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HayDay Friends Off-Topic


When playing Hay Day, do you have to have the on/off button on your ipad always on the same side? Or, it doesn't matter..however you pick it up works for you?

Hey Avatar Gang!

Our next avatar change will start in 6 1/2 hours...(3:00 Donna) :)

Take a super close up pic of something as your avatar. People can guess what they think it is!

This will be a 48 hour change. All are welcome to join in the fun! The more, the merrier!

Hey Avatar Gang!

Our next avatar change will start in 6 1/2 hours...(3:00 Donna) :)

Take a super close up pic of something as your avatar. People can guess what they think it is!

This will be a 48 hour change. All are welcome to join in the fun! The more, the merrier!
Great idea! I'm waiting for my HD to update. I hope it's a good one!
Was not the one I wanted, but still having a hard time loading photo's from my pad to IPF. Give me a year or so


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Ha! I do it the opposite way!
I've already got two pics lined up! I like this one!

Well, I for one do it the right way - the on/off button in the top left corner, and the home button to my right. Is there any other way?:p

Ha! I do it the opposite way!

Andrea, I'm with you...button on the left! When I'm charging, tho, my button goes on the right! As soon as 100% appears! I flip it back to the left! Its kinda fun to watch my farm do a somersault!! :D:eek::D

Samantha and Val, post your pictures! :)
If my button is not on the left, I find myself still trying to press it. :)

Random thought
I wish fanny packs were fashionable. They are functional, and it would have come in handy today. I had caleb in one arm, throwing a hissy, my purse, keys, a drink, and takeout in the other. I walked from one end of the shopping center to the other, praying that if I dropped something it wouldn't be my drink or my kid. It was 95 degrees outside, I needed that drink. With a fanny pack, i wouldn't have had to hold my purse or my keys. And If I had a carribeaner attachment, maybe I could have Hooked on my takeout.. Who knows? The possibilities are endless. When did they stop being popular? Anyone want to start the trend with me? I'll even bedazzle it for you. Maybe make shirts that say Fanny Girls? Pm me if you want one :) I'll send it to you :)

When playing Hay Day, do you have to have the on/off button on your ipad always on the same side? Or, it doesn't matter..however you pick it up works for you?
It doesn't matter to me....I can make either work. I'm too lazy to flip it around:p
Lol. I agree but
If my button is not on the left, I find myself still trying to press it. :)

Random thought
I wish fanny packs were fashionable. They are functional, and it would have come in handy today. I had caleb in one arm, throwing a hissy, my purse, keys, a drink, and takeout in the other. I walked from one end of the shopping center to the other, praying that if I dropped something it wouldn't be my drink or my kid. It was 95 degrees outside, I needed that drink. With a fanny pack, i wouldn't have had to hold my purse or my keys. And If I had a carribeaner attachment, maybe I could have Hooked on my takeout.. Who knows? The possibilities are endless. When did they stop being popular? Anyone want to start the trend with me? I'll even bedazzle it for you. Maybe make shirts that say Fanny Girls? Pm me if you want one :) I'll send it to you :)
After fanny packs went out I bought myself a backpack purse....a wonderful invention!
My guesses are a breadstick cracker for donna, a tree bush plant trunk for Carolyn, bed sheets maybe for val?, Popsicles for Sam, and the top of a pumpkin? I have no idea what thevacuum solar light thing is, maybe it's solar powered light up vacuum?

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