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Do you regret jailbreaking your iPad?

Anyone changed their mind after and restored it back?

I don't think anyone here would admit it! Just cruise over to the "iPad hacks" threads....9 out of 10 threads start with "Help, iPad bricked after jailbreak".

Just sayin'.......;)
Nope! I wouldn't have the iPad any other way. Having Backgrounder, Proswitcher, ifile and Sbsettings make it totally worth it! There is just so much more that you can do once it is jailbroken!
No, but then again, I haven't "JB'd" my iPad and honestly, I don't know that I will. Yeah, I know there is a lot of "kewl" stuff on Cydia, but the iPad just the way it is is meeting all of my needs/wants/desires, etc. I bought it primarily to read books and stuff and was getting tired straining my tired old eyes on my iPod Touch.

And yes, reading all of those threads that begin, "I just jb'd my iPad and now this is missing or that doesn't work..." are not exactly making me want to see what all the fuss is about.
Anyone changed their mind after and restored it back?

Mmm, nope. Still jailbroken an still loving every day with it. Wouldnt go back unless forced to. Hold on, i have to check my email, let me multitask real quick......ok, back. Its simply Much more functional now versus stock. Try it out and see if you like it. It's not for everyone, but if you know a little about computers you owe it to yourself to taste the dark side, if only for a little while.:D
I did the jb before but when i sync everything was restored so i just stopped it.

Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
I jail broke my ipad a little over a month ago. An hour later it crashed. I got it back up and running. Thirty minutes later it crashed again. I restored it back to original un-jail broken state. Those were the only two crases I've experienced on my iPad.
Nope! I wouldn't have the iPad any other way. Having Backgrounder, Proswitcher, ifile and Sbsettings make it totally worth it! There is just so much more that you can do once it is jailbroken!

Are you sure proswitcher works on the ipad? Or are you just making up reasons for jailbreaking? (i jailbroke too, but can't make it work and googling indicates it isn't ipad compatible yet).

Edit: Ok, sorry about that. I had read earlier that day, that Proswitcher wasn't ready for the iPad yet, but that message was quite old, so when I saw it on Cydia, I gave it a spin. When it immediately crashed my Springboard, I jumped to the (wrong) conclusion, that it doesn't work yet. Apparently there is another repository though, that has an alpha version of Proswitcher for iPad. Haven't tried it yet, but I read (on macrumors) that it works acceptably for most people.
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Anyone changed their mind after and restored it back?

I don't think anyone here would admit it! Just cruise over to the "iPad hacks" threads....9 out of 10 threads start with "Help, iPad bricked after jailbreak".

Just sayin'.......;)

I know! I read those threads all the time. One of the reasons I have not JB.:D

I got as far as the "Slide to Jailbreak" screen and ducked and ran.

Ya just couldn't do it, huh? Too funny ~ That'd be me too!

Nope! I wouldn't have the iPad any other way. Having Backgrounder, Proswitcher, ifile and Sbsettings make it totally worth it! There is just so much more that you can do once it is jailbroken!

So it works for you ~ no problems, apparently. Good to know ~

the iPad just the way it is is meeting all of my needs/wants/desires, etc.

And yes, reading all of those threads that begin, "I just jb'd my iPad and now this is missing or that doesn't work..." are not exactly making me want to see what all the fuss is about.

Ya think? lol! ITA, my ipad is all I thought it would be.


Anyone changed their mind after and restored it back?

Mmm, nope. Still jailbroken an still loving every day with it. Wouldnt go back unless forced to. Hold on, i have to check my email, let me multitask real quick......ok, back. Its simply Much more functional now versus stock. Try it out and see if you like it. It's not for everyone, but if you know a little about computers you owe it to yourself to taste the dark side, if only for a little while.:D

And herein lies the problem. I want to know! If but just for a second ~ what it is like. I have a few young male co-workers and at every staff meeting I hear:

"So, Marie, have you JB that baby yet?" "I will do it for you, just say the word"

Or ~

"You just don't know what you are missing, Marie!" "Just do it!"

Inquiring Minds Really Wanna Know. Shitums.

I have never had an issue with mine being jail broken.

Would you say if you did? I think you would ~ if only to help the fools that messed it all up. I would fall into that no doubt.:o:D

Same here ... jailbroken an hour after I got it and never looked back :)


You did it? Recently?

Yeah, I kind of regret jailbreaking. The Cydia store is a disaster to try to find something.


And that's another thing ~ I am very curious of Cydia ~ Can one just go there to check things out or do you have to be JB?

I did the jb before but when i sync everything was restored so i just stopped it.

Oh Shitums. That would be me. Then it would break and blow up!

I jail broke my ipad a little over a month ago. An hour later it crashed. I got it back up and running. Thirty minutes later it crashed again. I restored it back to original un-jail broken state. Those were the only two crases I've experienced on my iPad.

I would definitely be trippin! I would be crying and shit then everyone here would have to fix me. Or, my ipad.:D

Decisions, decisons, decisions......

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