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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Segbert said:
I don't know how I got here again. I was getting gems early afternoon around 1 pm and I am back again closer to 5. I know it's 24 hours, but I never get them in that time frame uuurrrgggh. I don't want to miss a day again as it just throws my list off. It just get later each day. BFS please fix this. I just want the gems to reload everyday at 2.

I know I went from 9am to 9:30 pm!!!!!

Sent from. Tricia xoxo
Segbert said:
Hopefully you will be in DC when the Cherry Blossoms are bloomed. It's just beautiful. Sound like a great trip. You are hitting all my favorites. Vegas is only five hours from LA if want a quick trip.

We get to the US after a month in Europe, so will be there in May, so hoping that this will be a good time weather wise.

Fletch_smf said:
Finally got my 2nd Clover. Whew ... That was hard work. Now just need to get a 2nd on my wife and sons account and we can await whatever comes next.

Congratz!! :)
tonygtech said:
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=10913"/>

Hope this doesn't offend anyone but he deserves that name LMAO!!


LMAO !!! agree, but I think it BFS fav tho Hahahaha
Birdmaestro said:
As I get increasingly active in the real world I find I'm sweeping for coins less frequently. I've crossed my 3.1 hour threshold that determines whether the CGCF or Rares is the more productive, so I've gone to mostly Rares (24 of 28).

I suspect my activity level will decrease here as well, but I will try to monitor things and chip in if I think I have a tactic that might help, especially if BFS comes out with a major update. At the moment I'm stuck at level 30 with at least three of every dragon at level 15, all of the gold shrines, and a sense that I understand the game pretty well thanks to the sharing here. There's really nothing to do but sweep for coins and continually breed Airs & Sandies, which is pretty monotonous.

So it's a perfect time to ease my way back into 406 Strategies. The timing is also good because the target market for our Internet marketing services, small and local businesses, are starting to wake up to fact that by using the Internet to market locally they can reduce their budget and increase return so they are more receptive to our message. I do write an active blog at the 406 Strategies website that is followed by several thousand people. It was put on hold when I had the surgery and I anticipate resuming it next week. I talk mainly about small and local business marketing but probably to no ones surprise I do ramble at times. I'm sure there will a blog or two about the freemium game model generally and Dragonvale and Backflip Studios specifically. I'll alert you here when those are published.

Regardless of how much or how little I participate here, this kind, sharing, gentle community has been a gift from God for me during some challenging times. This is a chapter in my life that I will never forget. I love you all (even Fletch).

See you around the Vale,

:( I'm gonna miss u, just about to inform you I just finish my making my CGCF :) . See you around Poppy and I'm sure will see you again in the next update :)
Just spent 2 hours straight on DV designing my islands:) Please tell me your thoughts. I have an island dedicated to the clover dragon:) 8)(without the smileys)
I think they look great, but to be completely honest I think you've done better in the past. Not knocking it or anything, cuz they do absolutely look good. Your baby suns are super cute! And I like the rows of clover cottages and sham-rocks.
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tonygtech said:
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=10913"/>

Hope this doesn't offend anyone but he deserves that name LMAO!!


Lol!! Good one!!

Tiffany xoxo
Cox780770 said:
Well I meant the choccies but yeah cake in the mail sounds good too lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Haha! Oops :D i can do choccies :)

Tiffany xoxo
Ok your input..., I am trying to see if I can save and buy good... I save the dc that I make off my habits... I buy food with the dc I get from breeding air and sandstorms.. Do u think this will work???

Sent from. Tricia xoxo

Hmmm...depends on what your buying food for I think...good question....Fletch? Lol
Yup, day in day out, picking up a dragon from the HC and levelling up with the accumulated food. And then keep track of what is already done and how many are still to be done, a task which will be finished by ... Next Xmas?
I am using all the dragons i already have then will have to breed to complete the stocks.

Yep, sounds about right! It's gonna take me 2 xmas seasons to do it. I don't seem to get the 2nd of each dragon I want until they are taking it away and throwing a new one out there to get lol. Just my luck! I may get to work on my shrines once every 3-6 months at this rate. Haha dammit that 2nd clover has got to come soon.
Just spent 2 hours straight on DV designing my islands:) Please tell me your thoughts. I have an island dedicated to the clover dragon:)

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)

I think they look great Tristan! I really love all the gold!

Ya'll are stressing me out! I can't get 5 min to work on mine. Lol

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