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Big Business Port: Cargo Containers For Sale

Ship sailed:)

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Thanks, but you scared me. No my ship didn't sail, you just filled the last help container. I'm still working on my VIP, then I will fill my last container.
My VIP is worth 90,000

[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
It did!! My next ship has 2 items on it I cannot produce so I didn't even try on that one because there was no way I could do it.

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 47 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois:-)

Sorry to hear that. Hope your next one will be kinder.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Thanks, but you scared me. No my ship didn't sail, you just filled the last help container. I'm still working on my VIP, then I will fill my last container.
My VIP is worth 90,000

[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]

Woops didn't mean to scare you:)

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Hey everyone, PARTY on my ship tonight. Need someone to bring ACID!

[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level 47 / quarry fixed with this latest update!]
Need some night stands please. Any help appreciated. Thanks
I sent you one nightstand today and 2 squirt guns.
Thanks to JC for my boxes! I am opening up a new school, so I can only get on periodically. You helped me a lot with those. I sent you something this morning or last night, but cannot remember what- I have made a bunch of nightstands, squirt guns, oh - I sent you 2 acid tonight! I am sending, but not noting, as I can only sneak away for a few minutes between meetings to send. 104 degrees today and tomorrow hotter for the first day of school!
I sent you one nightstand today and 2 squirt guns.
Thanks to JC for my boxes! I am opening up a new school, so I can only get on periodically. You helped me a lot with those. I sent you something this morning or last night, but cannot remember what- I have made a bunch of nightstands, squirt guns, oh - I sent you 2 acid tonight! I am sending, but not noting, as I can only sneak away for a few minutes between meetings to send. 104 degrees today and tomorrow hotter for the first day of school!

Thanks to you and others my party was a blast! I'll help when I can.

[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level 47 / quarry fixed with this latest update!]
SOS, mateys!!!

Radio broke down. Require Radio Components to set ship free. All help appreciated.

Thank you.

[ Name: Ken55 / City: Singapore / Level: 64 / I love helping out in filling containers ]
Good morning! I haven't posted here the last few days so I want to thank all who have helped with my ships. I have been dropping off goods when I have them.
This ship needs acid and components. I really need help with this one. It will take me all day to get my containers filled. The ship sailed last night when I was sleeping and I didn't get a head start producing items. So I am behind the gun catching up. All your help is appreciated. Thanks
Thank you to whoever filled my last plastic container. I was almost there, but so glad hat the ship sailed earlier.

Next container needs night stands (again). Appreciate help with this.
Kiwi girl you wiped me out of plastic. 4 delivered and sailed your ship.
Satsuma 2 water guns delivered
Tiwizzle 2 soaps
New town 2 juices
Warehouse13 2 mayos
Maleka4 2 scafoldings
No IMF 3 scafoldings

[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Thanks Gab. I was making some plastic too. Not possible to play during work, so most of my playing occurs after hurs and weekends. I lucked out with my next container - skateboards. Got a head start on it with the surplus plastic
Also needs night stands, which I can't make yet. Hoping to start the upgrade the factory in the morning, after I load these skateboards.
Thanks Gab. I was making some plastic too. Not possible to play during work, so most of my playing occurs after hurs and weekends. I lucked out with my next container - skateboards. Got a head start on it with the surplus plastic
Also needs night stands, which I can't make yet. Hoping to start the upgrade the factory in the morning, after I load these skateboards.

Np. I will try to work in a night stand. Refinery is making plastic and daily challenge oil. Glad the plastic you made was helpful not having to use it on the last ship

[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
D filled the 1 cake, 2 cakes and lipstick, rest is up to you

[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
D filled the 1 cake, 2 cakes and lipstick, rest is up to you

[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]

G, I always look for sprawlville, but it seems like I rarely catch your ship in port to help. Am I blind, or do you fill most by yourself? You always seem to have so many items to help also! Today was the first day of school, so, like Judy, I started production as ship was almost already in port. So tired, but a great day! U.S. History this year for 8th graders!

I had 5 components, so I gave them and a bunch of acids and 5 shampoos away. I needed lipstick.

Gotta prep for tomorrow. Giving the back story for Europe before 1492- Fall of Rome, Feudalism, Silk Road, Black Death, Fall of Constantinople, Vasco De Gama, then Columbus. Lots of trade & gold talk, not to mention pus, blood, and gore! Good times!
Next ship needs shampoo which I can't make. I'll open containers later this evening when I get back from the zoo with my niece. Enjoying my last couple days of summer before school starts! Enjoy your day BB friends!!

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 47 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois:-)

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