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HayDay Friends Off-Topic

Frolicking thru the freesia ;)
Galavanting thru the gardenias
Laying in the lilacs

Dashing through the daffodils,
Easing through the eglantine,
Undulating through the euphorbias,
Advancing through the alyssum...

Escalating upward with Echinacea,
Delightfully enjoying delphinium,
Contemplating the wonders of Colombines....


Sorry had to...carry on....if out of sequence! ;)

Dancing through the daisies?
Barreling through the buttercups?
Jogging through the junipers?
Trotting through the trillium?
Haha, wonderful!
I downloaded the app and gave it a few minutes of my time until it required me to join some social media thing. I balked at that and promptly deleted it. I have gone on to live a happy, fruitful and productive life :). I only downloaded it because I saw you did, and thought "well, if Anthea plays it, it must be good!" I found the game quite soothing, and liked its simple lines and artwork, but couldn't see myself hooked on it.

That's strange, I wonder why I didn't get the social media thing? I also found it quite soothing, and it sounds good too, from the few occasions when I have played with sound on. Although it can be a little glitchy on the iPad, I have read it's smoother on a computer.
However your week ends... Right?? Lol! It is always to be enjoyed! I'm glad you are already embracing your Sunday and Monday! Dance and leap, my dear friend! Love to you! :)
Thanks Blondie. I can't Hay Day in the mountains...poor cell service, but the smell of pine is wonderful and the blue jays and chipmunks are quite entertaining. Hugs to all! Back on Thursday.

Enjoy your vacation, dear Val! Breathe in that beautiful pine smell, breathe it in so much that it still fills your lungs when you get back home. Love you! :)
HEY OFF-TOPIC GANG! Time to bring some fun back here!

OLDIES, BUT GOODIES... Name something from the past that would be fun to have around again.

Hand-cranks to roll up the car window :p
Yesssss!!! And you had to bring it in quick, before the birds pecked off the aluminum cap and drank the cream! :D

That's right! My gran used to scoop the cream off and put it on her cereal.

I also liked it when the ice-cream van used to drive down our street, but that doesn't seem to happen any more.
Does anybody remember when the milk was delivered by horse drawn wagons? They were still doing it until the early 1960's where I live. Back then we also had home bread delivery and travelling salesmen.

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