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Big Business - game discussion

I wonder if anyone can help. I've just started the hydroplant quest and I've been on task 1.2 for a couple of hours. Where I have to collect workers and suitcases. I've yet to see a single worker walking the city. For those who've done this task, do the workers walk round the city or do I need to do something specific? How often do they appear?

They will appear..just keep watching.
For the "In Case of War" achievement, do you need to keep all 10 of the croissants in your warehouse at the same time?

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 37 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois :-)
For the "In Case of War" achievement, do you need to keep all 10 of the croissants in your warehouse at the same time?

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 37 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois :-)

Yes, you need to "accumulate 10 croissants" in your warehouse.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 61, Charleston, SC}
Did anyone manage to buy the Viking ship? A blog message tells me it's available, but all I see in the right-hand sidebar is the roller-coaster ride. Or do you have to be above a certain level to get it (I'm currently on Level 37).

Oh...and when I eventually complete my current Eiffel Tower quest (I have 1250 out of 1500 energy, so not long to go!), is there anything I can do with all the surplus design journals I've accumulated? I only needed 30 and I currently have 83!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

(SteveGPI, city name Hanham.)

I was wondering about that Viking ship too. I saw the blog entry but the structure was not available.
About the surplus -- anything extra is useless.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 61, Charleston, SC}
Yes, you need to "accumulate 10 croissants" in your warehouse.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 61, Charleston, SC}

Thanks! I assumed so, but wanted to double check. Since the Bakery went on sale, I was finally able to purchase it and get this achievement. :-)

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 37 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois :-)
Thanks, but 5 hours in and still nothing. Is this normal? I need 20 and haven't seen one yet!

Yes...it takes a while for the first one to show up then you will use 20 energy to get him then you will need to wait about an hour for the next one...but that was before the update..not sure if it is still running the same now.
Hm - I once in a while experience a bad internet connection.
When I try to fill containers, the game actually steals the cargo:

1) It states I need an internet connection to use the port
2) The cargo I try to load disappears
3) The cargo does not get registered at the vessel
4) I get no money for it either.

Is anyone else seeing that? Happens when I travel, and go va my mobile phone with poor 3G.
Hm - I once in a while experience a bad internet connection.
When I try to fill containers, the game actually steals the cargo:

1) It states I need an internet connection to use the port
2) The cargo I try to load disappears
3) The cargo does not get registered at the vessel
4) I get no money for it either.

Is anyone else seeing that? Happens when I travel, and go va my mobile phone with poor 3G.

I can make speakers now. I fat fingered a land purchase last night while trying to get enough coins for another upgrade. Oh well, will just have to wait a little longer. I was going for the garage upgrade for 1.25 million coins
Hm - I once in a while experience a bad internet connection.
When I try to fill containers, the game actually steals the cargo:

1) It states I need an internet connection to use the port
2) The cargo I try to load disappears
3) The cargo does not get registered at the vessel
4) I get no money for it either.

Is anyone else seeing that? Happens when I travel, and go va my mobile phone with poor 3G.

I've experienced that while travelling. lost a container load of stuff and had to start over. Luckily, it was only logs, so didn't take me too long
Yes...it takes a while for the first one to show up then you will use 20 energy to get him then you will need to wait about an hour for the next one...but that was before the update..not sure if it is still running the same now.

Looks like another fault/con. 18 hours in and still not a single worker. I've had one suitcase and despite using the 90% lucky charm bonus for the last 3 hours I've not had a single suitcase either!
I'm on my FINAL upgrade of the Eiffel tower!!!! Feels like I have been working on this power sucking quest for a year!!

Player: MandaLouD City: Mandaville
Hm - I once in a while experience a bad internet connection.
When I try to fill containers, the game actually steals the cargo:

1) It states I need an internet connection to use the port
2) The cargo I try to load disappears
3) The cargo does not get registered at the vessel
4) I get no money for it either.

Is anyone else seeing that? Happens when I travel, and go va my mobile phone with poor 3G.

It's happened to me a lot, guess because I move around constantly lol. My new pic was a shot from my plane ride home (from hell) on thurs

I think if your connection is interrupted the process stops. Process is probably: take from WH, validate open container, validate goods, fill container, then make payout.

I have lost goods and, had goods put in container with no payout, depends when the connection is lost

[ city name: Sprawlville level 60 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
I have unreliable wifi connection without traveling, even with the top of the line cable modem and router. I blame Comcast.
I have never experienced disappearing goods though. Thanks for the warning.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 61, Charleston, SC}
Sooooo....... Anyone bought the rulers? Mockba has. She/he/it is finishing the hydro plant as we speak. I wonder what comes next.

About aluminum... Wiki says "deliver 40 units." What exactly does this mean? Do you have to keep 40 aluminum in the warehouse?

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 61, Charleston, SC}

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