1- I can't visit the corp without crashing.
A. I can see the corp task just long enough to know what to make
B. I can ope the corp shop
C. I can't scroll the main corp screen. I'm below #6 but don't know my corp rating.
D. I can't read messages or post. I can access late at night or early morning, but not during the day or evening. Don't seem to be that many people playing this game so must be some very small vm servers powering this thing or some bad database index designs.
2. Ports. Can't refresh friends ports in the day or evening without Internet connection errors.
3. Cannot open the pyramid at all. Internet connection errors.
If they acknowledge there are issues, they need to post updates, same as if they take servers down for emergency maintanence. Or even planned. I just want to give an public update that they know there are issues and it's being worked. I don't a full tech explanation, but just that we are aware of these issues and we are working in them. The fix requires an update or we need to update our servers and eta is targeted for nn days. Just any communication would be great.
Another game I played had similar issues, but they give a lot of updates and public acknowledgements, they learned their lesson, GI is about to find out the hard way considering how much real money people spend, it's not just a free game. Look up Big Fish, Dark Manor and you will see how they kepp posting updates for game issues, and they give freebies when there are serious interruptions.
I can work around the current issues so far except the port. I am forced to do a ware house dump because I can't just hold anymore items.
A. I can see the corp task just long enough to know what to make
B. I can ope the corp shop
C. I can't scroll the main corp screen. I'm below #6 but don't know my corp rating.
D. I can't read messages or post. I can access late at night or early morning, but not during the day or evening. Don't seem to be that many people playing this game so must be some very small vm servers powering this thing or some bad database index designs.
2. Ports. Can't refresh friends ports in the day or evening without Internet connection errors.
3. Cannot open the pyramid at all. Internet connection errors.
If they acknowledge there are issues, they need to post updates, same as if they take servers down for emergency maintanence. Or even planned. I just want to give an public update that they know there are issues and it's being worked. I don't a full tech explanation, but just that we are aware of these issues and we are working in them. The fix requires an update or we need to update our servers and eta is targeted for nn days. Just any communication would be great.
Another game I played had similar issues, but they give a lot of updates and public acknowledgements, they learned their lesson, GI is about to find out the hard way considering how much real money people spend, it's not just a free game. Look up Big Fish, Dark Manor and you will see how they kepp posting updates for game issues, and they give freebies when there are serious interruptions.
I can work around the current issues so far except the port. I am forced to do a ware house dump because I can't just hold anymore items.