iPF Noob
Just my luck...
{City: Arcadia} {Player Name: Alcimedes} {Level 65} hammers, hammers & more hammers
Sent you a hammer.
Just my luck...
{City: Arcadia} {Player Name: Alcimedes} {Level 65} hammers, hammers & more hammers
What's wrong with your luck Arcadia? You are doing awesome work. Here is my situation
Ps will you be updating your pic soon? Mine is the ship that I am visiting tomorrow to upgrade it.
[ city name: Sprawlville level 60 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Sent you a hammer.
Thank you. I can't get enough hammers.
{City: Arcadia} {Player Name: Alcimedes} {Level 65} hammers, hammers & more hammers
No, it is not how ANY structure is supposed to work. I've never heard of any major issues with the old quarry (that is not to say they are non-existent) but some people reported a similar bug with the terminal. GI CS proved to be useless; they are basically a bunch of random hacks with attitude. Let's hope your last quarry will function properly. Just in case, take screenshots and save all emails. If you continue having problems and they close your ticket or refuse to help (which they did on numerous occasions) you should complain to iTunes. You might get refund. Good luck.
UPDATE ON OLD QUARRY: I now have 4 quarries in my city. Everyday one will shut down and then I will find a new one as far left as you can go. Screenshot follows.
Hey everyone needs some help. Is there a secret to getting the steel details to show up quicker. I have been doing the Shipyard for the past 8 days now and had everything ready before hand and have been on the steel detail part for the past 6 days and have only accumulated 13 of the 30. I have only less than 2 days now and was wondering am I holding my mouth wrong or something. Anyone that could help would be appreciated.
Dang that sucks.. So how do they expect you to get all that before the time runs out on the reward???
Dang that sucks.. So how do they expect you to get all that before the time runs out on the reward???
I like your SOS
[ city name: Sprawlville level 60 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Hey everyone needs some help. Is there a secret to getting the steel details to show up quicker. I have been doing the Shipyard for the past 8 days now and had everything ready before hand and have been on the steel detail part for the past 6 days and have only accumulated 13 of the 30. I have only less than 2 days now and was wondering am I holding my mouth wrong or something. Anyone that could help would be appreciated.