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Apple iPad 2 - Big deal or not?

ThePhotog said:
I went to Bestbuy yesterday and they had the 32gb non 3G for $499.00 I has an addition $65.00 in Bestbuy bucks. The case were 12% off. So one came home with me. The camera issues isn't a big deal as I also have a iPhone 4. Overall I'm very happe with the purchase. And the were quickly running out of stock.

The Photog

You should have just waited for a few more days. Its just the same price as of ipad 2
I had already convinced myself, that I won't need an iPad 2.

However, this decision is fading, after a part of my family, who lives over-seas, mentioned that they will get the new one.

FaceTime will definitely cut the phone costs, but so would and I have barely used it.

Currently I tend to spend 100£/year on international calls. If these would be replaced by videocalls, it would almost cover the difference between iPad 1 and 2.

My main concern is the availability. The reason doesn't work for me, is because it requires both people to be online and at the pc/laptop, so I cannot make spontaneous calls. How does FaceTime handle this? Does it just keeps running in the background and then rings like a normal phone?

yes and no.

It does run in the background and rings if someone calls....BUT it requires you to be on Wifi for some reason. So if they are on 3G it won't work.

Not completely true. All true except last sentence. U can jailbreak the iphone or ipad to be able to make Facetime calls over 3g. Thats just some silly limitation apple put on the devices. Cydia been had an app that enables Facetime over 3g network also. Theres always a work around when it comes to jailbreak ;-)
Demandarin said:
Yes, same versions as ipad1. 3g models alot more expensive thn wifi only versions!

Thats perfect dissapointment for me. I thought the 499$ is already a 16gb 3g

Oh noooo...lol. Everyone would get that..lol there are 3 models for wifi versions: 16gb, 32gb, and 64gb
3 models for 3g versions: 16,32, abd 64gb
With increase in memory becomes more expensive and jump to 3g versions even more expensive.
Wifi versions are great, dont knock em. U could always wirelessly tether with ur movile phone to get internet connection to wifi ipad. Wifi picks up the mobile tethering or hotspot signal and ur good to go. Thags what i do n wrks perfectly ;-)

yeah thats for "1st generation" ipads, not the new ipad2. That is a great deal though, dayuuumm..lol i paid basically $600 for my 32gb wifi only version back in july. Once again thats a great deal. If not pressed about new features of ipad2, u should snatch dat up. Itll only be as supplies last.

i know i know i should have order this or the 16 gb wifi only thursday ,but i want to feel the new ipad 2 in my hands.its like even though i'm basically getting a $150 discount as opposed to me about to BUY the same model 2 weeks ago . I'm turning a blind eye to that just to have the newest thing out. Smh
Demandarin said:
Oh noooo...lol. Everyone would get that..lol there are 3 models for wifi versions: 16gb, 32gb, and 64gb
3 models for 3g versions: 16,32, abd 64gb
With increase in memory becomes more expensive and jump to 3g versions even more expensive.
Wifi versions are great, dont knock em. U could always wirelessly tether with ur movile phone to get internet connection to wifi ipad. Wifi picks up the mobile tethering or hotspot signal and ur good to go. Thags what i do n wrks perfectly ;-)

Why not just get rid of the wifi only ipad. .? 3g ipad has wifi as well.

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