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Cydia Mobile Subtrate Update

I'm so sad...I updated in Cydia on my iPad 2 running ios 4.3.3. Now it's this messed up iPhone looking thing that crashes when any app attempts to open. If there were older Mobile Substrate files, perhaps I could swap them using iExplorer???

MobileSubstrate Locations.webp
I wouldn't do that. If you can get into safe mode, then uninstall mobile substrate.
I think we need a warning thread for the iPad 2 people.
Do not change anything to the mobile substrate directory, that made me upgrade to iOS 5!
My iPad didn't boot anymore.

Well... I deleted the whole folder... So maybe I am overreacting. :)
Hey guys, I am ipad 1 4.3.3 and having the same problem! I'm sad :(. And i have recently done a lot of changes to my JB ipad. I dont have pkgbkp either! So no backup of my Cyida apps n tweaks :(. I wish i checked the forums before i updates all my Cydia updates!
Well after all that I am now on ios 5. I tried to downgrade to 4.3.3 and after getting the .ipsw file and trying to restore using it iTunes 10.5 gave me an error. I am out of luck. Now counting the days to a iOS 5 iPad 2 jailbreak. I am not touching that update on my iPhone!!!
For the record, the updates worked fine on my JB iPad1, iPad2, and iPhone4. There is no specific iPad2 issue.
Strange. My iPad 2 suddenly is working now, after a whole day of being messed up. I just kept rebooting and respringing it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the problem's gone, but for the live of me I don't understand what fixed it since I didn't do anything else.
The last tweak I installed after the update, thus before my iPad 2 had this problem, was xBackup.
Did you guys install a tweak before you updated mobilesubstrate?
I had the issue described here on my new iPad 2, and thought it was because of a Data Counter cydia app I installed. Since my iPad was new, I had no SHSH blobs, and because I didn't have openSSH, SBSettings, or any other backdoors (a mistake I won't make again), my only other choice was to restore, losing my JB. At least i had iOS 5 to upgrade to. I would have been salty if my only choice was 4.3.5!

I ran into an issue when I was restoring and wanted to share it here for anyone else having the same problem.

I got iTunes to recognize that it was an iPad in recovery mode, clicked on restore & upgrade, but during the "verification" kept getting an unnumbered error saying "Free ipad software update server could not be contacted or is temporarily unavailable" and was banging my head into the wall trying to figure out what was going on. I tried lots of different things, unDFUing and reDFUing, rebooting, system restore to an earlier point, disabling my firewall (since it seemed the problem occurred when trying to connect to the Apple server) and eventually found the issue in my HOSTS file. The last line read gs.apple.com

so it was trying to conect to the Cydia Apple-spoofing servers when I needed it to connect to the real Apple servers.

So I put a # in front of that line (I imagine deleting it would have worked too) , and after that it worked like a charm.

Hope this can help somebody stuck in the same position.
seamus517 said:
I had the issue described here on my new iPad 2, and thought it was because of a Data Counter cydia app I installed. Since my iPad was new, I had no SHSH blobs, and because I didn't have openSSH, SBSettings, or any other backdoors (a mistake I won't make again), my only other choice was to restore, losing my JB. At least i had iOS 5 to upgrade to. I would have been salty if my only choice was 4.3.5!

I ran into an issue when I was restoring and wanted to share it here for anyone else having the same problem.

I got iTunes to recognize that it was an iPad in recovery mode, clicked on restore & upgrade, but during the "verification" kept getting an unnumbered error saying "Free ipad software update server could not be contacted or is temporarily unavailable" and was banging my head into the wall trying to figure out what was going on. I tried lots of different things, unDFUing and reDFUing, rebooting, system restore to an earlier point, disabling my firewall (since it seemed the problem occurred when trying to connect to the Apple server) and eventually found the issue in my HOSTS file. The last line read gs.apple.com

so it was trying to conect to the Cydia Apple-spoofing servers when I needed it to connect to the real Apple servers.

So I put a # in front of that line (I imagine deleting it would have worked too) , and after that it worked like a charm.

Hope this can help somebody stuck in the same position.

Where is this file? I tried so many times and kept getting errors. I I'm on 5 and would live to put back 4.3 3.

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