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HayDay Friends Off-Topic

We didn't have milk delivery when I was a child, but went to relatives every day with a small milk churn. They had cows, and in the evening, after milking, we got 1 or 2 l of the fresh milk for the next day. When my sister and I were old enough, we were sent there with the money.
These are all great!

I remember my Grandma had a washboard and a wringer! I used to help her was clothes. The dryer of course was a clothesline! :D I don't want these back, though! Lol!o_O
It would be great if you could thumb a ride you and be completely safe...or go to a bar and not have to watch your drink every second.
Hi Samantha!!! Yes, I've been extremely busy and exhausted!! Lol! We have had many private showings and we have a Canadian family who loved our home. They are contemplating making an offer...so, please say a prayer for their decision to be the right one for them! I've also been wonderfully busy writing my book! It is so exciting and I am thrilled with the story!

I did not feel the earthquake at all! Thank you both for your concern, though. I am doing quite well, Nancy! I've been spending time with my sister who just moved back here from Germany and my niece who flew to Cali before she starts school in Boston. We went to a cute little place to eat...a quaint French restaurant that Kevin recommended. It was charming. My sister got engaged a week ago, so that's been very exciting as well!

I do miss all of you...I will try to be more involved here! Lots and lots of LOVE to everyone!

Donna! Suggest an avatar change!!! o_O

Ohhhh, sell your house to the Canadians...they're such nice people!
HEY OFF-TOPIC GANG! Time to bring some fun back here!

OLDIES, BUT GOODIES... Name something from the past that would be fun to have around again.

Hand-cranks to roll up the car window :p

People who pump your gas and clean your car windows

Milk delivered every morning, in glass bottles.

Yesssss!!! And you had to bring it in quick, before the birds pecked off the aluminum cap and drank the cream! :D

That's right! My gran used to scoop the cream off and put it on her cereal.

I also liked it when the ice-cream van used to drive down our street, but that doesn't seem to happen any more.

These are all great!

I remember my Grandma had a washboard and a wringer! I used to help her was clothes. The dryer of course was a clothesline! :D I don't want these back, though! Lol!o_O

It would be great if you could thumb a ride you and be completely safe...or go to a bar and not have to watch your drink every second.

Speaking of which, back in the day, my friend and I used to hitchhike between pubs and between villages :eek:....it doesn't bear thinking about these days! Good lord, can you imagine?

Given I'm only 27 many of these things are foreign to me but sound like fun! I read about Fuller Brush men going door to door in a history book once......
Sam, just for you. Looks like you might not have missed much here:


Day 1 of X-Fest featuring Jack White, Stars and Fitz and the Tantrums light on nostalgia, heavy on the good vibes
......Closing the night out was the epitome of alt rock now, Jack White. Yes, we can safely say, up to now, his best artistic days are as one-half of the White Stripes, despite other post and present outlets such as supergroup The Raconteurs and his two-album solo career. But he still keeps on keeping on.

And White’s set stretched from them until now, featuring White Stripes’ material such as Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground, the cool country Hotel Yorba and, of course, the ubiquitous arena anthem Seven Nation Army to The Raconteurs’ Steady, As She Goes and newer solo tunes like Blunderbuss.

All of it was hammered home in a way that was as expert as it was seemingly indifferent. Yes, he sounded great — his guitar downright nasty at times and his voice the right, sinister mix of scream and wail — and his band was sensational and voluminous, but it also seemed like just another night for Jack White and hammered out as if he had a cab waiting. The man is that talented that he can sleepwalk through an hour on a stage and there are very few who will notice.

Unfortunately when you do, despite how amazing it sounds and the memorable material that he channels, it still comes off as just another night at the rock game.

Then again, maybe that’s just someone pining for something more.
Does anybody remember when the milk was delivered by horse drawn wagons? They were still doing it until the early 1960's where I live. Back then we also had home bread delivery and travelling salesmen.

I don't miss the travelling salesmen! We bought a set of encyclopaedias from one and I used them for years for school projects.

I like home bread delivery. Sadly, we are about to lose daily post deliveries here.
I liked it back in the olden days, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, and you could go to a restaurant and not have a mobile phone in front of everyone, or clamped to everyone's ear. You know, when people actually had a conversation over dinner. Although of course, this is all hearsay to me, as I am also of Nancy's vintage, about to turn 28 next month, and worried about getting old. ;) :eek:
I liked it back in the olden days, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, and you could go to a restaurant and not have a mobile phone in front of everyone, or clamped to everyone's ear. You know, when people actually had a conversation over dinner. Although of course, this is all hearsay to me, as I am also of Nancy's vintage, about to turn 28 next month, and worried about getting old. ;) :eek:
Ah yes, those cells are a blessing and a curse.
I miss getting letters in the mail. Nobody writes anymore! Now the most exciting thing is a coupon circular for Walgreens :(
Aw, I'll write you a letter Sam. I used to correspond with my Gram (another one I dearly miss). The most exciting thing I get in the mail is an order from Etsy....Amazon orders usually come UPS.
Does anybody remember when the milk was delivered by horse drawn wagons? They were still doing it until the early 1960's where I live. Back then we also had home bread delivery and travelling salesmen.
I wish I had both, Sci. Well, maybe not the horse poo in my driveway!:eek:
Hey Off-Topic Gang! Its time for QUOTABLE QUOTES! Pick an old favorite or a new one that you just discovered and share it.

"Love, whether newly born, or aroused from a deathlike slumber, must always create sunshine, filling the heart so full of radiance, thus it overflows upon the outward world." ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

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