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Big Business Port: Cargo Containers For Sale

Friends and fellow dockyard mates,

Ship's in port and they are yelling for stacks of chairs!!! Yikes!!! I'm making as many as I can - they need 4, 5, 6 & 9 per container. Please help if you have the time.

Mucho gracias!

[ Name: Ken55 / City: Singapore / Level: 62 / I love helping out in filling containers ]

Ken, 11 chairs delivered. = Junkerton
Ken, 11 chairs delivered. = Junkerton

Many thanks for seeing off my ship. I hope you got the anchor as well.

Next one coming in a few hours but I can't raise the distress signal till about 8 hrs time - gotta prep for bed over this side of the world.

Early warning is that SkateBoards are needed. I don't have a Toy Factory so go for it, you proud owners of TFs. I'll pop up the flag after my nightly nap. :)

Thanks again, one and all!!

[ Name: Ken55 / City: Singapore / Level: 62 / I love helping out in filling containers ]
Many thanks for seeing off my ship. I hope you got the anchor as well.

Next one coming in a few hours but I can't raise the distress signal till about 8 hrs time - gotta prep for bed over this side of the world.

Early warning is that SkateBoards are needed. I don't have a Toy Factory so go for it, you proud owners of TFs. I'll pop up the flag after my nightly nap. :)

Thanks again, one and all!!

[ Name: Ken55 / City: Singapore / Level: 62 / I love helping out in filling containers ]

Enjoy the "nap." I have 1 skateboard and will make another one or 2 by morning your time. Making a water gun now.
Will need Thickeners in 4 hours. Thanks in advance!!

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 42 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
Thanks racket.. I tried to open the container during work but just couldn't get out. It's ok. I'll save up for the next time the energy discount comes along. In a month or so..
Thanks racket.. I tried to open the container during work but just couldn't get out. It's ok. I'll save up for the next time the energy discount comes along. In a month or so..

I gave you 2 glues anyway. If you are desperate for power and have maxed out on the buildings. then just spend £2 and buy a power plant. There is nothing wrong with that.
I am 2 Lipsticks short (I have filled the rest of the cargo.) I will need 7 hours to fill them, or could a friend drop one off for me and I will return the favor later?
I am 2 Lipsticks short (I have filled the rest of the cargo.) I will need 7 hours to fill them, or could a friend drop one off for me and I will return the favor later?

What's your city name? I can't remember.....

Name: Rikmondo (no more spending) City name: Rikville Level. 56. Needs: Drills, please.
Enjoy the "nap." I have 1 skateboard and will make another one or 2 by morning your time. Making a water gun now.

Fanatical Captain Ken stirred from the swirling mist of his nap and hoists the distress flag for - SkateBoards!

Thanks you. (Back to the sack)

[ Name: Ken55 / City: Singapore / Level: 62 / I love helping out in filling containers ]
Ken, sent you 3 skateboards, but have had a setback, as I started parquet on accident. It still has an hour and then I will make the sawdust to get you 2 more. Sent Rik a ketchup, but I just got back from Starbucks and there were already 3 done by someone else, so I still have 3 more. Ah well.
Just opened 3 containers of Thickener (1,1,1) and 1 container of Sawdust-8 Thanks for your help!!

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 42 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
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Ken, sent you 3 skateboards, but have had a setback, as I started parquet on accident. It still has an hour and then I will make the sawdust to get you 2 more. Sent Rik a ketchup, but I just got back from Starbucks and there were already 3 done by someone else, so I still have 3 more. Ah well.

Sorry racket...I dropped off the 3 ketchup to rik...save them, someone almost always needs ketchup.

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