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Big Business - game discussion

Good evening Meg, have you filled any containers for friends yet?

can you make skateboards, puzzles or soap? I've been watching the ok city disaster and neglecting my game. If you can make any of those items I will open them up for you to fill.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 58 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]

Unfortunately I can't make any of those items. I don't have any of the high end factories that most of the containers ask for. There hasn't been anything I've seen so far that I would be able to help with.

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 33 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois :-)
Unfortunately I can't make any of those items. I don't have any of the high end factories that most of the containers ask for. There hasn't been anything I've seen so far that I would be able to help with.

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 33 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois :-)

Meg...There are people who posts sand, fruit cakes, sugar, milkshakes and a lot of other low level products. Just keep checking your neighbors often when you see they have the ship in port...some days I feel like a stalker with all the checking but I try to help as much as I can...
I would like to discuss the gifts because it becomes a problem. We all agree that BB gift system sucks donkey balls. Only a few gifts per day and very often you can't give even when the game says you have 7 free gifts available. I receive an insane amount of gifts because I have an insane amount of friends. I try to do my best but one can do only so much. You might say, just give away billboards. Well, 40 -50 billboards a day is a heck of a lot of money. With all the upgrades and training I simply cannot afford it. I myself have no use for billboards and don't want them. What is your strategy?

{Summerville; the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 58; Charleston, SC; need hammers and trowels PLEASE!)

I finally gave in and let the gifts pile up and I return the gifts in order of receipt I probably will have to purge it somehow but I will wait till it reaches 1000 then figure it out from there. Btw I will have your lipsticks in an hour and 16 min. Assuming that you will only need 4.

STILL PLAYING NOT PAYING(city:mikeyville lvl63 id:makoadef anchorage,ak USA)
Meg...There are people who posts sand, fruit cakes, sugar, milkshakes and a lot of other low level products. Just keep checking your neighbors often when you see they have the ship in port...some days I feel like a stalker with all the checking but I try to help as much as I can...

I just saw an hour or so ago a lvl 35 city iceville needing milk for there port. And I agree I feel like a stalker to but like you trying to help out.

STILL PLAYING NOT PAYING(city:mikeyville lvl63 id:makoadef anchorage,ak USA)
I would like to discuss the gifts because it becomes a problem. We all agree that BB gift system sucks donkey balls. Only a few gifts per day and very often you can't give even when the game says you have 7 free gifts available. I receive an insane amount of gifts because I have an insane amount of friends. I try to do my best but one can do only so much. You might say, just give away billboards. Well, 40 -50 billboards a day is a heck of a lot of money. With all the upgrades and training I simply cannot afford it. I myself have no use for billboards and don't want them. What is your strategy?

{Summerville; the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 58; Charleston, SC; need hammers and trowels PLEASE!)

I started Regifting, then when I ran out of free gifts I would send a bill board but then the same person would in turn send me a billboard too and it all got too confusing so now I just send out my 10 free gifts and be done with it. I do try to give to different people each day though.

Player: MandaLouD City: Mandaville
I really don't get it? If someone is unable to fill their ship why would they put the most difficult thing to fill up for friends to fill? Just saying cause I have noticed it a few times.

STILL PLAYING NOT PAYING(city:mikeyville lvl63 id:makoadef anchorage,ak USA)

I can rarely fill my ship so I try to make available 2 of the middle products and 2 of the high level products so that people can fill if they want for bonus coins, achievements and possibly anchors. I usually do the top row myself to work for the achievement. Though I only post for help if I can fill the ship

Player: MandaLouD City: Mandaville
Thanks guys - shipe left pretty quickly.

In 6 hours I will need your assistance - thickeners. Would be nice to get that one of in a hurry as well, the rest I got more or less in stock.

I finally gave in and let the gifts pile up and I return the gifts in order of receipt I probably will have to purge it somehow but I will wait till it reaches 1000 then figure it out from there. Btw I will have your lipsticks in an hour and 16 min. Assuming that you will only need 4.

STILL PLAYING NOT PAYING(city:mikeyville lvl63 id:makoadef anchorage,ak USA)

Great. My ship will dock in 1.5 hr. I might pass out by that time (1:30 am) so if no sign is hovering above my port please keep the lipstick until tomorrow morning, okay?
I visited your city earlier today and noticed you have two mines, two chems and two cosmos. Wow.

Btw, got another avocado today, with only couple buses running. That means 6 avocado in 3 days.

{Summerville; the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 58; Charleston, SC; need hammers and trowels PLEASE!)
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I see that and agree and somewhat follow the same approach. What I meant is I have noticed where there is only a couple of hours left and not a single container is filled and they have something like lipstick for friends to fill. It don't hurt me none cause I only fill friends containers that I believe that they will fill either than that it is a waste of an item. I have even filled others and end up not filling mine in time due to the length of time to produce things. I am just thinking of those that are unable to fill the higher end items getting a chance to fill something if you know what I mean.

STILL PLAYING NOT PAYING(city:mikeyville lvl63 id:makoadef anchorage,ak USA)

Much appreciated Mikeyville!
If you need something, I would be glad to help, when I can.

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