iPF Novice
Ok, I don't have the zeppelin and I am still getting lens pieces ONLY. Got piles of lenses by now. Mountains. Himalayas.
I was finding gears only in the beginning. After that last year update -- no gears whatsoever. I am pretty sure with their lazy ass programming and a worthless CS they will never admit the lens/gear glitch cuz it is easier to blame their incompetence on our bad luck.
{Summerville - Elloriana, lvl 70}
Oh heavens never their fault! I wish we could trade each other for gears/lens cuz I can tip toe to Mt Everest summit without even climbing. It is ridicules...THe Zepplin is now over and my lens days r also. I was getting both when I started in late November and boom upgrade and never again. How can everyone have such bad luck!