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Big Business - game discussion

Yes, Yana explained it to me: press the home button and the power button simultaneously. Then it coes in your camera roll, where you can attach from.

Thanks. Will do that.

Player. Una1. City. Sunnycity. Level 52 need flowerbeds and fountains for ingrate achievement
Hey this latest update. Did they put effort into making Yana show up when we try to add population when we can't. They did that little extra but not fix the bugs?!? What is their priority ranking? That is after no 1 profit from players.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 60 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
The cheek! GI are selling suitcases with rulers - they have made it impossible to get these friggin' things and they have now have the audacity to be selling them - I have not found one over three weeks (possibly longer). Outrageous!
The cheek! GI are selling suitcases with rulers - they have made it impossible to get these friggin' things and they have now have the audacity to be selling them - I have not found one over three weeks (possibly longer). Outrageous!

OMG!!! I naively thought they would have fixed the drop rate in the last updates!!!

Player: MandaLouD City: Mandaville
The cheek! GI are selling suitcases with rulers - they have made it impossible to get these friggin' things and they have now have the audacity to be selling them - I have not found one over three weeks (possibly longer). Outrageous!

Not a surprise. GI is probably having difficulty to get people to spend money they are using con tactics now.

city:mikeyville lvl.64 Id:makoadef. Anchorage, Alaska USA
The cheek! GI are selling suitcases with rulers - they have made it impossible to get these friggin' things and they have now have the audacity to be selling them - I have not found one over three weeks (possibly longer). Outrageous!

Yeah...this is really upsetting to me....ok if you want to sell them but at least make them drop also...not everyone spends real money on the game and will still not get them...I know I won't be buying them...I have been spending time with my family who is visiting and have just jumped on the game to get my daily playing coins and I have tried collecting rulers and still no drops after a month....bad move on selling the rulers GI without letting them drop...
Yeah...this is really upsetting to me....ok if you want to sell them but at least make them drop also...not everyone spends real money on the game and will still not get them...I know I won't be buying them...I have been spending time with my family who is visiting and have just jumped on the game to get my daily playing coins and I have tried collecting rulers and still no drops after a month....bad move on selling the rulers GI without letting them drop...

I cannot buy them - but on the other side also not on the Hydro quest.
But, would consider spending city credit for them - after all, get quite a lot from the port. But - no real money!
Yeah...this is really upsetting to me....ok if you want to sell them but at least make them drop also...not everyone spends real money on the game and will still not get them...I know I won't be buying them...I have been spending time with my family who is visiting and have just jumped on the game to get my daily playing coins and I have tried collecting rulers and still no drops after a month....bad move on selling the rulers GI without letting them drop...

They probably can't figure out the problem, and that software guy is probably on vacation lol. But yes they just can't give them away.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 60 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Good buy city of Norfolk. Hello home. Missed my 12:15 flight, then missed my 4:15 flight and now waiting at airport for my 8:05 flight. Now I have some quality BB time while I wait. Hope my data plan does not run out.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 60 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Yeah...this is really upsetting to me....ok if you want to sell them but at least make them drop also...not everyone spends real money on the game and will still not get them...I know I won't be buying them...I have been spending time with my family who is visiting and have just jumped on the game to get my daily playing coins and I have tried collecting rulers and still no drops after a month....bad move on selling the rulers GI without letting them drop...

This really has been a farce... And I had a typo above... It was supposed to read 'none'.... I am still waiting for my first drop which has left me doubting if collecting them is done in the conventional manner. Who knows!
I'm not doing the hydro plant, so they aren't available to me.
But, i was wondering how much are they selling for?

Also, anyone interested in trading little dragons (ie you send me one, then i send you one?)
Did anyone manage to buy the Viking ship? A blog message tells me it's available, but all I see in the right-hand sidebar is the roller-coaster ride. Or do you have to be above a certain level to get it (I'm currently on Level 37).

Oh...and when I eventually complete my current Eiffel Tower quest (I have 1250 out of 1500 energy, so not long to go!), is there anything I can do with all the surplus design journals I've accumulated? I only needed 30 and I currently have 83!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

(SteveGPI, city name Hanham.)
I wonder if anyone can help. I've just started the hydroplant quest and I've been on task 1.2 for a couple of hours. Where I have to collect workers and suitcases. I've yet to see a single worker walking the city. For those who've done this task, do the workers walk round the city or do I need to do something specific? How often do they appear?

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