astanciu said:I am a bit late with this reply, probably, but Penultimate can, indeed, change the paper style page by page (i.e. one page graph, next lined, etc.) It also has a lot of downloadable paper designs.
Tuttle said:Well, after seeing your posting I downloaded Penultimate and I really have to agree: at least for my purposes, it now seems to be the best. The handwritten annotation tools are better than Good Reader and iAnnotate and probably as good as Neu.Annotate. It handles large pdf files better than Good Reader and Neu.Annotate, the latter crashing on large files. Paging takes forever on Good Reader if the file is very large. The drawing tools are better on Good Reader, but typing is better in Penultimate.
Bottom Line: Penultimate for me. (But if it is only the penultimate, it leaves me wondering what the ultimate might be!)
Tuttle said:Well, Duh! Total brain freeze. What I was critiquing was Notability, not Penultamate. So, for me, maybe Notability is the ultimate!!
zipur said:I am confused. Penultimate can not read PDF files, good reader works with everything. notability is slow to open. So what exactly do you like?
Just for the record the best ink bar none is Paper53!.
Tuttle said:Guess I should have used the word "evaluate." It is Notability that works great on large pdf files. Sorry for the confusion.
zipur said:The reason I ask is that since the latest update my large PDF 1100 pages+ cause the app to crash if I scroll to fast. I use Notabilty all the time. Do you notice any issues?
qvp said:Can someone who's followed this thread sum it up? thanks