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Why Didn't You Jailbreak?

I answered in the other thread but I will add .
If JB would allow better multi task I'd consider it. Anything rooting my Android adds that I was interested in I've found a way to do without rooting. Some say get a Nook and root it and it will be better. I 1 upped that by getting an Ipad. Some said hack my Windows phone and put on a better rom or get an iPhone4 and jail break. I 1upped that by getting an Android Incredible.
I do not gain access to the root systems on my devices because of fear but I've also never seen a reason to try to "concur that fear, there's always a next big thing" just around the corner.

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Define "Better multi task".

There's backgrounder, which I haven't needed to use for ages, but used to be the must have app for multitasking. It allows complete control of how you background apps, and which ones you background (you can be completely selective) - e.g. hold the home button for a short time to background, otherwise the app just quits. I'm not sure what the current status is, but it used to rule!

EDIT - Just checked, it seems it is no longer in development or supported - boooo!

Then there's better switcher replacements, like "Switcher Mod" and "Multiflow"...

Not that I'm trying to convince you :) - Everyone is free to make their own choice...
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I could be convinced to go to the dark side if someone would be close by for support. And cookies. The dark side definitely has to have cookies or something similar for me to go over.

*Preparing some dough*
*Passes dough to little helper to cut with little pawnapple cookie cutters*

Now while my little minion is baking, let's get down to business.

This remind me of a little discussion that happened between friends. A good friend of mine is an apple advocate, another is a windows buff. Back in the day, I still used windows but just was not happy with it and was contemplating other options.

Long story short, my views back then -which I made clear to my fellow tech buffs- was that:

Using windows was making me feel like I was in an outdoor prison, I couldn't see the chains but could feel them somehow.
On the other hand playing around with my friend's Mac and iPhone, I had the view that it was created for non tech-savvy people in order to be productive. It seemed oversimplified to the extent that I felt apple was saying: you can choose anything you wanted to do, as long as it is within this list that I have created for you!

I can tell you that we had a good laugh at that statement!

Though I still hold some of my old stereotypical idea about stock apple users, my views on the hardware and software have vastly changed after Jailbreaking my iPad. I thank my aunt who bought it for me, because if she didn't, I would not have had the opportunity to change my mind and slightly expand my tech-knowhow.

To conclude, products are mad to satisfy needs and wants of a specific consumer. So what gives me the right to tell them they have made the wrong choice? Stock, jailbroken, or what have you.

I'd like to leave you with a quote that so happens to be one of my favorites, and might strike a fancy to you business minded people:

" If not for the differences in taste, then there would be no market " ( Ancient Proverb )
If all the people in the world had the same taste and desires, then only one product would be sold, and all the rest of the manufacturers/ developers/ and service providers would disappear. No market.

Hope it made sense, since English is not my mother language!
I'm thinking of applying for a multi-lingual test so I can add it to my résumé, and I'm trying to practice translations! :D
Define "Better multi task"

Not that I'm trying to convince you :) - Everyone is free to make their own choice...

Better multi task; I'd like to be able to be downloading several something's while uploading a few something elses while listening to music and editing a 720 video into dull resolution still shots to upload to several places at once like on my phone. I don't think the iPad even has the RAM to attempt it but I'm ok since finding Splashtop.
Thank you f4780y
:D Apple fanboys are MUCH more forgiving than them Android fanboys when I mention I'm ok with stock :D

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This post was Tapatalk approved
Sent from wherever I'm at right now via my Apple tablet
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Why JAILBREAK!! I mean there is a reason why apple wont recommend jail breaking! Sure you can have more freedom but your idevice will
Become slow and tend to crash. Of course you don't want that! KEEP YOUR IDEVICE CLEAN AND SAY NO TO JAILBREAKING! :)

I Jailbroke my iPhone 4 so I can have free tethering with my iPad 2. JB did not slow it down or cause it to crash. If and when a JB is released for the iPad 2 I might consider trying it as it really does allow for the customizations that you can't get with the stock iOS.
SweetPoison said:
We are so hijacking this guy's thread. I thought it was yours!!

He doesn't care. :D

Yeah, what he said. :D Plus, it's great that people are actively discussing the State of the Jailbreak. This forum wouldn't be as popular otherwise, even if there are plenty of nice things here.

About JB: It's something that I avoid because I seem to recall that I was rather scared of the JB world. Imagine, I just bought my first iPhone and I was treating it like the Holy Grail. Add that to the dread I was feeling at the possibility of bricking my iPhone and the unorganized feeling I had on JB and you have a non-jailbreaker out of me. (My iPhone was unlocked anyway.)

However, that's not to say I'm avoiding the JB world 100%~ Now that I have ordered an iPad I am quite anxious to see what it can do if a JB for iPad 2 is released. I'm less scared this time because I know I can't truly brick an iPad, and that I've gotten more knowledgeable on iOS.
KaiHD said:
Yeah, what he said. :D Plus, it's great that people are actively discussing the State of the Jailbreak. This forum wouldn't be as popular otherwise, even if there are plenty of nice things here.

About JB: It's something that I avoid because I seem to recall that I was rather scared of the JB world. Imagine, I just bought my first iPhone and I was treating it like the Holy Grail. Add that to the dread I was feeling at the possibility of bricking my iPhone and the unorganized feeling I had on JB and you have a non-jailbreaker out of me. (My iPhone was unlocked anyway.)

However, that's not to say I'm avoiding the JB world 100%~ Now that I have ordered an iPad I am quite anxious to see what it can do if a JB for iPad 2 is released. I'm less scared this time because I know I can't truly brick an iPad, and that I've gotten more knowledgeable on iOS.

It is impossible to brick an idevice unless you screw something up with the bootloader which is nearly impossible to do and only the dev team knows how to access the boot loader. :)
When I had my Droid X, I came up with two rules before I would root. I apply the same ones to Jailbreaking.

1) There must be something I want/need badly enough to risk (however slight) compromising my phone's stability and warranty. It's my only phone, and I can't afford to break it just for my amusment.

2) I must research and undestand not only the jailbreak, but all methods of recovery.

I've come close to fullfilling rule one a couple times, but not quite, and I'm too lazy to start on rule 2 until I do.

Of course we are talking about the iPad here, and while I apply the same rules, its less vital roll has had me teetering on the brink several times. But each time I've seriously considered it, an update comes along and I decide to wait and see how that works out first. :D
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graywolf said:
Along the grammar path of sweet p,

No bra! You do be trippin! My pad be fine ******!
It be faster den you pad!

(look what 10 years or public school has done to me. :))

Hahahahahahah!!......funny. HOWS UR IPAD FASTER? Stocks faster than jail broken
OBVIOUSLY!!!!!! Duhhh!!! :P
I didn't jailbreak because of two reasons
1. money. if I brick my iPad I'm doomed as that's the only Apple product I have.
2. Too risky. Last time I updated my iPad it went into Restore Mode without a OS in it (because the USB ports weren't working properly.

Sent from my interestingcompanionPad using iPF!

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