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Apple Fanboy Arrogance

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As much as I dislike fanboys, I dislike even more being called a fanboy just for saying something good about a Mac product.

If I say I find the iPad the useful on any forum other than this one, I'm immediately dismissed as a crazy fanboy.

Anti-fanboys are just as bad as fanboys.

Agree! I do tire of even the word.

And ipadone...enjoy your MacShit!!!
Well Sprank1, I guess you should feel good. It seems almost everyone here agree's with you and you aren't getting flamed like you thought you would.

On a similar note, I am anxious for the iPad to become common or old. I am tired of talking about it whenever I use it in public. I even had a restaurant owner start a conversation about it just as my food arrived.

And yes - the anti-fanboys are far worse. I haven't encountered any in person yet, but the stuff on the internet with people standing in line to buy an iPad just to destroy it is crazy. Who's more of an idiot there. You don't see us buying Droids just to destroy them because they are trying so hard to copy an iPhone (unsuccessfully I might add)
I think it comes from Long Time apple fans, not newer apple fans. a few years back something like 90% of all people owned windows PC's. They disliked Macs and gave Mac owners a hard time about it saying that windows is better and that windows is superior. I think they may be still on edge about that and now that apple is closing in on Microsofts huge domination its like they can feal they were right the entire time.

Im a long time windows fan, but I have to say that apple has MS beat in a lot of ways. My first Mac was a Mac mini about a year ago and I have to say that my low end Mac Mini has become my Main PC and my moster windows gaming PC hardly gets used any more.

I have also seen a lot of Windows fan boys making silly clames about Mac OS that are simply not true, but how would they know if they only use windows. Example: "macs dont have a right click!!!", when actualy they have had right click for a long time.

I would say if you want to state a claim that one thing is better than another, you better be really familure with both and know the facts.
Anti-fanboys are just as bad as fanboys.

That I'll agree with! I haven't taken this much heat over a purchase since I bought a Smart Fortwo a while back; it is amazing the people that will go out of their way to tell you how much an iPad sucks.
Love a products it’s not be a fanboy

...not to insult potential customers who use Windows.....

I didn't think that comment was too inflammatory, but I agree with Bremen, half this site uses Windows. We need to be civil. Extreme Apple-ism does drive people away. That's why I'm here: until now it has been pretty respectable on both sides.

As i have say, i have nothing about MS user only against RedBooze company … that’s a difference … but of course if have some MS Fan use iPad and feel hurt because in my eyes Windooze is a crapy OS … i am just wondering why this kind of fan boy are in Apple forum …

So extrem windoos-ism or linux-ism will also drive people away …

especially when some say because you are a vendor you should respect potential buyer and don’t criticize the OS we use…. let me laugh for a while about that …. so they think i wait about their 29,9 US$ …. and for that i will keep quiet or put the cream on their shoulder they just can start to dream …
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I use MS products because I HAVE to for the software. I am not a fan of MS, I even hate it with a passion. You get used to it though, it's like politicians...:p
I use MS products because I HAVE to for the software. I am not a fan of MS, I even hate it with a passion. You get used to it though, it's like politicians...:p

iVan Yep me too in some point i have to work with MS for some techy software like Pro-E and sincerely if i don’t be used to restore every 6 month my computer i will never consider to change to Mac, but after years of bad experience i return in Mac … yet i have one PC not connected i use only for some special working file and 99,99% of my time i use my mac and i enjoy it , as he do what i need without give me any hassle ….

but since you say you like Mac and dislike PC, you are considered as fan boy arrogant …
I use MS products because I HAVE to for the software. I am not a fan of MS, I even hate it with a passion. You get used to it though, it's like politicians...:p

iVan Yep me too in some point i have to work with MS for some techy software like Pro-E and sincerely if i don’t be used to restore every 6 month my computer i will never consider to change to Mac, but after years of bad experience i return in Mac … yet i have one PC not connected i use only for some special working file and 99,99% of my time i use my mac and i enjoy it , as he do what i need without give me any hassle ….

but since you say you like Mac and dislike PC, you are considered as fan boy arrogant …
:LOL: A fan yes but not arrogant.:p

I tend to go for the best if I can afford it at the time. Right now I still can't work because of injury and I have another two months of healing and physio to do... So that hyper Mac will have to wait.
[:LOL: A fan yes but not arrogant.:p

I tend to go for the best if I can afford it at the time. Right now I still can't work because of injury and I have another two months of healing and physio to do... So that hyper Mac will have to wait.

I wish you recover fast la …. the iMac 27’’ it’s just amazing
[:LOL: A fan yes but not arrogant.:p

I tend to go for the best if I can afford it at the time. Right now I still can't work because of injury and I have another two months of healing and physio to do... So that hyper Mac will have to wait.

I wish you recover fast la …. the iMac 27’’ it’s just amazing
Ouch! That was cruel!...;)
My official last post on the subject :D

As I said, I do not use the term McShit in a normal post, because I respect people and the choices they make.

ipadone.... You "hate" MS... fine. I think Steve Jobs is a arrogant prick. He probably stole a liver from a 4 year old so he could live..... But I refuse to condemn or belittle the OS someone uses, because I respect people and the choices they make.

I will say again that I wish others could respect me as I respect them... but I guess it is not to be the case..... and that lack of respect is to me at least, real fanboyism..... hope this thread goes away soon......

End of Bremen Cole and this thread.... signing out :(
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