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HayDay Friends Off-Topic

Sooo....did it work? o_O Nothing much doing over here...work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, repeat! I know what you meant about the event - I spent hours trying to find strawberries!
Hi Sam. It worked to a degree. The crayons melted but I forgot they were out there so I missed my opportunity to smear the colors together....that was supposed to be "part 2". I will try again today.
What are you growing Anthea?

I've planted a variety of lettuces, spinach, rocket, chives, peas, and some forget-me-nots and calendulas (which my son chose). Later in the season I'll plant tomatoes, beans, beetroot, Swiss chard, and some other stuff, but we have to build some raised vegie beds first! It's on the cards though, we have somoeone to do it, just have to finalise size, shape etc. should all be ready in the next month or so. Can't grow lemons and limes here, unfortunately, because of gall wasps. There are a lot of mature trees in our neighbourhood which are infected, and their owners don't cut off the branches and dispose of them properly, so any new tree that you try to grow just gets overrun. A real shame, I would love a lime and lemon tree.
I've planted a variety of lettuces, spinach, rocket, chives, peas, and some forget-me-nots and calendulas (which my son chose). Later in the season I'll plant tomatoes, beans, beetroot, Swiss chard, and some other stuff, but we have to build some raised vegie beds first! It's on the cards though, we have somoeone to do it, just have to finalise size, shape etc. should all be ready in the next month or so. Can't grow lemons and limes here, unfortunately, because of gall wasps. There are a lot of mature trees in our neighbourhood which are infected, and their owners don't cut off the branches and dispose of them properly, so any new tree that you try to grow just gets overrun. A real shame, I would love a lime and lemon tree.
I commend you on your efforts. I've never really gotten the hang of a veg garden here in the desert. I can't seem to produce much before the heat messes it all up. I could probably grow cotton, but you can't eat that! Send us some pics when you get your raised beds!
Hello, people! It's been quiet around here as we all seem to be busy - what with crayon melting, pea planting, house selling and jack white watching.....no wonder we've not been around much! Good luck to everyone with your endeavors! xxx :D

Who wants to come up with the next cool avatar change? Or community story? Or limerick? :D

Jack White watching is sooo time consuming! :D I must confess I have also been spending time on two new word games I have discovered, which you wordsmiths out there might enjoy: Bonza and Hexiled. Bonza is a different take on a crossword puzzle, where you are given groups of letters and you have to fit them together, crossword style. There will be a clue to help you, which might be a theme which connects the words. In Hexiled you have to form words from letters on the board, which then disappear, and you work your way to the edge to "escape" the board within a time limit.

Avatar could be a pic of whatever we have been up to recently... Make way for a Jack attack!:D
I am prepping my house for the market, so I had to move some things to storage! Well, I hired these guys...not a bad morning at all! ;)
Yes, Donna. I am moving. Right now I'm prepping the house to list it, so I had to "clear the clutter"! :)

Anthea...when you come to visit, I'll hire them back to carry in your luggage! ;)

Val, natch I took really good care of them because they took really good care of me!!! Life is gooood!!!
What the heck! Carolyn are u moving?

A very, very good morning! :D Need some help? :D

You must have magic powers to get 4 guys together and willing for a photo. I hope you took real good care of them, Carolyn!
Yes, Donna. I am moving. Right now I'm prepping the house to list it, so I had to "clear the clutter"! :)

Anthea...when you come to visit, I'll hire them back to carry in your luggage! ;)

Val, natch I took really good care of them because they took really good care of me!!! Life is gooood!!!

Okey dokey. I'd better invest in a larger suitcase.:)
Poll: Should I delete one of my GC "friends" because her farm has had a "!" for days and days, but, having combed every inch of her farm, I find it's a false alarm? It's making me crazy every day to see her farm on my list of "friends who need help". It's happened before, but never for this length of time. She also hasn't played since July 28th - another unforgivable offence! :mad: Thoughts?

Don't punish her for the "!", because she has probably got the glitch. We all get it from time to time and it is beyond our control. When you go to her farm, the "!" should be visible next to her avatar at the top of the screen if she genuinely does need help. If it's not there, don't waste time combing through her farm, because she has either got the glitch orhas already been helped.

However, her secondary crime of not playing for nearly a week is, as you say, quite unforgivable. For this, I suggest that she be not only unfriended, but paraded publicly and placed in the stocks. I mean, really, does she have a life or something??? o_O (This is the face I use if I can't find the appropriate one, I have no idea what it means.)
First of all, let me say that I, too, love the o_O, and find that he does an adequate job of expressing the "je ne sais quoi". Occasionally, I find this one:rolleyes: a handy substitute when o_O is overplayed.
Now, regarding my little friend problem. I don't think its a glitch, because I know what you mean when it is a glitch - the "!" Is there, and then when you go to their farm it disappears. However, in this instance, the "!" never goes out. It's always on. And I've tapped every square inch of her farm - nothing!!! I feel she warrants a deletion, and yes, a public humiliation. I was going to suggest she be publicly shamed by having to stand on a sidewalk with a sign that says "I haven't played HayDay for five days, and have lied all that time about my farm needing help." But then I decided instead she should have to state her actual weight and hip size, and post a non-photo-shopped picture of herself in a bikini. :rolleyes:Without make-up on. o_O Thoughts?

Ooh, you're harsh!! o_O :confused: I thought I was tough! :eek: I'm scared. :eek::eek::eek: I shall make a concerted effort not to make the "!" show up on my farm, unless I have a jolly good reason for requesting help. I would like to state for the record that I do play HD every single day, my neglected family will attest to this.

This is a bit of a conundrum. Nothing beats a public naming and shaming. However, if this person happens to be one of those few who actually looks good in a bikini without make up or photoshopping, then it will backfire somewhat. :oops: I find myself leaning towards the sidewalk with a sign punishment instead, although I would have to make a slight amendment and say "pavement with a sign" because I'm British and pedantic and can't help it. :confused:
Well, I see your point, but still, I'll take my chances, and demand a photo and all the details. Even if she's slim and gorgeous, we could make little comments like "oh, she's quite curvy": sure to send her slowly, but certainly down that slippery slope of decades self hatred and unnecessary dieting. Don't you agree? I say we risk it!
And I would've said "pavement", being also British, but here in the USA it's a "sidewalk", and the "pavement" is the road itself. I didn't want our American audience thinking I want the poor woman standing out there with her shaming sign in the middle of the road. I'm not a monster.
But actually, come to think of it, I don't think we even have an audience. I think (as I'm apt to do) that everybody's off having a lovely time, having their toenails painted, camping in the Pyrenees, hiking the Himalayas, assisting in an alpaca birth, or curing male pattern baldness. And that it's just me, left behind. Playing HayDay. And checking in on the IPF. Besides you, of course, Anthea - ;).

Oh all right then, let's demand that photo! But let's also make her stand on that slightly higher bit that's next to the bit where vehicles go. With a sign. And answer me this, if a pavement is a road, what's a road??

Well, quite! It's just you 'n' me, everyone else off having fun somewhere else. But not NEARLY as much fun as we're having. :D

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