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Airport City Trading Centre

Hi all! I have done the update and will gratefully receive any items relevant to this quest and will return as I receive my daily limit!
Had a launch fail this morning :-( bad times! Takes me ages to get iys to launch! Oh well!
I've just received two loudspeakers out of three planes from Bali so this looks like a decent drop rate.

Hi there,

I'm in the new quest too. I can send jacket and loudspeaker. Will only send items for the quest unless specified. At the moment all the buildings are being built, but I guess I'll need some items for the quest.

I'm also currently deleting all the friends invitation waiting. I had over 600 and GI said that it might be why you can't visit me. It's really long to do so, now I'm around 470. I'm sure it won't solve anything, but it worths giving it a try.

If you sent me a request and I have not accepted yet, please let me know so I can accept you now and not delete you :)
Tele & Luke,
I've been intensively posting with GI tech support in your case and here is the quotation of their final reply:

"Our technical specialists have thoroughly checked the issue. I should inform you that those two neighbors (Tele Cove, Lukehakesley) have big waiting lists (second tab in the Sociality menu) in the game which is causing problems.Anyway should there be questions you need our assistance with, do not hesitate to contact our Support Team. We shall do our best to help you!
Your Support Team"

Please check if you really have big waiting lists and if you can clear them. I wish it worked.

Rob your a legend.......

I did have over a thousand on the waiting list at one point.....been reducing it daily for a while. I've been deleting about 10 a day since finding this forum. If I delete to many at once the game hangs and I have to reboot game and the neighbours reappear.....slowly slowly works....

When I've deleted them all, which will be quicker now you've contacted GI on our behalf,I'll let you know how I get on.

Thanks again Rob, we would never of known unless you had kindly taken he time to message them.
Will send loud speakers as jackets drop all the time from the camp sites fun again love it..

lv40 167 stars. Quest items please and fuel hoses
Will send loud speakers as jackets drop all the time from the camp sites fun again love it..

lv40 167 stars. Quest items please and fuel hoses

I have updated my signature line. Let the fun began again!

Bernardngo level 40, 144 stars. Need power amplifer, spotlight,fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . I can gift haze machine, biker jacker and bright lantern? thanks
I have updated my signature line. Let the fun began again!

Bernardngo level 40, 144 stars. Need power amplifer, spotlight,fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . I can gift haze machine, biker jacker and bright lantern? thanks

Don't you need loud speakers best drop rate for me is London

lv40 167 stars. Quest items please and fuel hoses
Rob your a legend.......

I did have over a thousand on the waiting list at one point.....been reducing it daily for a while. I've been deleting about 10 a day since finding this forum. If I delete to many at once the game hangs and I have to reboot game and the neighbours reappear.....slowly slowly works....

When I've deleted them all, which will be quicker now you've contacted GI on our behalf,I'll let you know how I get on.

Thanks again Rob, we would never of known unless you had kindly taken he time to message them.

Luke, I'm glad I could help.
It's GI who should provide you with the solution, but for unknown reasons they told Tele that problem was not coming from her game, but from all the people who could not visit her (so for example from my game). Now they claim just the other way about - that problem lies on your side.
Hope - after you clean up your lists - we all will be able to visit you and Tele.
Really! I always thought bullsh*t should be fairly simple.

iPad - Troglodyte69, iPhone - Troglodyte96, I need flight stuff & duty frees, please.

I have a feeling that nobody brought up this selling building issue before and I don't think they had realized the issue yet either.
Here's a new arising for me and possibly for everyone else...(you are allowed to have a laugh at my expense);

I initiated a launch with the new rocket and put in everything that I had immediately available taking the points to 1016.
I advised within the forum that I would appreciate some help from my lovely friends.
I looked in on the game soon after and nobody had added anything so I waited a while longer, confident that I had first place and could afford to wait till Tuesday to launch if nobody else joined.
After about an hour, I checked again and the launch was ready.
Upon closer inspection, one "friend" had completed the points and we were indeed ready for flight.
I then realised that my "friend" had pinched the number one spot and I was relegated to second place. My friend had put in a total of 1056 points even though I had already contributed over 50% of the necessary 2000 points with my 1016.
I conclude that his last input must have taken him from below 984 to 1056 and hence this took priority over my total of 1016 (are you all still awake and with me?).
Anyhow, it is another lesson learnt and of course there's no animosity from my part. I have my space monument already so my flights are now just for the fun of it (he says through gritted teeth).

It's a good job that we all believe the GI moto that "It's only a game".

Keep smiling,

People need to stop being so rude and hijacking launches!!!! It's fine if you've talked about it first but this is ridiculous as you obviously wanted first place! Sometimes it gets very hard to remember that "it's only a game"!
Same here - no counter, no new gifts (no biker jacket), no new collections, no new quest. I don't know if you get something, get to send an extra gift, etc. with the Facebook fuel and passengers and no explanation from GI. I'm building the VIP Lounge which has to be built on the airport side of the city. At least I couldn't build it on the residential side. Am also building the Retro Movie Theatre. It's another GI mystery!

I sped up completion of the VIP Lounge; I thought maybe a quest would pop up but nothing happened.

I will have to do some rearranging and soon sell stuff to fit more buildings. Wonder when we get more of the promised free $ from GI? Guess I shouldn't hold my breath.....
Ok update on the ipad gives you 2 new buildings VIP lounge and retro movie theatre see pictures below and prevents you sending fuel and passengers unless you send to a Facebook account.

What it should have done is this

Just downloaded the new update (Time to Rock): android friend writing...
Build a Music Arena
Collect 40 musical instruments from arriving planes (looks like all of them give you the chance; stated as “often”)
Collect 100 Biker Jackets from Music Arena and Festival Camping

New Buildings:
Music Arena (needs: 5000 coins, 24 population, 3 electricity, 24 hours construction, 2x2 space; gives 90 coins every 4 hours)
Festival Camping (needs: 2000 coins, 24 population, 3 electricity, 6 hours construction, 2x2 space; gives 36 coins every 20 minutes)

New gifts: these are the ones I have: Biker Jacket and Loudspeaker

New drops from flights:
Get the Bracelet from Bali x1 (seldom)

From the Bali flight there are 5 new drops: Bracelet, Loudspeaker, Power amplifier, Haze Machine and Spotlight.
The Bracelet is for Crooker Quest, but the last 4 I think are for the Music Arena and are giftable too (one per user).

Loudspeaker, Power amplifier, Haze Machine and Spotlight also drops from flights to London, Dubai, Delhi and Berlin

For the collections I have one new (yesterday was 76 in total and now 77) and it seem to be the Aztec Legacy that has item from unexisting flights (Tollan, Chichen Itza, Macchu Picchu, Tenochtitlan and Quetzalcoatl Temple)

And the final comment you will love...

Anyone on iOS having trouble with the update? I updated my game, and none of these new buildings/flight items/missions are available? Oh how I love GI.......

I don’t see any new collections or flights.

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=40520"/>

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=40521"/>

Great info Fred! I'm going to wait for my lander before I update. Then we'll see how screwed up my game is!

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