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Bad luck guys. It's a bit chilly here too but not snow thank goodness. I have put all my geraniums and fuschias out too. Watching for frost so I can bring them in if needed. I need the space in my greenhouse.
Bad luck guys. It's a bit chilly here too but not snow thank goodness. I have put all my geraniums and fuschias out too. Watching for frost so I can bring them in if needed. I need the space in my greenhouse.
I'm longing to put my Palms back out but here in the North its still frosty in the mornings so i'll wait a while longer.
Yesterday I went to the New York botanical garden.i heard a lecture by Paige Dickey. She's a good garden writer but her lecture was just okay. Then I went to the rock garden. It was truly beautiful with all the tiny spring ephemerals. I saw some of the smallest daffodils I have ever seen, just amazing.

Yesterday I went to the New York botanical garden.i heard a lecture by Paige Dickey. She's a good garden writer but her lecture was just okay. Then I went to the rock garden. It was truly beautiful with all the tiny spring ephemerals. I saw some of the smallest daffodils I have ever seen, just amazing. Bobbi

Sounds like you found the perfect way to put the long winter away once and for all Bobbi.


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I don't think jasmine is hardy that far north. Some loniceras, honeysuckle, are hardy to zone three. I'm in New Jersey, not Canada so can't help more. What zone is Toronto?

Ok I was trying to show pictures of my spring ephemerals Don't know how that came up. Some pretty things and then there's the part next to the new addition, rubble. But I'll get there eventually.


This is the side of our new addition. I figure it's going to take a long time to turn this into a garden.

You must put photos on after its finished Bobbi, We just finished working on an area that was full of various types of conifers, Over the years they got too big and had a lot of dead areas so we took them all out and that opened up a new area, We had new fencing erected and put in new plants, I don't have before photos though, When it gets established I'll put pics on.
Edit...I found a couple of before's so I will save those.
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<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=56640"/> This is the side of our new addition. I figure it's going to take a long time to turn this into a garden. Bobbi

That looks like a great addition Bobbi.......with lots of land in which to make a garden....I often wish I could clear an area and start again. Would love to see photos when you do turn this into a garden.

You must put photos on after its finished Bobbi, We just finished working on an area that was full of various types of conifers, Over the years they got too big and had a lot of dead areas so we took them all out and that opened up a new area, We had new fencing erected and put in new plants, I don't have before photos though, When it gets established I'll put pics on. Edit...I found a couple of before's so I will save those.

I remember seeing part of your garden last year which you were working on Ivy.

Look forward to seeing your new reworked gardens!
We have changed a lot since last year Leelai so i think you will see quite a difference.

It certainly sounds a lot different when you say you've taken out conifers Ivy. So it will be good to see.....yes hang on to those old photos, it's always good to see the comparison!

We have a lot of work to catch up in our garden....we kinda played hooky this summer and took to the coasts most weekends.

We plan on starting next weekend to get rid of a lot of old growth.....and that's because this weekend we're going to the coast again! ;)
It certainly sounds a lot different when you say you've taken out conifers Ivy. So it will be good to see.....yes hang on to those old photos, it's always good to see the comparison!

We have a lot of work to catch up in our garden....we kinda played hooky this summer and took to the coasts most weekends.

We plan on starting next weekend to get rid of a lot of old growth.....and that's because this weekend we're going to the coast again! ;)
Its hard work but very therapeutic and well worth it when its done, We found it a bit scary chopping everything down but glad now.

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