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Cracked the ipad screen, got a free replacement from the apple store

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Hello to everybody. Ok, my ipad accidentally fall on a floor and got a cracked screen. So, when I went to the forum, and read about what is my chance, and it says Apple Store can replace or repair cracked screen. (for $100. Or even for free!!) I was pretty happy,
Utill I came to the store in Pacific Mall in next day. They told me they can replace it for new one for $476. And they do not repair
cracked screen. So, now my iPad increase price in a half. I paid almost $ 1000 for iPad 2 64 gb with 3G and wifi, and paid again
almost $500. I understand this is my fall, but they did not replace/repair for less. :(
Just want to share my thought.
Hi everyone,
Yesterday night while returning from the library, I accidentally dropped my ipad2 straight onto the concrete from about 4 feet. And of course, upon inspection, the screen had cracked nearly the entire length of the ipad. Also, the corner was really damaged.

So, this morning I took it to the apple store and explained exactly what happened, and the guy says "no problem, we'll replace it for free this one time". I was extremely surprised this happened, that's pretty amazing CS. So, in a few days I have to go back to the apple store to pick up the ipad.

Does anyone know if apple supplies a brand new replacement ipad2 or is at a refurbished model?

Aga how about to $476 for the replacement my cracked screen. In Pacific Mall apple store? I purchased iPad 2, 64 gb, 3G and wifi in September for almost $1000 and 18 of November paid another $476. I understand this is my fall, but to replacement for this money... So everyone be aware how they make mone, and by the way, iPad fell to the wood floor from about 3 feet and It had a cover.
Aga how about to $476 for the replacement my cracked screen. In Pacific Mall apple store? I purchased iPad 2, 64 gb, 3G and wifi in September for almost $1000 and 18 of November paid another $476. I understand this is my fall, but to replacement for this money... So everyone be aware how they make mone, and by the way, iPad fell to the wood floor from about 3 feet and It had a cover.

I am at lost why apple has to replace an iPad for free when you dropped it. Try dropping a laptop that distance and see what the cost will be. Apple has no obligation to replace for free if you dropped your iPad. What you received was a change over price. Some locations will replace no charge one time only but that is becoming rare. My advice by insurance to cover accidental breakage problem resolved.

Apple is not making money from the change over.
col.bris said:
I am at lost why apple has to replace an iPad for free when you dropped it. Try dropping a laptop that distance and see what the cost will be. Apple has no obligation to replace for free if you dropped your iPad. What you received was a change over price. Some locations will replace no charge one time only but that is becoming rare. My advice by insurance to cover accidental breakage problem resolved.

Apple is not making money from the change over.

I do not object to paying, but 240.00 seems excessive. I should welcome evidence That "Apple is not making money from the change over". How so?
lollardo said:
I do not object to paying, but 240.00 seems excessive. I should welcome evidence That "Apple is not making money from the change over". How so?

Why should they not make money? They are not a charity, they have to satisfy their shareholders like any other company that has shareholders. If you don't like the charge you don't have to pay it but please explain why you think you can break something then expect someone to provide you a service which is either free or "at cost" by the company providing the service?

I fail to see any logical argument from you that Apple have done anything wrong?

The Archangel
I wouldn't expect Apple to do a free replacement... I'm surprised they have done so for many, but I think it would be a mistake in seeing this as a universal precedent. Normally, when you drop something - or someone sits on it - and it breaks, you get to have it repaired. What warranty would cover that? That's why, when I bought my first generation iPad at Best Buy, I bought the damage replacement option (because stuff happens!). And when I took my iPad 1 in because the speaker quit working within the first year, they went in the back and came out with an equivalent iPad2 - no questions asked, no hassle. But I paid for the extra warranty.

I'm happy for the many of you that got yours replaced when something bad happened, but I don't think that's the way it can be expected normally to happen.

Agree totally, Larry!

I agree totally, Larry! I was shocked and thankful when it happened that Apple replaced my IPad 2 for free when I broke the screen last spring. I wonder about the inconsistency in applying the policy, but I simply wised up and bought myself an insurance policy from Square Deal. I was lucky because Apple was clear about not covering accidental damage. So, be smart and protect yourself. If you break it and Apple doesn't replace, that's your problem. There are places that repair, too, for less than what Apple charges so you don't have to buy a replacement from Apple.
I'm wondering the same thing. Cincinnati store said $419 to replace mine. Will drive to Columbus if needed. $419 seems excessive. I'm not expecting free by any means, but it's just a screen. How about $100 or $150??
meanjeann said:
I'm wondering the same thing. Cincinnati store said $419 to replace mine. Will drive to Columbus if needed. $419 seems excessive. I'm not expecting free by any means, but it's just a screen. How about $100 or $150??

You can pay as low as $50 and replace it yourself. Ifixit.com has a good guide
I agree totally, Larry! I was shocked and thankful when it happened that Apple replaced my IPad 2 for free when I broke the screen last spring. I wonder about the inconsistency in applying the policy, but I simply wised up and bought myself an insurance policy from Square Deal. I was lucky because Apple was clear about not covering accidental damage. So, be smart and protect yourself. If you break it and Apple doesn't replace, that's your problem. There are places that repair, too, for less than what Apple charges so you don't have to buy a replacement from Apple.

So my screen is already cracked....am I able to buy the Square Trade warranty for $99 and then in a week get in touch with them to report it cracked? How does their policy work?
FaithKeeper said:
So my screen is already cracked....am I able to buy the Square Trade warranty for $99 and then in a week get in touch with them to report it cracked? How does their policy work?

You will not get any assistance here in committing fraud.

The Archangel
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