iPF Noob
G, I always look for sprawlville, but it seems like I rarely catch your ship in port to help. Am I blind, or do you fill most by yourself? You always seem to have so many items to help also! Today was the first day of school, so, like Judy, I started production as ship was almost already in port. So tired, but a great day! U.S. History this year for 8th graders!
I had 5 components, so I gave them and a bunch of acids and 5 shampoos away. I needed lipstick.
Gotta prep for tomorrow. Giving the back story for Europe before 1492- Fall of Rome, Feudalism, Silk Road, Black Death, Fall of Constantinople, Vasco De Gama, then Columbus. Lots of trade & gold talk, not to mention pus, blood, and gore! Good times!
Yeah, I know. I try and keep my factories going at all times. So when my ship comes in I need very little help. I do try to make the easy items up for help for the young sailors because they usually in volumes. I am trying to ween myself off the game a little to spend more time on the stock market. Today is option expiration day! Almost anything could happen. I am booing black berry because I think they will die off. I have many puts against it.
I wish I paid more attention to history in school. Lots to learn that I did not. Being autistic I didn't understand the people around me never mind try and understand people centuries ago. I am very black and white with no tolerance for grey areas. Which is why I do so well in computer engineering.
My next ship needs soap cakes and berries. I have soap and some berries, anyone want to help out on cakes or berries?
[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]