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Big Business - game discussion

Are you sure? I still have it.

View attachment 43562

Edit..... Just accidentally ordered cacao powder, lol... Instead of flour.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 61, Charleston, SC}

Mine has disappeared from the milling plant as well.

Player. Una1. City. Sunnycity. Level 52 need flowerbeds and fountains for ingrate achievement
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It is also listed among Foodstuffs.


{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 61, Charleston, SC}
Thanks for the money making discussion. Is there any real advantage to fully upgrading factories? Those end products take a lot of trucks.
Not really. If I am going to order ONE item and collect profit in one hour, I will order a cookie, not a muffin. I can sell muffin for 1495 and cookie for 2035. Cookie wins. That was my point. The best illustration is overnight production: you order cacao, not grain, meat, not milk, books, not poly. Value-add has nothing to do with this strategy.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 61, Charleston, SC}

You are not serious?
Selling them individually will give you more money, and despite 1 muffin only takes 10 minutes, you do not need more than one to be more profitable.

Maybe I should make it a bit more clear for you - you have in your warehouse 2 flour, 2 milk and 1 fruit. Now - if you sell 2 milk, 1 flour and make a muffin, you get 2 * 420 + 450 + 1.435 - 160 for production = 2.565. If you sell 1 fruit and make 1 cookie, you get 400 + 2.035 - 170 for production = 2.265.
That is why valueadd is key and time is not a factor in this case - the least frofitable takes longer time. Keep in mind this discussion is about muffin vs. cookie. It would become even more visible if you talked electronics......

When this is said - I fully agree there are a lot of long products out there, which gives much better money - I normally make fish or vegetables over night for my food plant and flowers for my cosmetics.

Well, economics is not for everyone - but optimization is how, those of us, who are not paying in the game (though admit the 99 cent offer did get me) are getting by. Anyway, good luck with your cookies.
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Thanks for the money making discussion. Is there any real advantage to fully upgrading factories? Those end products take a lot of trucks.

When you get the port, you will need those high end products. And yes, trucks is from time to time a scarce factor, so you also have to keep up there as well. Think this is one of the elements, which is interesting in this game - optimization, where are your investments best made.
You are not serious?
Selling them individually will give you more money, and despite 1 muffin only takes 10 minutes, you do not need more than one to be more profitable.

Maybe I should make it a bit more clear for you - you have in your warehouse 2 flour, 2 milk and 1 fruit. Now - if you sell 2 milk, 1 flour and make a muffin, you get 2 * 420 + 450 + 1.435 - 160 for production = 2.565. If you sell 1 fruit and make 1 cookie, you get 400 + 2.035 - 170 for production = 2.265.
That is why valueadd is key and time is not a factor in this case - the least frofitable takes longer time. Keep in mind this discussion is about muffin vs. cookie. It would become even more visible if you talked electronics......

When this is said - I fully agree there are a lot of long products out there, which gives much better money - I normally make fish or vegetables over night for my food plant and flowers for my cosmetics.

Well, economics is not for everyone - but optimization is how, those of us, who are not paying in the game (though admit the 99 cent offer did get me) are getting by. Anyway, good luck with your cookies.

Havingfun, your calculations are based on your assumption that I have flour, milk AND fruit before deciding on a cookie. I don't make cookies but let us imagine I do, for the sake of the argument. Say, I can check the game only once an hour for couple minutes. So, for cookies I will have 2 farms for grain, 2 mills for flour, and 2 ranches for milk. Every time I open the game I have a cookie and all the ingredients ready for the next one. I don't have fruit because I don't need it. If I decide to make one muffin/hour, I would have 1 farm for grain, 1 mill for flour and 1 farm for fruit. My investment in cookie is 2*60 + 2*110 + 2*260 + 170 = 1,030. Profit 2,035 - 1,030 = 1,005. My investment in muffin is 60 + 110 + 420 + 160 = 750. Profit 1,495 - 750 = 745. Cookies seem to be a better choice.

However, there is a reason why I personally don't choose cookies -- I can simply sell flour and milk and have the same profit without engaging confectionary and using extra trucks. All because the price system in BB is random and utterly ridiculous. I don't know who was designing this but one thing is sure: the guy is a moron.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 61, Charleston, SC}
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Havingfun, your calculations are based on your assumption that I have flour, milk AND fruit before deciding on a cookie. I don't make cookies but let us imagine I do, for the sake of the argument. Say, I can check the game only once an hour for couple minutes. So, for cookies I will have 2 farms for grain, 2 mills for flour, and 2 ranches for milk. Every time I open the game I have a cookie and all the ingredients ready for the next one. I don't have fruit because I don't need it. If I decide to make one muffin/hour, I would have 1 farm for grain, 1 mill for flour and 1 farm for fruit. My investment in cookie is 2*60 + 2*110 + 2*260 + 170 = 1,030. Profit 2,035 - 1,030 = 1,005. My investment in muffin is 60 + 110 + 420 + 160 = 750. Profit 1,495 - 750 = 745. Cookies seem to be a better choice.

However, there is a reason why I personally don't choose cookies -- I can simply sell flour and milk and have the same profit without engaging confectionary and using extra trucks. All because the price system in BB is random and utterly ridiculous. I don't know who was designing this but one thing is sure: the guy is a moron.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 61, Charleston, SC}

Sheesh, didn't mean to start a full-fledged congressional debate over this. I originally just went to the advanced production charts on the wiki and picked out a few lower level items with the best total profit or profit/hour.

G.I. should add barley, hops, and grapes to the farm and then we could have brewery/winery buildings.
Havingfun, your calculations are based on your assumption that I have flour, milk AND fruit before deciding on a cookie. I don't make cookies but let us imagine I do, for the sake of the argument. Say, I can check the game only once an hour for couple minutes. So, for cookies I will have 2 farms for grain, 2 mills for flour, and 2 ranches for milk. Every time I open the game I have a cookie and all the ingredients ready for the next one. I don't have fruit because I don't need it. If I decide to make one muffin/hour, I would have 1 farm for grain, 1 mill for flour and 1 farm for fruit. My investment in cookie is 2*60 + 2*110 + 2*260 + 170 = 1,030. Profit 2,035 - 1,030 = 1,005. My investment in muffin is 60 + 110 + 420 + 160 = 750. Profit 1,495 - 750 = 745. Cookies seem to be a better choice.

However, there is a reason why I personally don't choose cookies -- I can simply sell flour and milk and have the same profit without engaging confectionary and using extra trucks. All because the price system in BB is random and utterly ridiculous. I don't know who was designing this but one thing is sure: the guy is a moron.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 61, Charleston, SC}

Just keep in mind that in your example, muffins are worse off, because you have idle milk production.
Havingfun, your calculations are based on your assumption that I have flour, milk AND fruit before deciding on a cookie. I don't make cookies but let us imagine I do, for the sake of the argument. Say, I can check the game only once an hour for couple minutes. So, for cookies I will have 2 farms for grain, 2 mills for flour, and 2 ranches for milk. Every time I open the game I have a cookie and all the ingredients ready for the next one. I don't have fruit because I don't need it. If I decide to make one muffin/hour, I would have 1 farm for grain, 1 mill for flour and 1 farm for fruit. My investment in cookie is 2*60 + 2*110 + 2*260 + 170 = 1,030. Profit 2,035 - 1,030 = 1,005. My investment in muffin is 60 + 110 + 420 + 160 = 750. Profit 1,495 - 750 = 745. Cookies seem to be a better choice.

However, there is a reason why I personally don't choose cookies -- I can simply sell flour and milk and have the same profit without engaging confectionary and using extra trucks. All because the price system in BB is random and utterly ridiculous. I don't know who was designing this but one thing is sure: the guy is a moron.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 61, Charleston, SC}

Oh, and your calculation is also wrong - investment into muffin, I guess, is: 60 + 110 + 70 + 160 = 400, making it a profit of 1.095.
And we are here not even considering that you could, by making muffin still make your 2 farms make a milk each, which would give you another 320 profit on top.

So, again - you are very wrong off here. But, I also know none of us are producing these things. I just advise people to keep these things in mind when picking - it is often leading to the wrong choice if not done properly - which of course in a game is not a matter of life or death.
Yes, looks like I made a mistake with calculations. Lol, that's what happens when you calculate something without calculators or a piece of paper, in the wee hours of the night.

Anyway, I am really, truly bored with this game by now. Continue playing only because I invested a lot of money and effort into it.
I am thinking of going back to PC gaming for my entertainment though.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 61, Charleston, SC}
Does anyone know how to send screenshots using the iPad to customer services?

Player. Una1. City. Sunnycity. Level 52 need flowerbeds and fountains for ingrate achievement
Yes, looks like I made a mistake with calculations. Lol, that's what happens when you calculate something without calculators or a piece of paper, in the wee hours of the night.

Anyway, I am really, truly bored with this game by now. Continue playing only because I invested a lot of money and effort into it.
I am thinking of going back to PC gaming for my entertainment though.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 61, Charleston, SC}

Indeed -and this latest update was frankly not really an update. On top of that, it is summertime - hardly real time for playing :-)
Does anyone know how to send screenshots using the iPad to customer services?

Player. Una1. City. Sunnycity. Level 52 need flowerbeds and fountains for ingrate achievement

Yes, Yana explained it to me: press the home button and the power button simultaneously. Then it coes in your camera roll, where you can attach from.

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