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Does this mean 8 thickener? If so, I cannot fill my containers because I cannot make thickener.


  • image-2949686213.webp
    73.6 KB · Views: 177
Does this mean 8 thickener? If so, I cannot fill my containers because I cannot make thickener.

Yes based upon summer's post that means 8 thickeners, sorry pal,

Seriously, All this talk about advising people of upgrading, you yourself can't make thickener? I'm gonna make that my next mission, so when it's my turn I will be ready

[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Yes based upon summer's post that means 8 thickeners, sorry pal,

Seriously, All this talk about advising people of upgrading, you yourself can't make thickener? I'm gonna make that my next mission, so when it's my turn I will be ready

[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]

Thickener is next on my upgrade list. I have maxed out all my factories up to the chemical plant. Only have 2 chemical plants for the thickener upgrade (3,300,000 coins), radio factory (LEDs at 2.2m I think), and 2 upgrades on the cosmetic plant ( who knows how much those would be). This game takes a lot of patience and real money if you give in. Got discouraged when I fat fingered away 60 city credits on a useless plot of land. That could of been 2 twin turbines (2400 electricity), that would of been nice to get my population/happiness up.
Thickener is next on my upgrade list. I have maxed out all my factories up to the chemical plant. Only have 2 chemical plants for the thickener upgrade (3,300,000 coins), radio factory (LEDs at 2.2m I think), and 2 upgrades on the cosmetic plant ( who knows how much those would be). This game takes a lot of patience and real money if you give in. Got discouraged when I fat fingered away 60 city credits on a useless plot of land. That could of been 2 twin turbines (2400 electricity), that would of been nice to get my population/happiness up.

It isn't just me who got 8 thickener?!? I hate this! This is the 4th shipment in a row of thickener and I got 8! Ugh! I have 2 plants going at all times with thickener for the last 3 days, but it is still not enough.
It isn't just me who got 8 thickener?!? I hate this! This is the 4th shipment in a row of thickener and I got 8! Ugh! I have 2 plants going at all times with thickener for the last 3 days, but it is still not enough.

Responding to myself: Lame?!? Alright, I used some inventoried clock speed ups to get 2 thickener done. Now cooking some more. I was going to let this ship go down, but am determined to see it off! Ha! Eat THAT, GI!

(I think I have had those speed ups since Xmas- just after I started the game.)
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Kiwi girl filled my last plastic in your container

[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Responding to myself: Lame?!? Alright, I used some inventoried clock speed ups to get 2 thickener done. Now cooking some more. I was going to let this ship go down, but am determined to see it off! Ha! Eat THAT, GI!

You go D ! Smart thinking to take on the challenge. Explain how you use that, I stirred away from those thinking I don't need to get deeper into the game. But with addiction, the status quo gets static and you start to need more. Thanks

[ city name: Sprawlville level 62 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
My ship needs foam: 3, 5, and 7 boxes. And thanks GAB for the ore yesterday!

[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level 42 / need drills! / quarry still broken :-( ]
Hi guys, really appreciate a couple of thickness for my ship.... Can you help?

Name: Rikmondo (no more spending) City name: Rikville Level. 55. Needs: Drills, please.
It isn't just me who got 8 thickener?!? I hate this! This is the 4th shipment in a row of thickener and I got 8! Ugh! I have 2 plants going at all times with thickener for the last 3 days, but it is still not enough.

I hate this game at times. The middle row was thickeners. I should be able to produce thickeners next weekend if I am diligent.


  • image-3858278054.webp
    76.4 KB · Views: 148
Guys, I rarely post lately but please rest assured that I am making rounds regularly and helping with containers whenever I can. I always try to help fellow forumites first. :) Unfortunately, I do not play as much as I used to, thanks to the update.

Also, thank y'all for your help with filling my own containers.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 63, Charleston, SC}

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