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Are you a fan of jailbreaking?

The Alternative said:
Not a single thing here that makes me think ooohhh I just gotta go out and jailbreak right now. As a matter of fact it seems like a whole lot of hyped up minor tweakage for not much payout.

Multiple e-mail signatures? Meh. Not something that matters much to me and I'll bet a lot of others folks feel the same. Widgets on the lock screen? Again, way low on my priorities of gotta-haves. And I don't use my iPad for photos so albums don't even hit my radar.

Sorry but it'll take a whole lot more convincing than this to make me even consider JBing. Again, if I were a younger man with more time on my hands I might think about it but for now I'll happily use my Ipad the way it comes out of the box.

Too bad..You don't want to use the ipad to it's full potential, that's fine, to each their own. I see the ipad as a "wolf in sheep's clothing."
I like touch'n the home key and checking weather/stocks/mail/rss feeds at a single glance without unlocking.
It's un-used real estate...imo...
I believe company people would want the multiple email sigs to keep personal and business email signatures seperate.....I do. Being a 40yr ole gamer/graphics designer for websites. I want to seperate signatures in emails to customers to be different than ones to family & friends. And if you search there have been multiple threads here in the forums asking for this precise thing....as well.

gentlefury said:
I had my iPad jailbroken...it was more work than it was worth...anytime there is an update you have the choice of losing your jailbreak and all your apps and settings or just not update causing other problems....or you can update than wait for the next jailbreak and then have to redo everything...or you can wait till the next jailbreak and have to redo everything....def not worth it.

There is an app for that, pardon the clichè, pkgbackup allows you to save backup to dropbox account....to restore all apps once re-jailbroken. Which only takes 20min nowadays. It's the sync'n of all your media back onto the ipad that's takes the longest. I usually take a nap or go out & mow the yard on my 1951 John Deere M.
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this is quite a different response in this forum.

i posted a ' do you / dont you ' JB thread in another popular Apple device forums and the result was a massive yes! you'd be stupid crazy not to do it.

this forum is quite the opposite :)
I have an android tablet and I never did anything useful with it. I was too busy burning new firmwares, trying different launchers, fiddling with settings etc. With the iPad I have been reading forums, books, comics, playing games etc.

I don't see the need to jailbreak except I would like a better mail app. It does seem like doing a jb allows some tweaking that would otherwise be impossible. If apple were less anal about blocking certain apps it would reduce the need to jb by a large margin.

However the argument that Apple will not prevent me from doing what I like with MY iPad is an interesting one. It. Makes me think of the heavies standing behind me telling me what I can and cannot do. In reality many of the people who make that argument do nothing different with a jb-ed iPad as before it was jb-ed.

Each to their own I guess. That is the beautiful thing about the world most of us live in.

Regards, Mick
I find it funny the people saying they don't have time to figure it out...first of all iam very new to apple...it took me a whole 5 mins to jailbreak...so don't say you don't have time... cause your on here for more then 5 mins...and 2nd for me I love it like this...having themes is what does it for me and some cydia apps are great like having a 5 row keyboard w the numbers always right there...:D
There is an app for that, pardon the clichè, pkgbackup allows you to save backup to dropbox account....to restore all apps once re-jailbroken. Which only takes 20min nowadays. It's the sync'n of all your media back onto the ipad that's takes the longest. I usually take a nap or go out & mow the yard on my 1951 John Deere M.

This is good to know...
If you are into cosmetic changes then jailbreak to your heart's content. For me, cosmetics is not a biggie.

That is about the last reason I jailbreak my devices. I could care less about cosmetic changes, but the functionality changes that a jailbreak gives me are more than worth what little effort the process takes.
To answer the OP's question, I am (obviously) a fan of jailbreaking as I moderate the hacking section of this site :D

I have always enjoyed tinkering and customising my gadgets and computers from the early days, and I jailbreak for both the aesthetics and the efficiencies I can achieve by tweaking the OS to my linking.

It's nice to see this hasn't descended into a flamewar and everyone should remember, we are all different. Customisation suits some folks and not others...
I love to jail break iPad but don't have time and patience to do it. Probably because I am growing older.
I find it funny the people saying they don't have time to figure it out...first of all iam very new to apple...it took me a whole 5 mins to jailbreak...so don't say you don't have time... cause your on here for more then 5 mins...and 2nd for me I love it like this...having themes is what does it for me and some cydia apps are great like having a 5 row keyboard w the numbers always right there...:D

The difficulty of jailbreaking is subjective. I don't find it to be difficult, especially nowadays because of the advancement of tools to restore your device to the way it was, pckbackup being a great example.

I've been jailbreaking my iPhone for a while now and there's no way that I can go back to "stock" iOS. I don't do any of the cosmetic stuff. I would jailbreak my iPad 2 if I could.

I'll list a couple of reasons I jailbreak.

1. Notifications are by the far the worst implemented aspect of iOS. It'll be addressed in the next update I'm sure. I don't know if you've seen some of the suggested changes, but those are already a reality in the jailbroken world.

2. Text expanding. You can create custom shortcuts. For example, fb = Facebook.

3. Custom SMS tones. How long did it take iOS to get some new tones? Even now you still can't customize them.

4. Multi-tasking is poorly implemented. I love being able to have an exposé style view of open apps. Multiflow is what the app is called.

5. Bitesms. I can reply to a text message immediately at the lock screen without having to go to the SMS app.

6. Activator. Quick ways of opening apps without going back to the home screen through swiping motions.

7. You can customize which apps can run in the background.

I'm sure there's a few more things that I'm leaving out, but those are the ones that come to mind. I'm sure a lot of these issues will be addressed in iOS 5 and future updates, but I'm an impatient bastard.
as noksucow suggested, I think jailbreaking is even more compelling on the iPhone.
biteSMS, qTweeter, and Notified Pro are essentials for me...
The Alternative said:
Not a single thing here that makes me think ooohhh I just gotta go out and jailbreak right now. As a matter of fact it seems like a whole lot of hyped up minor tweakage for not much payout.

Multiple e-mail signatures? Meh. Not something that matters much to me and I'll bet a lot of others folks feel the same. Widgets on the lock screen? Again, way low on my priorities of gotta-haves. And I don't use my iPad for photos so albums don't even hit my radar.

Sorry but it'll take a whole lot more convincing than this to make me even consider JBing. Again, if I were a younger man with more time on my hands I might think about it but for now I'll happily use my Ipad the way it comes out of the box.

Too bad..You don't want to use the ipad to it's full potential, that's fine, to each their own. I see the ipad as a "wolf in sheep's clothing."
I like touch'n the home key and checking weather/stocks/mail/rss feeds at a single glance without unlocking.
It's un-used real estate...imo...
I believe company people would want the multiple email sigs to keep personal and business email signatures seperate.....I do. Being a 40yr ole gamer/graphics designer for websites. I want to seperate signatures in emails to customers to be different than ones to family & friends. And if you search there have been multiple threads here in the forums asking for this precise thing....as well.

I am using the iPad to its full potential... exactly the way the manufacturer intended.

I have no use for multiple e-mail signature because I keep my business and family e-mails accounts separate on my iPad. No need for multiple signatures.

As for unused real estate... by that logic you should buy, oh I don't know, 500 or so apps to fill up all the extra pages on the iPad that you are not using right now. I think I can wait to swipe once (for a fraction of a second) to see the weather, stocks, etc.

Again, there's still nothing in the arguement that convinces me JBing is a must-have.
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