relegated to second place. My friend had put in a total of 1056 points even though I had already contributed over 50% of the necessary 2000 points with my 1016.
I conclude that his last input must have taken him from below 984 to 1056 and hence this took priority over my total of 1016 (are you all still awake and with me?).
Anyhow, it is another lesson learnt and of course there's no animosity from my part. I have my space monument already so my flights are now just for the fun of it (he says through gritted teeth).

It's a good job that we all believe the GI moto that "It's only a game".

Keep smiling,

Laughing...I get it. Actually, I was conspiring with Flight Leader Fred with the group party yesterday to be the last one in the group and throw in a powerful bolt as my one and only contribution, jumping me to first...anyway you all left without me! This is truly a fun game...this forum is equally fun!!!

Bernardngo level 40, 144 stars. Need fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.
Message to GI...I have 128 solid fuel. I would love to trade 10 for 1 for powerful bolts..any takers?

Bernardngo level 40, 144 stars. Need fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.
Here's a new arising for me and possibly for everyone else...(you are allowed to have a laugh at my expense);

I initiated a launch with the new rocket and put in everything that I had immediately available taking the points to 1016.
I advised within the forum that I would appreciate some help from my lovely friends.
I looked in on the game soon after and nobody had added anything so I waited a while longer, confident that I had first place and could afford to wait till Tuesday to launch if nobody else joined.
After about an hour, I checked again and the launch was ready.
Upon closer inspection, one "friend" had completed the points and we were indeed ready for flight.
I then realised that my "friend" had pinched the number one spot and I was relegated to second place. My friend had put in a total of 1056 points even though I had already contributed over 50% of the necessary 2000 points with my 1016.
I conclude that his last input must have taken him from below 984 to 1056 and hence this took priority over my total of 1016 (are you all still awake and with me?).
Anyhow, it is another lesson learnt and of course there's no animosity from my part. I have my space monument already so my flights are now just for the fun of it (he says through gritted teeth).

It's a good job that we all believe the GI moto that "It's only a game".

Keep smiling,

Wow ! Anything is possible in this game, I bet GI 's solution is, Our technician's are working on it,
New update to the game I see. I have received throughout the day some gifts of "biker jacket" and wondered what was going on.

I don't see a quest though, but some new commerce buildings, VIP Lounge and Retro Movie Theater. The "NULL" collection has a name now, "The Beautiful Minds", and the Soviet military type collections have returned, from a few updates ago.

But again, I don't have a timer counting down 11 days (example) to complete the new quest! Also, fuel and 5 passengers have a Facebook exclusive tag on them.

Anyone figure out this new quest?
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