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Hay Day - Product Requests & Sales

Hi everyone, I am looking for planks. I can offer 4 screws for each of your planks. Please PM me. Many thanks Jo x

GCID jonew10 level 66

Edit : thank you Mikymoto and Crazydiamonds for the trade.
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Hi everyone, I am still looking for planks. I now have tapes and bolts to trade. Please PM me. Many thanks Jo x

GCID jonew10 level 66

Edit : traded. Thank you Chachamojo and Mickymaid.
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Hi all,
I need land deeds (up to 6 now.) I'll trade for mallets or stakes or just ask if you'd prefer something else. Thanks so much!

Thanks Mickymaid for the help!
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I am looking for a total of 6 PLANKS. I have bolts and duct tape to trade. Thanks! GC ID: tanaco73 HD: level 41 Friend requests welcome :)

Got my planks. Thanks!
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Looking for 2 planks, 1 tape and 1 nail. Can trade for bolts and or screws! Thanks :)

DONE! Thanks everyone!
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I need bolts and planks, have white sugar/butter ratio 5:1 (mine:yours), brown sugar/cream ratio 6:1 (mine:yours), cheese/syrup/goat cheese ratio 4:1 (mine:yours)

Kik me pls because i've not check forum much

Kik: kartran

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