What of the special buildings should I buy? Tea, milk or furniture factory??
So... don't waste your time with buying luck with city credits to help you get "Rulers" for the Power Plant. I spent the 25 city credits for the 90% increase in "Luck" and got exactly 0 "Rulers"
That is right 0, none, nada, zip, zilch...
So don't waste your time and city credits. Right now i'm thinking it is impossible to get past this step at this time or there is some really complex set of actions you have to obtain before they will drop at all.
What of the special buildings should I buy? Tea, milk or furniture factory??
This ruler collection is bs. It now been well over a week and not a single one collected.... And none of the neighbours I've visited (of which I have many, and high level too) have it completed... So either there is massive problem or tapping on the two buildings is not the way to collect rulers... I'm at a loss.
Add: Epicsti
Commercial port opens in 5h : 15m
Need: Eggs, Purse, Soap
I was thinking if it's possible - for the wiki - we should start collecting info about how many of certain items you need for ship containers.
So say like today, when my first ship when out (thanks to all those who helped out with the cables or whatever it was) I started preparing for my second ship, Jam, Wax and Thickener (again thanks to everyone who helped).
I've never had Jam before on my ship so I made 12, thinking maybe they'll ask for up to 3 in each container... I needn't have made quite so many I only need 4, one in each container.
Stuff like that, and then clever people can put that info in the wiki.
If that makes sense... sorry if it doesn't I've been awake for nearly 30 hours and my brain is starting to go weird.
My last 3 shops VIP containers were for gold ore, laminate and sapphires. I own neither of these specialty shops. I like the idea of a spot on the wiki for this also, as I had the same deal with cheesecake. I made 8 and only needed 4. Not that big of a deal, but would still be nice to know a number. Gasoline was 10 today. Maybe we need a link to least amounts to place in the daily contest also. Today is candy. I have that it took 13 last time, but that it was during an event (V day or Easter?)Just recently my VIP containers have been wanting goods from the milk shop and tea shop. I already had milk and furniture shop, so for me it was the tea shop. I've also seen stuff wanted from bath and souvenir shops, so I expect those will be the next on sale.
city: Kiwiland player: Ukkiwiguy
My last 3 shops VIP containers were for gold ore, laminate and sapphires. I own neither of these specialty shops. I like the idea of a spot on the wiki for this also, as I had the same deal with cheesecake. I made 8 and only needed 4. Not that big of a deal, but would still be nice to know a number. Gasoline was 10 today. Maybe we need a link to least amounts to place in the daily contest also. Today is candy. I have that it took 13 last time, but that it was during an event (V day or Easter?)
The contest is already in the Wiki.
Believe we discussed about the prot a while back. Issue is that is varies a lot, depending on what level you are at. Som of my friends even have only 6 containers to fill. The same - the higher level (or whatever is behind) the more products you need.
So, finalised the bridge - with over 2 days left.
Guess what: no safe.
So, raising a ticket. I obviously have no screenshots to prove, but mention that they should be able to verify this in their logs (seem to remember that a frequent reply is that they "cannot see that in their logs" or "their logs show".