iPF Noob
Depends on what buildings you have... good money-making items include muffins, cookies, or candy at the confectionary plant, cheese, yogurt, or chocolate milk at the dairy factory, belts at the weaving factory, or chairs at the furniture factory. Fruitcakes and coconut flakes from terminal drops are also very good.
Well, I do not see cookies, for example as a good money machine. Ypu have to produce 2 milks and 2 flour, which takes some time - but could be sold at 2*420 + 2*450, on top of that, production cost is 170, so input is 1.910, and you can sell it after 1 hours work for 2.035 = a value-add of merely 125. In comparison you make 160 profit on 1 milk for 2 minutes.
Muffin is somewhat better 1 flour at 450 + 1 fruit at 400 + production cost of 160 = 1.010. After 10 minutes you can sell it for 1.495 giving you a value-add 485.