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HayDay Friends Off-Topic


"Yes, John Charles, I am your father", said Abraham. Charlie embraced his beloved father and Abraham expressed his love for his son. Wiping away the tears, Charlie said, "Dad, after all this time that I've been coming here every year on the 14th of September, why do I finally see you today?" Abraham spoke to his adored son in a loving manner, "My son, today is the day you will fly with the ducks and be free. I will be with you. Are you ready?". "Yes, my father, I am ready to be with you forever!"

The End
(quack quack)

Dazed and confused, he looked down and saw his hands covered in dirt. Deep, dark soil was embedded under his fingernails and throughout the crevices of his stubby fingers. The knees of his dress blue pants were stained with ground in mud and his primrose shirt was soiled. He looked around and recognized his.....

GC: narab1 | HD: level 70 | DV: level 30

...backyard from his childhood. Why was he here, he questioned. And why did his head feel like it was going to explode? He looks back down to his apparent digging ... This was the place he played with his Matchbox cars as a child, making streets and towns in the clay dirt. Wait! What is that? He sees the top of a rusted, old tin box. He digs a little more and he is able to pry the box loose. It is locked!! Looking around, he spies a large granite stone. Grabbing it, he puts all his efforts into smashing the lock! On his fifth attempt, he succeeds! Carefully opening the lid, upon seeing the box's contents, he gasps as he flings the box away from himself. The contents spill out and he sees it again! He sees...
CS2 ...backyard from his childhood. Why was he here, he questioned. And why did his head feel like it was going to explode? He looks back down to his apparent digging ... This was the place he played with his Matchbox cars as a child, making streets and towns in the clay dirt. Wait! What is that? He sees the top of a rusted, old tin box. He digs a little more and he is able to pry the box loose. It is locked!! Looking around, he spies a large granite stone. Grabbing it, he puts all his efforts into smashing the lock! On his fifth attempt, he succeeds! Carefully opening the lid, upon seeing the box's contents, he gasps as he flings the box away from himself. The contents spill out and he sees it again! He sees...


... The photograph of two young men, standing beside an old motorbike, helmets in their hands, their hair blown up in the breeze, squinting slightly in the sun, their smiling faces full of promise and hope. Who were these young men, and why was this picture so important? His mind felt cloudy, he couldn't think clearly, it was beyond his grasp. Somewhere in the distance a dog barked. He sighed and slumped further to the ground.

Chumleyboo, level 83
Oh my god he gasps,it is a Barbie doll, with blonde hair that he had named Carolyn many years ago. She was clad in a yellow polka dot bikini waiting for her next swim, yet, in the background he hears a rustle in the leaves. He wonder,s, could it be ken again.. He waits in the shadow waiting for.....

Sent from my IPad using IPF. GC wenchwhino HD level 67
BTW, Sam, my husband decided to kill the dandelions in our front yard, guess with what? Friggin round up, almost killed the man. Jeez, looks like I have dog pee spots all over the lawn. Yea, many have to dig up and re-sod the whole thing. He did mean well, just did not catch him in time! Oh we'll. not too important.

Sent from my IPad using IPF. GC wenchwhino HD level 67

He turns to look, as his head throbs..Ken! and Barbielyn (she's still wearing that super cute swimsuit...dang..his head is throbbing!). Barbielyn had to choose way back then, which of us she wanted. Ken was the perfect choice on paper...Mattel's Golden Boy! But, what was wrong with me? I mean I'm Joe, GI Joe! I'm strong and buff! I serve my nation! And the only reason my fingers are stubby is because my owner's dog started nibbling away!! Not my fault! My head clearing now with thoughts of that darned dog, I look into Barbielyn's beautiful baby blues...they're sparkling ;) in my general direction... When suddenly, she grabs that granite rock ...
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CS4 He turns to look, as his head throbs..Ken! and Barbielyn (she's still wearing that super cute swimsuit...dang..his head is throbbing!). Barbielyn had to choose way back then, which of us she wanted. Ken was the perfect choice on paper...Mattel's Golden Boy! But, what was wrong with me? I mean I'm Joe, GI Joe! I'm strong and buff! I serve my nation! And the only reason my fingers are stubby is because my owner's dog started nibbling away!! Not my fault! My head clearing now with thoughts of that darned dog, I look into Barbielyn's beautiful baby blues...they're sparkling ;) in my general direction... When suddenly, she grabs that granite rock ...

CS5. ....and he realizes, "wait!! With her freakishly small upper arms and torso, there's no way she can heft that rock at me! Ha ha!" And then it occurs to him...didn't Barbie have a sister? What was her name? Skipper! Yes, that's it! She was a quiet little thing, not such a cracker as Barbie, but kind and certainly not the sort to hurl rocks. Ken could keep his Barbie, he was going to call Skipper. Brushing the dirt off his dress pants, and shaking the dizziness away, he left strode toward the house. A smile beginning to play upon his chiseled face.

The End.

GC: EyeC999 Level 96
Poop blew it, sorry guys Sent from my IPad using IPF. GC wenchwhino HD level 67

Sorry Donna :( I had a feeling someone else might be writing one as I was. Never mind, our other authors managed to combine them and it all worked out in the end. :)

Chumleyboo, level 83

Her apron is tied loosely around her waist as she prepares the dinner meal. She fillets the chicken and places it in the hot pan. She steps outside into her herb garden where she plucks a few sprigs of Italian oregano and thyme. She returns to her kitchen and adds the herbs to the cooking chicken. She adds a pinch of salt and a dash of pepper. Once the chicken is done, she adds a couple of handfuls of spinach to the drippings in the pan. She checks on her rice pilaf and pulls out a crisp Reisling from her Sub Zero. Tonight, she is not cooking for just herself...

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