It is going great - got my first business card this morning, and plan on buying the last Friday morning (if I believe I will place in the contest) or Saturday, leaving me 3 days to place for the silver medals.I just took the decission to buy a second Big Power Plant on sale, which brought me down to 50 city credits - but should have gathered another 10 by Friday morning (4 for a level and 3 for their facebook thingy + easily 3 for vessels) - so, all as per plan. Just hope Mrs. Joel stays a perfect 10 untill Monday.....I spent a lot of money on upgrading and hurry upgrading, so I now have a chemical plant level 5 and the other a level 2, making dye and foam for my cosmetics, which now runs 24/7 so I can handle all vessels there, without breaking a sweat. The level 5 makes acid for the components, and the occasional thickener, my level 5 mine does aluminum, so my next vessel, I should be able to do 4 components. So - all under control here, though my next vessel will stretch my weaving plant with rugs and dresses - will be put up for you guys to help (just had a person filling 20 grains (which I could have done in 8 minutes - but nice to let all people have a chance to go for the helpers achievement.Yesterday I got my first Gold anchor - have like 7 silver and 26 bronze......Now I need to gather a million coins for the 10 city credits I soon will be offered. Then I go for gathering city credits for premium factories (only have the bakery and pharmacy) and will buy slots, so I can go for 10 dairy factories. Must obviously upgrade garage as well. Will then go for 1-2 extra factories in population growth - after all, have over 10.000 available in electricity now...... NICE!How about you?