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HayDay Friends Off-Topic

Hahahahaha!!! :D Omg, too funny! It does look like a spanner!
Can't stop to chat, though, am off to explore a somehow unexplored forest. It might be enchanted, perhaps haunted....wish me luck! :)

Of course you want to liked and followed and have trophies! Who doesn't? :p And thanks for thanking my post! I "rainbowed" yours, just to see what it was, and apparently it's "optimistic" - I wonder if you'll get a trophy for it? I'm off to seek grand pirating adventures and get into all sorts of interesting scrapes so Anthea continues to follow me - I shall report back later :cool:

Aha!! I have worked out how to multiquote! Yay me! :cool:

Unexplored, possibly haunted forests, grand pirating adventures, interesting scrapes... Updates please!!
What in the world is a spanner??? It looks, initially to me as well, like a carrot!! (Can anyone say with me HAY DAY!? Ha!). But it looks like a wrench if one is describing a tool. Perchance, a wrench is a spanner??? :).
What in the world is a spanner??? It looks, initially to me as well, like a carrot!! (Can anyone say with me HAY DAY!? Ha!). But it looks like a wrench if one is describing a tool. Perchance, a wrench is a spanner??? :).
Your hunch is correct, a spanner is a wrench. The term is mainly British in useage.
What in the world is a spanner??? It looks, initially to me as well, like a carrot!! (Can anyone say with me HAY DAY!? Ha!). But it looks like a wrench if one is describing a tool. Perchance, a wrench is a spanner??? :).

As in "throwing a spanner in the works"!
Maybe you can throw a carrot in the works too!?
Hay Day sure wants you to throw carats in the works! Lol
Carolyn, a spanner is a very handy tool, every toolbox should have one - it's essential for car repairs - you can use it to whack things that aren't working and then see if they are. You can also use it to pry open a paint pot , or indeed , close a paint pot - once again by giving it a good whack. In fact, spanners are great whackers of things that don't work and then seeing if they do. And of course, anyone can tell you that you can also use a spanner to un-jimmy something that's jammed with a good whack. And that's really all there is to know about spanners. Carrots, however, go in casseroles. There's a distinct difference.

And what, might I ask, does a wrench do??

P.S. I would like to like, agree with, smile at, award a medal to, carrot, heart and rainbow your post, but sadly, I can only do one of those things, so I have elected to award a medal. However, I may change my mind, undo my rating and change it, just because I can. :cool::p:D
And what, might I ask, does a wrench do??

P.S. I would like to like, agree with, smile at, award a medal to, carrot, heart and rainbow your post, but sadly, I can only do one of those things, so I have elected to award a medal. However, I may change my mind, undo my rating and change it, just because I can. :cool::p:D

I am hoping my multi-quote attempt works here...
Nancy...funnnny about the carats! Alas, I've not heard about throwing a spanner in the works! I have heard of throwing a monkey wrench in the works!

Samantha...I love a good whack! Releases tension and aggression. One question..is it possible to use this spanner tool to give a good whack and not bother to see if it gets fixed or not? Or is it obligatory to check?

Anthea... A wrench: It is really good for whacking all sorts of things. It looks like a carrot, but does not get thrown into casseroles. It does, however get thrown into works if the pet monkey is with it! Medal accepted! Thank you!

In conclusion... Spanner=Wrench!!!!!

(Clearly multi-quote failed! And I am remiss in leaving out scifan's definitive reply!)
Your hunch is correct, a spanner is a wrench. The term is mainly British in useage.

I am hoping my multi-quote attempt works here...
Nancy...funnnny about the carats! Alas, I've not heard about throwing a spanner in the works! I have heard of throwing a monkey wrench in the works!

Samantha...I love a good whack! Releases tension and aggression. One question..is it possible to use this spanner tool to give a good whack and not bother to see if it gets fixed or not? Or is it obligatory to check?

Anthea... A wrench: It is really good for whacking all sorts of things. It looks like a carrot, but does not get thrown into casseroles. It does, however get thrown into works if the pet monkey is with it! Medal accepted! Thank you!

In conclusion... Spanner=Wrench!!!!!

(Clearly multi-quote failed! And I am remiss in leaving out scifan's definitive reply!)

You need to tap Quote, then go to the other message(s) you want to include, and tap Quote for them too. Then you need to scroll to the bottom of the screen to find your blank reply. Then you tap on Insert Quotes. Then a new window pops up, called Review These Messages. If you're happy, tap Multiquote. Phew!
Since we've all had a go with the emoji :eek:, and the colors and stuff, I'd like to explore the use of bullets, for several reasons.
  • They highlight your points.
  • They draw attention to critical pieces of info, like this one.
  • They're very neat and tidy.
  • All the cool people use them.

Anxious not to be outdone, I have:
  1. Indented your post above,
  2. Explored the use of a numbering system, as an alternative to bullets,
  3. Centre-aligned point 3,​
  4. Right-aligned point 4 because centre-aligned text looks rubbish in a list, (so does this actually),​
  5. Learned how to insert a link to an external site, but refrained from so doing, cos we're not allowed to (the motorbike with the green front wheel, next to the motorbike with the red front wheel),
  6. Run out of further ideas, so am off to the fruit and veg market.
Well, here goes nothing. I had to log into my laptop and grab my password form there cuz I forgot it. This is crazy. I feel like I"m starting from scratch. Groan, I'm too tired for this.
Hello everybody!!!!!!:)
Well, here goes nothing. I had to log into my laptop and grab my password form there cuz I forgot it. This is crazy. I feel like I"m starting from scratch. Groan, I'm too tired for this.
Hello everybody!!!!!!:)

Hellloooo Val! How are you doing? How's your weather these days? I'm hoping to head south this summer for some much-needed heat....keep it warm there for me please!
Here's a list from the website. It will show you when you receive trophy points.
Wow, zero trophy points.....so sad.

Hi Val, you made it in! Don't be sad about the trophy points - you'll get some! I don't know how precisely, because I don't know how I got mine :p They seem so random, like how some folk have an over-abundance of frogs on their farm, and then people like me who can't get more than five! Keep checking in, and you never know ;) Meanwhile, why not have some fun making bullet points, or a numbered list, or explore the color palette? Lol!


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