iPF Noob
yes, me too.Is GI server down? I am having trouble with the port not loading. Anyone else having the same problem?
yes, me too.Is GI server down? I am having trouble with the port not loading. Anyone else having the same problem?
Is GI server down? I am having trouble with the port not loading. Anyone else having the same problem?
yes, me too.
Check your iPad clock. Your post shows an hour in the future, missing the time change. That might be your issue. GI will now have you pegged as a cheater. [ city name: Sprawlville level 65 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
its back up and working properly.Well that is odd, so is everyone else? Is it just the forum app with the bad time? I just tried my port and says I need to connect to use port [ city name: Sprawlville level 65 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
mine stopped working too again.Still not workingSent from my iPad using iPF
Is GI server down? I am having trouble with the port not loading. Anyone else having the same problem?
Me too. I was trying to drop off a shampoo in my container and it disappeared! I guess I'll have to start making another one. [City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level *55*]
Me too. I was placing 7 salt and they disappeared. Now I'm struggling to get them made again. Ugh!
User: SeaDe / City: Seavile
This is OK, anybody can fill your containers. They would get the extra 5% and help their achievement total.
user : Must b Daft - town : Trashville2 - level : 58 (gifts stay in my queue until I can return it)