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Europeans unite! 25.03. Ipad 2 preorder, shipping, local purchasing...

Do not give up hope of getting one early.

I used this link yesterday and my new iPad 2 32gb 3g will be with me before 1200 today :D

iPad Stock

Good luck :)

hehehe, no stock of anything anywhere

majura - how did you get on mate?

That link shows no stock but what you do is keep it open on your screen, tell it to alert you when stock become available (you can even select different iPad 2 versions) and it gives off an awful alarm but it does alert you trust me :D

John Lewis had at least 50 available yesterday afternoon in all different guises so did Comet but not sure how many the latter had in.......

My reseller here in Berlin got stock. They had no wi-fi versions so I ended up with a 32GB wi-fi 3G in black :) I don't really have a need for the 3G, but to be honest, I can see myself using it and it's far better than waiting!

Now just getting everything set up etc.

awesome one! good on you :)
Well I never.....

Just wanted to say a great big THANK-YOU to you, plymouthred.

I was very dubious about the stock link you posted, but I favourit-ed it anyway. I only remembered to look at it yesterday morning and lo and behold it told me there was stock with Tesco Direct. So, still sceptical I placed an order for the unit I wanted and waited for the timeout, out of stock message or other. Nothing.

So I looked again today to check the order status, expecting a 'sorry no stock' message or something. Imagine my surprise when the status said 'delivered'. Just checked with her-indoors, and indeed, my shiny new ipad 2 is sitting at home waiting for me. Also, despite next day delivery before lunchtime, the postage was free.

Proper result!!!

I suggest anyone with a long term delivery quote from the apple store gives this a go, it really does work.
Thank you Nik for the message. Enjoy your new beast. Being none Apple before and vowed to buy an Android Tablet I can honestly say that I have made the right choice :)
NickHillUK said:
Just wanted to say a great big THANK-YOU to you, plymouthred.

I was very dubious about the stock link you posted, but I favourit-ed it anyway. I only remembered to look at it yesterday morning and lo and behold it told me there was stock with Tesco Direct. So, still sceptical I placed an order for the unit I wanted and waited for the timeout, out of stock message or other. Nothing.

So I looked again today to check the order status, expecting a 'sorry no stock' message or something. Imagine my surprise when the status said 'delivered'. Just checked with her-indoors, and indeed, my shiny new ipad 2 is sitting at home waiting for me. Also, despite next day delivery before lunchtime, the postage was free.

Proper result!!!

I suggest anyone with a long term delivery quote from the apple store gives this a go, it really does work.

PS Don't forget to cancel your Apple order ;)

Sent from my White 32gb Wifi & 3g iPad 2 using iPF

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