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Feel so stupid but what, exactly is Icloud?

question to Bob Maxey; I just got on the cloud but would rather not be on it. If you are not on it how do you work out the calendar syncing issues? thanks

It is simple: I do not worry about syncing calenders. I use Tap Forms HD and/or Bento to maintain my to-do lists, schedules and calender. I keep a printed schedule as well. I depend on certain things and I can't always be certain if I will have WiFi access. Some things I need guaranteed and keeping as much as possible stored locally serves me well.
If I have extra free storage in the cloud, why is that my iPad is telling me I'm low on space and to go to settings to manage it. Out of the 5 extra mb of space that we are given I still have 4.5 left. What do I have to do to 'manage'? Do I have to delete some apps.

And while we are on that subject why can't I permanently delete apps that I will never use?

First the disclaimer: I do not know what I am talking about. Smiley.

To delete apps I know I do not want, I go to Users/Bobs (thats me, your folder will be different) /My Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile Applications and I delete the files I do not want. Then in iTunes, I sometimes need to delete the apps from iTunes when I sync but I am not sure why; typically, if they are not in the above folder, iTunes does not list them. So I go to the Apps tab and right-click each errant file and select delete.

courseI am not sure what you mean by deleting the apps you no longer want. Do you perhaps mean delete them from the list of applications iTunes will let you reinstall when you go to "purchased" in iTunes? If that is the case, sorry, you cannot do this because last I knew, the list is on Apples servers.

There might be an easier way to delete apps you hate. What I said above is how I go about it.
When you delete files from iTunes, you should delete them in iTunes. By going directly to the files you can easily corrupt the database iTunes keeps to track the files.

Just select the file in iTunes and then tap the Delete button on the keyboard. You'll get the option to move it to the trash or permanently delete if from the computer.
When you delete files from iTunes, you should delete them in iTunes. By going directly to the files you can easily corrupt the database iTunes keeps to track the files.

Just select the file in iTunes and then tap the Delete button on the keyboard. You'll get the option to move it to the trash or permanently delete if from the computer.

Not sure I disagree, Twerppoet. But not sure I agree, exactly. However, I do not know much so I will defer to your expertise.

That said . . .

I recall searching Apple's site and as I recall, my way was a suggestion, so I simply delete the file from my HDD. I did not find much at all about problems related to the iTunes DB and deleting the file in the folder, however. When you right click the app in iTunes, you can select the ‘remove to your recycle bin’ option. As you say, click and press delete. This supposedly deletes it from your HDD.

I currently have as many as three versions of some applications in my folder so I know this does not delete the actual file. In fact, for the purposes of this specific reply, I just deleted a program through iTunes and when I looked in my Mobile Apps folder, the app is still there, along with several older versions. When I deleted the three versions, the app no longer shows up in iTunes.

When I right-click an app in iTunes, I am given the option to "show in Windows Explorer" When I select that, the folder opens. Seems reasonable to me that if this is an option, it should do no harm to delete the file.

Again, not sure you are incorrect. What I do works for me.
Ruthie said:
If I have extra free storage in the cloud, why is that my iPad is telling me I'm low on space and to go to settings to manage it. Out of the 5 extra mb of space that we are given I still have 4.5 left. What do I have to do to 'manage'? Do I have to delete some apps.

And while we are on that subject why can't I permanently delete apps that I will never use?

Can anyone answer my question about the storage as I keep getting a message that I have no storage left and that I should go to Settings and Manage my Storage.
Not sure I disagree, Twerppoet. But not sure I agree, exactly. However, I do not know much so I will defer to your expertise.

That said . . .

I recall searching Apple's site and as I recall, my way was a suggestion, so I simply delete the file from my HDD. I did not find much at all about problems related to the iTunes DB and deleting the file in the folder, however. When you right click the app in iTunes, you can select the ‘remove to your recycle bin’ option. As you say, click and press delete. This supposedly deletes it from your HDD.

I currently have as many as three versions of some applications in my folder so I know this does not delete the actual file. In fact, for the purposes of this specific reply, I just deleted a program through iTunes and when I looked in my Mobile Apps folder, the app is still there, along with several older versions. When I deleted the three versions, the app no longer shows up in iTunes.

When I right-click an app in iTunes, I am given the option to "show in Windows Explorer" When I select that, the folder opens. Seems reasonable to me that if this is an option, it should do no harm to delete the file.

Again, not sure you are incorrect. What I do works for me.

It is just riskier. It may or may not cause a problem. iTunes doesn't scan your folders each time it starts. It uses an XML file as a database. If you directly delete the file, it may keep a pointer to that location. The next time you sync you can end up with a file not found error. I would be uncomfortable bypassing the normal delete function without good cause. Especially since I can no longer fine the old rebuild library function that iTunes used to have.

The cleanest way is to delete from iTunes. If you don't want the file to stick around in the recycle bin, iTunes should offer you a remove from this computer option as well.

But if your methods are working for you, that's fine. I don't know enough to say it 'will' cause problems. I just know enough to be uncomfortable with the practice.
Can anyone answer my question about the storage as I keep getting a message that I have no storage left and that I should go to Settings and Manage my Storage.

Perhaps you have too much set to backup, if you are using iCloud as a backup.

Go to Settings > iCloud > Storage & Backup > Manage Storage. You'll see each device you have set up to backup with your current iCloud account. The amount of space it will take is show to the right. If you select your device it will give you a list of the apps that will take the most space. You can tap Show All Apps to see all apps and how much space they will require to backup.

Turn off any apps that you don't care if they are backed up.

As for your apps. When you delete them from the iPad they take up no storage on the iPad or in iCloud. You can see them in the App Store under Purchased, but this is simply a convenient archive that allows you to download them again (at no cost) if you ever change your mind. iBooks and music that show up in their respective stores under Purchased also take no space in iCloud.

Other things that do take up space in iCloud are documents synced with the iWorks apps, Mail folders, and the PhotoStream. There are more, and third party apps can also use the space. They should require setup with iCloud before they do.
I have just started iCloud up and need some help!! I have Iphone4 and want to get calendar, notes, contacts from that onto Ipad1 and thereafter be able to update on either device and have them merge info (merge, not one being dominent) but i DON'T don't want to synch these with Outlook on a computer via ITunes. iCloud looked like it could do that! Have linked both devices to ICloud. Contacts have come over to IPad but not notes calendar or reminders, which are also selected on both devices. iPhone backs up y
To icloud but iPad won't - keeps saying there's a problem, try later.
Can anyone tell me:
1) can ICloud do what I want as described above?
2) what is going wrong and how can I fix it?
the problem with the cloud, is you cannot see what is in the cloud. In dropbox, you can see all of the files stored, as well as the type of file, i.e. doc., pdf., etc.
iCloud can do what you want, but there are things to look for on each service. I'll throw out a few random things to check, but I don't know enough to give real help at this point.

In Settings > iCloud make sure each service you want is turned on for both devices.

In the Notes app, see if you've got and Accounts button. It's possible you've separated your notes into more than one account, including a local one. If so you may have to manually copy and paste your notes to the iCloud account. Personally, for notes, I much prefer Evernote. I only use the Notes app to hole stuff temporarily while I copy, edit, paste stuff, (kind of like a clipboard for text) or am experimenting with the keyboard.

Be sure to visit iCloud.com on a computer and make sure that your Contacts, Calendars, and Reminders (part of Calendar on iCloud) are syncing to the site.

For backups, go to Settings > iCloud > Storage & Backups on both devices. Fiddle around, check out Manage Storage and the other info to see if you can figure out what the problem is. You should be able to see the backup info for both devices, but only change it for the one you are on.

Thats all I can think of off the top of my head.

Good Luck.
ICloud not 'seeing' my calendar, notes or reminders when I backup Iphone to ICloud

Thanks Twerpoet, I think you are on the right track! I have discovered, as you suggested, that there are a number of 'accounts' in notes, and that as I have saved them in the "On my Ipad" account, they are not uploaded to ICloud. I have resaved them in ICloud. I still can't back up my Ipad -we'll see if the new 'notes account' gets uploaded when I do!

Have also gone to ICloud on computer, and yes my calenders there are empty. So, the same thing has occured on my Iphone - the events I have stored are in "my calendar" and and not on the "iCloud" Calendar. Which is actually really stupid of Apple - why do we have to have to juggle between one and the other? If you log onto ICloud, obviously you want your calendar to back up!

I am now looking to find a way to automatically transfer all my info from the "my calendar" to the "ICloud" calendar, or better still, merge these two calendars. Any advice?
If you are certain that your Contacts and Calendar are still being stored in the local database (not iCloud):

Turn off/signout of iCloud in Settings > iCloud. If it asks if you want to delete things like the calendar and contacts, say yes. This will only delete whatever you have in the iCloud Calendar, Contacts, Notes, Reminders and such; and only on the iPad, so they will still be on iCloud.

Open each apps and make sure those accounts are gone (not the local stuff).

Now go to Settings iCloud and sign in again. With a little luck it should ask you if you want to merge your data. Say yes. With a tad more luck your local Calendars and Contacts will now be in iCloud. Do this with the device that has the most up to date information.

This is, of course, slightly risky. If you have tons of data that you absolutely can't risk losing, it would be best to find some other way to back it up first.

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