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Cracked the ipad screen, got a free replacement from the apple store

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Kaykaykay has done such a good conversion job on me that I am now looking at this from a different angle. If this is how most breakages are occurring, which I hadn't realised, then some sort of concerted campaign to bring that particular issue to Apple's attention would be a good idea. I think it's a great function of the cover that it can be used as a stand, but maybe it should be emphasised that great care is needed re positioning.

Wouldn't hurt to let Apple know: Apple - iPad - Feedback

Amazon was selling an official cover a while back that was leading to damaged Kindles, if owners handled them in a certain way. In those instances, Amazon replaced Kindles for free. In some cases, companies will give users the benefit of the doubt, because it's in their interest to keep customers happy if financially feasible.

There've also been some complaints about blotches left on iPads by smart covers, by the way.
Kaykaykay said:
Wouldn't hurt to let Apple know: Apple - iPad - Feedback

Amazon was selling an official cover a while back that was leading to damaged Kindles, if owners handled them in a certain way. In those instances, Amazon replaced Kindles for free. In some cases, companies will give users the benefit of the doubt, because it's in their interest to keep customers happy if financially feasible.

There've also been some complaints about blotches left on iPads by smart covers, by the way.

Never experienced an blotch that couldn't be removed. Would such a thing not be provable? There again, if you happen to get something 'orrible on the cover, I suppose it could be transferred. Like er... Or ...um.
Never experienced an blotch that couldn't be removed. Would such a thing not be provable? There again, if you happen to get something 'orrible on the cover, I suppose it could be transferred. Like er... Or ...um.

There apparently are ones left by the magnets, like rust stains of sorts that aren't wipeable, it sounds like. It probably happens to some, not others, or there would be greater outcry.

I've never wanted a smart cover, because I thought they'd be more trouble than they're worth, so I can't speak from firsthand experience.
Kaykaykay said:
There apparently are ones left by the magnets, like rust stains of sorts that aren't wipeable, it sounds like. It probably happens to some, not others, or there would be greater outcry.

I've never wanted a smart cover, because I thought they'd be more trouble than they're worth, so I can't speak from firsthand experience.

Love mine! Nearly more than I love my iPad!
Kaykaykay said:
Cool. Life is good when you find something that works well for you.

Yep! Strangely, I was cured of OCD symptoms re cover getting a bit dirty etc., by a post on this forum. It inferred an acceptance of the "antique" look.
No so lucky in Singapore! As you know everything in Singapore nothing is free! I drop my ipad asking Eservice apple appointed service provider, so no lucky i needed to Pay SGD$507 for 32gb 3G+wifi! and the price various. I wish i was in USA. The feeling sucks. Disappointed as SINGAPORE majority people are using apple product. Large percentage are using apple product and we doesn't even have a Apple Storeby Apple? All apple store in Signapore are apple appointed seller. saded. No serive centers that are nice to do a one time courtesy replacement.

Below is my story! care to read?

Guy warning! Do not buy the SMART COVER indeed it is not smart for smart user.
My iPad Drop case is due to the so call SMART COVER! i never had an iPad so my friend bought me one ipad with everything fixed. To my dismay, the smart cover magnet detach easily and i hoping to catch it. The ipad cover also did not prone users to handle ipad with care. Ipad may easily detach from it or anything. I so sad that my screen crack and i have to pay SGD507 plus to repair the screen. I also notice the price like 32gb 3g+wifi= $507, 16bgb 3G+wifi=$407 and so on. The price varies. I was wondering if Singapore Service center is earning such big bucks as one person could top up and buy another new iPad! To add on, It is due to the smart cover design that never take such cas into consideration, what if it loses it magnetism over time. Could it be dangerous for kids or anyone who fist in contact with iPad? It has a polycarbonate backing and was wondering why not the smart cover magnet can actually attach to it. Was is design this way on purpose so that users will DROP their iPad easily and repairs in order to EARN money in Singapore?

I was told off by the Singapore Apple Service advisors that i am not covered cos it is my fault and dim as an accident. I was wondering why it did not prone users or make any improvement to the design or EVEN Anticipate such thing will happened to the user. The design should Shape to the user. That is what Steve Job vision for Mac. Humanity Design! Why is the SMART COVER NOT TAKEN for such consideration that this will happened. Just that magnet attach is cooler? Apple is such a big and good Company i know! Please help me? Someone help me. A student here work so hard to get an ipad in the end had to pay another $500 plus to get it repair. Really cost a bomb. Hidden bomb in apple. Help me apple PLEASE!

I WARN iPad buyers! NOT TO BUY THE SMART COVER! If you buy Please warn the next users to handle it with care, it will detach easily if it is not handle properly.
APPLE will not cover your ipad for their own product fault! Consumer has no rights to apple cos they are big and powerful!

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so here's what happened although i wasn't expecting much as it was my fault in the first place.

My friend who is now in San Fransico from India took the ipad last evening to the 2 stores around his area. The first store said that they would replace the glass for $300 but it would take 2 weeks for delivery. I found that interesting because nobody on this forum ever had that option provided to them. Infact even in the stores in India, all they said was that they'd swap the ipad for a new one. Anyway, since my friend is flying out next week, the 2 week wait option was not possible. The store then said that to replace it with a new ipad would cost $600.

My friend then went into the 2nd store who did not offer to replace the glass but straight away said that exchanging it for a new ipad would cost $600. My friend then gave him the explanation about how his little kid loves playing with the ipad and dropped it accidentaly. He even said that their store was highly recommended with great service since they have been nice to customers earlier with similar cases. The guy at the counter then said that the only ipads they had replaced free were the ONLY WIFI ones and now because of the holiday season and huge traffice into stores, even that was not possible.

After much cajoling and pleading by my friend, the guy went inside and came back saying as a goodwill gesture, they would waive off 50% of the retail price of a new ipad (32GB WIFI + 3G) so that's $729 less 50% = $369 approximately. My friend had 24 hours to avail the offer.

My friend came back to his hotel room and then emailed me about what needed to be done. I have asked him to pay the $369 and get it replaced. I dont have a choice and in no mood to ask my friend to visit a few more stores. On conversion, that works out to about 20,000 Indian Rupees which is 5000 cheaper than what the stores in India asked for ...so some consolation :)

ps: the guy from singapore who just wrote about how unfair it is etc etc should realise that it is indeed our mistake if we damaged the ipad and then expect free replacement. If you bang your car, will you go to the service centre and ask for free denting/paint job etc..hell! would you ask for a new car ?:) Chin up buddy. This too will pass.

Thanks everyone for reading and have a great holiday season with your families, loved ones and ipad :)
Today I was holding my ipad in 1 hand to the side, and (my own fault) accidently had my hand on the icover 3 fingers and on ly my thumb on the other side holding the back of the ipad. The magnet failed and I didn't have a good grip, it slipped out my hand only about 2 ft to the tile floor but it cracked the side and bottom corner of the white frame and onto the corner of the screen (arghhhhh)

The Apple Store is only 15 miles so drove there immediately, explained totally blaiming myself, the 'genius' desk said they cannot replace the screens, they can replace the entire ipad2 for $299. I showed the receipt I just bought at the end of Ocober (less then 45 days old). The genius at the store told me that to be honest she has seen worst damage and as the screen still works she would advise continue using for now - I explained I cannot afford $299 just before Christmas. She told me they are not supposed to say but brookstones have screen covers to help protect and it might help.

There was a brookstones in the same malll so I went and purchased the screen cover and also for $99 I purchased a specail bluetooth keyboard for the ipad that comes in a specail cover that completely surronds the ipad sceen mostly hiding the damage. You can only see the cracked screen in the bottom left corner now as the damage is behind the leather cover.

When I was cleaning the ipad for the screen cover it was very hard to get off the marks (stripes) left behind by the smart cover. Be wary of them, clean the screen often.

The girl genuius told me I can bring back the damaged ipad at any time - 3 months - 2years etc and they will replace the entire machine for $299 so even if it gets alot worse to bring it in for replacement when neccessary.

I dont understand through who got them for free. Well done to those people who did - I wish I did...... I was honest and aplogetic for my own mistake but no luck - $299 to chnage if I want to........ I feel like prehaps trying another store as we have multiple in my region.

It is the 32gb Ipad2..... does anyone know the requirements for free replacement?

Wish I had that luck

My iPad2 fell from my hold, read this felt a lil better. Took mine back to store I bought it from last month and they told me that I would have to pay for a new one. I completely lost it burst into tears and tried to show them what I've read and they told me that they can't trust the internet stories.
My 14-year-old son dropped his brand new iPad yesterday after only having it 24 hours and cracked the screen. thank you to all who posted about going to the apple store directly because we took your advice to be honest, not mention that others had received a free iPad and at first the guy said he would talk to his manager and see if he could get a discount on the replacement cost - he came back about 10 minutes later with a brand new iPad at no charge to us! Thanks everyone!!!!!!!! Apple rocks!
mbnme said:
My 14-year-old son dropped his brand new iPad yesterday after only having it 24 hours and cracked the screen. thank you to all who posted about going to the apple store directly because we took your advice to be honest, not mention that others had received a free iPad and at first the guy said he would talk to his manager and see if he could get a discount on the replacement cost - he came back about 10 minutes later with a brand new iPad at no charge to us! Thanks everyone!!!!!!!! Apple rocks!

First of all welcome to the Forum! My you have been so lucky, that's just great news! Thanks for posting.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
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