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Are you a fan of jailbreaking?

I can't wait to jb my ipad2.

When I realized I couldn't even do basic computer functions like setting a default browser, I knew I would never be happy with until it is jail broken......
Never considered it for a second. I'm a technophile but also a fundamentalist. And I just don't have the time or energy needed to hack or JB. I'll leave that to those who really love the challenge. I'd rather use what I've got. If I was younger and had more time I might think about it.
Dsimac said:
Any one knows which app is the best one to add camera on the ipad1? I will appreciate that, thx

There isn't any app to add a camera, apart from using the iphone's camera, but I think that only works for still pictures, not video chats.
Never considered it for a second. I'm a technophile but also a fundamentalist. And I just don't have the time or energy needed to hack or JB. I'll leave that to those who really love the challenge. I'd rather use what I've got. If I was younger and had more time I might think about it.

My sentiments to a tee!

I can't be bothered. Not interested. Been there done that, didn't go up my flag poll. I love the 'closed' iOS just the way it is. It does all I want and so much more.
Never considered it for a second. I'm a technophile but also a fundamentalist. And I just don't have the time or energy needed to hack or JB. I'll leave that to those who really love the challenge. I'd rather use what I've got. If I was younger and had more time I might think about it.

My sentiments to a tee!

I can't be bothered. Not interested. Been there done that, didn't go up my flag poll. I love the 'closed' iOS just the way it is. It does all I want and so much more.

I'm with you guys - the iPad is just fine the way it is. Apple made it exactly how I like it - I've no desire to change anything. I even like the default browser and Mail app.....:D

Never considered it for a second. I'm a technophile but also a fundamentalist. And I just don't have the time or energy needed to hack or JB. I'll leave that to those who really love the challenge. I'd rather use what I've got. If I was younger and had more time I might think about it.

My sentiments to a tee!

I can't be bothered. Not interested. Been there done that, didn't go up my flag poll. I love the 'closed' iOS just the way it is. It does all I want and so much more.

I'm with you guys - the iPad is just fine the way it is. Apple made it exactly how I like it - I've no desire to change anything. I even like the default browser and Mail app.....:D


And me, If I wanted a jailbroken one I would have just got a laptop. I love the individuality and uniqueness of the Ipad as it is.
But in all honesty, if it wasn't for the jb community would you have
Task switcher
Apps running in backround
Which is where these originated, apple just thru some polish on them to make pretty.
And if you search YouTube for photoalbums+, mailenhancer & smartscreen to name a few.....these type of apps should have been in iOS from beginning.
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But in all honesty, if it wasn't for the jb community would you have
Task switcher
Apps running in backround
Which is where these originated, apple just thru some polish on them to make pretty.
And if you search YouTube for photoalbums+, mailenhancer & smartscreen to name a few.....these type of apps should have been in iOS from beginning.

You make a very good point here, and one I have to concede!! To me, jailbreaking is like wandering through a mine-field, in the dark....I feel safe with Apple....

(OK - I'm just a coward, there's no other word for it...:( )

OUTL4W said:
But in all honesty, if it wasn't for the jb community would you have
Task switcher
Apps running in backround
Which is where these originated, apple just thru some polish on them to make pretty.
And if you search YouTube for photoalbums+, mailenhancer & smartscreen to name a few.....these type of apps should have been in iOS from beginning.

I respectfully disagree. I think these enhancements (or ones very similar) were always in the works from within Apple and that the JB community had very little to do with these changes. A company like Apple has a long term plan for their products. These changes are the fruition of those plans. I'm pretty sure that Apple surveyed users (or monitored certain forums) about what they may want to have as standard on the next generation or upgrade but you can be sure none of those surveyed admitted to being a hacker or JB'er.
If I wanted to fool with stuff I would have purchased an Android based tablet. I enjoy stability at this stage and realize that nothing is perfect.

I doubt that a jailbreak is in my future.

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