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Apple Fanboy Arrogance

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on another forum ..i made the comment about useing my ipad as replacement for my laptop and the apple haters came out of the wall and was jumping up and down on my thread about the ipad..

here is what one person said about the ipad .

here is the one statement the guy made about the ipad ..

he said that this statement ..so all the stupid people who go out and buy the ipad ..here something for you it called the irock and posted this picture.on the website that i was on ..


  • 2yuwtcn.webp
    11.7 KB · Views: 478
I'm sure that this post will get lots of "hate" replies and flames, but after being here a while and listening to Apple Fans elsewhere (including family members), I just was wondering ....

Why do Apple "people" seem to be so arrogant and derogatory to everything. I have owned Macs, iPhones, iPods (from the first version to the touch), Windows PCs, Palm Phones, WinMo Phones, Android Phones, Laptops, Netbook, Blackberries, Apple Newton and the iPad and usually belong to forums for any device I own.

What I notice about forums for Apple devices is that many of the members have a sense of superiority about themselves and the almighty Apple products. They are always reluctant to say anything good about any product not made by Apple, and usually rip it to shreds. I can honestly say that I don't see that in forums for other devices I currently use. And I do vist those forums consistently also. I might not post much, but I read all the time.

And -- this forum is definitely the one I would be most hesitant to post in. I mean ... I do love my iPad, and my iPod Touch, but I can admit that other companies make good products ... I can also admit, god forbid, that Apple does make mistakes in both their products and their business practices.

I just don't understand the "blind devition" and almost cult-like behavior of many Apple users.

Well ... thanks for taking the time to read my little rant ... and it does feel good to get that off my chest.

Enjoy .... :D
Really, IMHO, this is one of the most open minded forums I have been on. We have a lot of windows, web-os, android, etc users as well as apple users. If you feel this forum is filled with Apple fanboys, why do you come here?

While I agree that there are plenty of people who are Apple fanatics, I think there are a lot more Apple haters out there. I find these haters to be far more annoying than the fanboys.

You mentioned that you have seen behavior from fanboys on Apple related sites that you have not seen on competitors sites. I find that very hard to believe since every Apple related site I have been on has haters. They must not visit the sites related to the products they like :rolleyes:.

That is the main reason I ended up here. After the iPad was announced, I wanted to discuss it with people who were interested in it. Every thread or article I saw related to the iPad was full of posts/comments saying that anyone who would even consider buying this piece of crap is just an idiot Apple fanboy. I can't say I have ever seen an Apple fanboy on a MS site, for example, spouting BS about MS users. I just don't understand the mentality that would cause someone to visit a site for a product they are not interested in just to harass people that are interested in it.
I have been a mac junkie for two decades now. That does not mean I don't use Windows, nor those it mean I do not appreciate a better way of doing things. I just recognize the beautiful simplicity of the OS. And I love how well everything works without the hassles I have on Windows. As for flash, that is a junkie piece of outdated software that needs to be replaced with something better. The main thing that gets me ticked off is those who buy PCs because they are cheaper, and then call family members like me because they have problems. I have a SIL that is needing to replace her PC laptop, but luckily, she has decided to take my advice. I plan on trying to get a Mini since I can get her a monitor and keyboard cheap. BTW, I alway replace my Apple keyboards with Microsoft keyboards and mice. I like their feel.
It's hardly limited to Apple fanboys. The Android folks are certainly giving them a run for their money as far as needless arrogance. The worst site I've seen to date was macforums.com. That has to be the largest collection of knee-jerk fanboy pricks in the Apple world. In fact, when I found this site, I bookmarked it and deleted macforums from the list.

Oh...and Apple doesn't need to chill, just it's cheerleaders.
It's hardly limited to Apple fanboys. The Android folks are certainly giving them a run for their money as far as needless arrogance. The worst site I've seen to date was macforums.com. That has to be the largest collection of knee-jerk fanboy pricks in the Apple world. In fact, when I found this site, I bookmarked it and deleted macforums from the list.

Oh...and Apple doesn't need to chill, just it's cheerleaders.


Couldn't believe how rude some people were on that site..to quote one person

"Today??? Seems like it is full newb threads everyday!!!!!
I had to take a 3 month hiatus because it was getting so bad.
Threads like these remind me why I left for a bit."

Just because some poor guy wanted to know if the little dot above the screen was a webcam. Yeah we know it's not but not everyone is tech savvy. Of course it's only a small percentage that are rude pity they have to ruin it for the rest of us though.

Anyway am glad this forum is nothing like that. Great that we can have this discussion without mods deleting the thread :P
This forum doesn't seem that bad. The trend you're describing is more dominant with regard to pcs - the iPad is more of an appliance, and as such I think most posters are from both personal computer camps. In fact, given that Apple is only 6% of the personal computer market, I'd wager that most people posting here (and buying iPads) are Windows pc users, rather than Mac owners. An Apple fan-boy would be the exception, rather than the rule.
I think for sure this is the best iPad forum by far. Sometimes people say "Windoze" or "Winboose" or some other such nonsense, but other than that there is really little anti-PC talk. I came from a forum where the opposite was true. Constant anti-Apple, anti-Steve Jobs and anti iPad.... the usual insults if you buy an Apple product you are a "sheep" or "mindless" or just simply an idiot..... It was refreshing to come here and find I was not the only "sheep"....

As a person that has used PC for nearly 20 years (tried Macs.... just not for me) I think Apple is far superior when it comes to mobile. Wouldn't take for my Iphone, and would fight for my iPad :)

This brings up another subject though.... I do get tired of the term "fanboy".... it seems that if you like your product, and defend inaccurate criticism of it, some label you a "fanboy" and dismiss everything you say.

I must also say that in general the most insulting people are Linux users. They lie, lie some more, than lie again as they belittle and insult anyone that does not accept their narrow point of view. Please, not all, but in general........
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I think for sure this is the best iPad forum by far. Sometimes people say "Windoze" or "Winboose" or some other such nonsense, but other than that there is really little anti-PC talk. I came from a forum where the opposite was true. Constant anti-Apple, anti-Steve Jobs and anti iPad.... the usual insults if you buy an Apple product you are a "sheep" or "mindless" or just simply an idiot..... It was refreshing to come here and find I was not the only "sheep"....

As a person that has used PC for nearly 20 years (tried Macs.... just not for me) I think Apple is far superior when it comes to mobile. Wouldn't take for my Iphone, and would fight for my iPad :)

This brings up another subject though.... I do get tired of the term "fanboy".... it seems that if you like your product, and defend inaccurate criticism of it, some label you a "fanboy" and dismiss everything you say.

I must also say that in general the most insulting people are Linux users. They lie, lie some more, than lie again as they belittle and insult anyone that does not accept their narrow point of view. Please, not all, but in general........

My friend i am a part of the one call all MS products ‘’ WinBooze’’ after stay almost 10 years in MS side i have change used by the problem: virus, spyware and hassle like this i return in Mac (i have start with mac) , Yet i am happy in Mac field (i have try Minux/Linux) and i can’t imagine to return in the hell of MS

But is not because i am in Mac that mean i have a problem with WinBooze user, i believe you can’t understand how safe and how it’s easy in Mac field … this morning i have work in picture file 23 Mo with a small MacBook (2 years old) and no problem at all i can’t imagine do that with my HP desktop my photoshop will crash at least 2 or 3 times …

I have to also admit hater are in both side ( Redmond <-> Cuppertino ) but please don’t mix it … just ignore them …..
I've had many conversations where people ask me why a Mac is better and no matter what I say it's dismissed as me being a fanboi. I've noticed on most mac forums there are certain users who troll looking for a fight and toss the term fanboi every time they cannot defend their accusations. There are fanatics for everything, the problem is when you are closed minded, state obvious misinformation or resort to calling names.
I think for sure this is the best iPad forum by far. Sometimes people say "Windoze" or "Winboose" or some other such nonsense, but other than that there is really little anti-PC talk. I came from a forum where the opposite was true. Constant anti-Apple, anti-Steve Jobs and anti iPad.... the usual insults if you buy an Apple product you are a "sheep" or "mindless" or just simply an idiot..... It was refreshing to come here and find I was not the only "sheep"....

As a person that has used PC for nearly 20 years (tried Macs.... just not for me) I think Apple is far superior when it comes to mobile. Wouldn't take for my Iphone, and would fight for my iPad :)

This brings up another subject though.... I do get tired of the term "fanboy".... it seems that if you like your product, and defend inaccurate criticism of it, some label you a "fanboy" and dismiss everything you say.

I must also say that in general the most insulting people are Linux users. They lie, lie some more, than lie again as they belittle and insult anyone that does not accept their narrow point of view. Please, not all, but in general........

My friend i am a part of the one call all MS products ‘’ WinBooze’’ after stay almost 10 years in MS side i have change used by the problem: virus, spyware and hassle like this i return in Mac (i have start with mac) , Yet i am happy in Mac field (i have try Minux/Linux) and i can’t imagine to return in the hell of MS

But is not because i am in Mac that mean i have a problem with WinBooze user, i believe you can’t understand how safe and how it’s easy in Mac field … this morning i have work in picture file 23 Mo with a small MacBook (2 years old) and no problem at all i can’t imagine do that with my HP desktop my photoshop will crash at least 2 or 3 times …

I have to also admit hater are in both side ( Redmond <-> Cuppertino ) but please don’t mix it … just ignore them …..

And my friend I can also call Mac's , Mock OShex.... or MacShit....I came from Mac where I was limited in software, unable to do the things I was used to doing... and had just as many (if not more) crashes than I did in Windows at the same time, could not upgrade the hardware...etc.... I have been online since 1984, and on PC since 1994... never used a virus "protection" program, never even use a firewall... I have never had a virus, spyware, malware or whatever. (I download AVG once a year to check) The only time I've had to reformat a hard drive was the 1 month I tried Linux, and had to reformat every few days to try to get Linux to run..... I run Photoshop in Win 7, and have never had a crash... I run various music production software.... never had a crash... when I tried MacShit, Logic would crash all the time.....I have never had a crash at all in Win 7. In XP from time to time I would get a crash.... usually an issue with poorly written software or hardware conflicts.... To be really honest about it the iPad seems more unstable than my Windows 7 desktop or laptop.

But, having said all the above, I respect people and what they use. I do not use the term "Mock OShex" or "MacShit" in normal posting... because I respect others. I just wish others would do the same......

I don't care what OS a person uses, device they use, car they drive or who they marry. Different strokes for different folks....

And as a "vendor" it serve you well not to insult potential customers who use Windows.....
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As much as I dislike fanboys, I dislike even more being called a fanboy just for saying something good about a Mac product.

If I say I find the iPad the useful on any forum other than this one, I'm immediately dismissed as a crazy fanboy.

Anti-fanboys are just as bad as fanboys.
And as a "vendor" it serve you well not to insult potential customers who use Windows.....

Bremen so based on you because i am a vendor i don’t have the right to say what i think about RedBooze ???? , don’t confuse i have nothing against the WinBooze user is just against the developer company ….

by the way with millions of virus in all over the world you never get one Woow you are the most lucky guy …

For me Mac or What else you want is just a working tool if tomolo is Minux the best i will switch in no time

for the last time i repeat Redmond just sell Win BOOZE … and all mac user can told you the same all our WinBooze Mac version are so poor than we prefer to use Apple even we are forced to save as DOT doc or DOT xls

What do you want ?? you want mac user go the church every sunday and feel sad to have to use Mac ??
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