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Airport City Trading Centre

That is ridiculous! Now we all have to become FB friends to get fuel or pax???? Not that we don't all love each other, but what a pain! They are really infringing on our privacy too!

Lets wait till the rock quest is over. Maybe, we will be restored our privacy then. That is actually a more intense problem for low level players as they do not have much gifts to send which is needed by others. The only useful thing they could send is fuel or pax as stated by someone earlier in this forum. They will then have to think of some other alternative. Lets hope that this FB exlusive gifts can be sent normally after the quest is over.
I am doing well with the space buildings of all my neighbours. I collected 2 more launch readies yesterday. Finally, I got something other than explosive bolt. I had got 3 of them in a row. Yesterday, I got solid fuel and additional stabilizer.

Question: I believe these things are required for a launch as stated in the description of a launch ready. Solid fuel can be obtained from a cosmic fuel station (please verify this statement). Do we get the other things from flights or from other buildings?
You guys are prolific! Not even close to catching up but have to go. Sorry but I still need 30 jackets. I still am in the position of only being able to return what I get, so I know this is an unfortunate request for those that have already finished but can you please send jackets for 1 more day? That will probably be enough. I'll try to post as soon as I get to 100 (between our schedule and very poor Internet, that may not be exactly accurate). As always, thank you all for your help!!! I promise things will get back to normal in a few days.
You guys are prolific! Not even close to catching up but have to go. Sorry but I still need 30 jackets. I still am in the position of only being able to return what I get, so I know this is an unfortunate request for those that have already finished but can you please send jackets for 1 more day? That will probably be enough. I'll try to post as soon as I get to 100 (between our schedule and very poor Internet, that may not be exactly accurate). As always, thank you all for your help!!! I promise things will get back to normal in a few days.

Hi, I have no problems. I will send you a jacket. I still need 59 jackets. So I have no problem if you return my gift.

lv40 173 stars. Nearly finished flights so just Fuel hose (6 ) or Nav module (11). 138 flights to end..
The players who have completed the rock quest, did you get yoour amplifiers from flights or did you buy them with green pieces of paper?
I will be a bit busy for about 4-5 months from today. So you might be hearing a little less about me. I will try and keep myself up to date with the forum.
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=40730"/>

lv40 173 stars. Nearly finished flights so just Fuel hose (6 ) or Nav module (11). 138 flights to end..

Are you ready to receive gifts again?

Bernardngo level 40, 149 stars. Need long distance items only: fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . I can gift haze machine, and jacket .thanks
Are you ready to receive gifts again?

Bernardngo level 40, 149 stars. Need long distance items only: fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . I can gift haze machine, and jacket .thanks

Save your gifts still have a debt of 33 to clear....

lv40 173 stars. Nearly finished flights so just Fuel hose (6 ) or Nav module (11). 138 flights to end..
All done with Rock Quest items & Jackets, thanks to all those who have helped. I'm just flying for Amps now, so back to flight stuff please.

Troglodyte69, can send haze machine, Troglodyte96, can send loudspeaker. I need flight stuff beacons, fuel adds etc please.
All done with Rock Quest items & Jackets, thanks to all those who have helped. I'm just flying for Amps now, so back to flight stuff please.

Troglodyte69, can send haze machine, Troglodyte96, can send loudspeaker. I need flight stuff beacons, fuel adds etc please.

I've still got 2 amplifiers to find. Ive had another loudspeaker and another haze machine today but no signs of the amps.
All done with Rock Quest items & Jackets, thanks to all those who have helped. I'm just flying for Amps now, so back to flight stuff please.

Troglodyte69, can send haze machine, Troglodyte96, can send loudspeaker. I need flight stuff beacons, fuel adds etc please.

I just sent todays gifts. I sent you a jacket. Sorry.
I have another alternative. What if I sent landing lamps for flights. Those will be helpful for flights to Bali to get the amps.

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