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Hay Day - Product Requests & Sales

Hi everyone, I'm looking for 10 nails, I have many planks to trade. Pm me if interested :)

I've got nails for you sweetie :) come over :)

Sent from my iPad mini using iPF. GC: kruella jones (2 words no caps) Be aware that I'm not a sugar mill or a dairy farm. There will exceptions but they will never become the rule :)
Hi everyone. I'm looking for 20 nails. I have panels, tapes and bolts as well as expansion items to trade. PM if interested!

GC ID: Jakers2424 level 63 Sent from my iPad using iPF
Hello Hay Day friends, I am in need of bolts and land stakes. Have planks and tapes to trade. If anyone is interested PM me.

Happy farming
I got

74 mallets (3:1 for barn, 2:1 for sillo)
69 stakes (3:1 for barn, 2:1 for sillo)

25 planks for bolts (1:1)
13 tapes for bolts (1:1)

I'm also willing to trade nails, screws and pannels for bolts

+Cherry & strawberry jams for trade

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