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Why Didn't You Jailbreak?

graywolf said:
If you search for the thread "sweetpoison's jb venture", you can see we held her hand through the whole process. :)

Definitely worth checking out as there's a lot of info for us first-timers (and all the trepidation, fears and general confusions of exploring a new territory.) Plus it's funny as hell. :)

And a prime example how one can ask the ultimate dumb questions.:o
LOL ^^

I have seen SP's jail break topic, if anything that put me off from jb, lol, despite the support and backup which was great. I remember as i was reading through the topic as it was updated, i said to myself no way, staying safe and stock 

Sent from my iPad using iPF, using iOS 4.3.2
SweetPoison said:
And a prime example how one can ask the ultimate dumb questions.:o

Most certainly not dumb! I'm sure I'd have had the same questions my first time in the, as you dubbed it, Twilight Zone. 'sides how else are you going to know unless you ask? :)
SweetPoison said:
And a prime example how one can ask the ultimate dumb questions.:o

We all had those dumb questions at first like you. We had to find out somehow. Most of mine were answered by google. :D
graywolf said:
Not necessarily. You jailbreak, and speed isn't affected. Just downloading a theme and doing common jailbreaking things will not slow down. It is only when you download stuff that runs in the background and burns CPU and RAM that it becomes slow. On the contrary, since jailbreaking gives you root access, you can actually make it faster than a stock iPad by removing stock stuff that burns CPU and hogs RAM.

My question is, (and I am sure I speak for many people who are reading your posts) how would you know if it is slower since you are not jailbroken?
Have you ever run a speed test on a stock and jailbroken iPad? Sounds to me like someone is making an assumption.

And Kai, sorry to hijack your thread. :)

Your right and yes I have tested jail broken vs stock and there is a HUGE speed difference.....well that's for MY idevice. Not sure about other JB devices.
AdAbro said:
Your right and yes I have tested jail broken vs stock and there is a HUGE speed difference.....well that's for MY idevice. Not sure about other JB devices.

You must have installed something that slowed it down. You jailbreak, and speed isn't affected at all until you install something that may slow it down.
What sort of jb apps have a known slow down? (off topic a bit) my iPhone 4 has slowed down a lot! The only things I think it can be is displayout, safari downloader, or multicleaner. Any of these have a known slowdown?
AdAbro said:
Stocks faster than jail broken
OBVIOUSLY!!!!!! Duhhh!!! :P

I disagree. My Jailbroken iPhone 4 is just as fast, and performs as well as when it was stock. Obviously, there are JB apps that might cause it to slow down, but I don't use them.
iRuthlessPad said:
I dont know why people are scared of bricking their ipads when it is almost impossible! Even for noobs..

Agreed. I'v been JB my iDevices for a year now. No problems at all. If there were any, putting them in DFU mode and restoring would fix the issue.

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